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Everything posted by OneMoreFarang

  1. I think a very smart move which many girls seem to know is to let the guy suggest spending money. I.e. they tell him the buffalo is sick. And the guy asks if he can help, maybe pay for the buffalo doctor and medicine. They tell him their house is old and when it rains its wet inside. No problem honey, I can pay for the repair. How many guys gave money to their girl because she demanded it, and how many gave her money to help her and make her happy?
  2. That reminds me of many years ago, no internet, email, etc. I was on holiday here with a girl I met in Pattaya. All fine, I didn't want to marry her. When I was back home, I received a litter from her. It was printed and looked like this: Hello _________ How are you? I miss you. And I miss our great time in _________________ last _______________ (to be continued) She sent me the printed form which she was supposed to fill out with my data and send it to me handwritten. So, it seems, some girls teaching others how to do that exist already since a very long time.
  3. One thing which I recommend you make sure is that your walls are straight and plumb, and the angles are exactly 90 degrees. With my recent renovation I somehow assumed this is something we don't have to talk about. Yeah, so much about assuming and all that... For anything you do later straight and plumb and 90 degrees make life so much easier. Tiles on the floor and walls Cabinets Any difference is headache. In any future project I would insist on max 3mm imperfection - I wonder how many Thai builders would accept that and be able to do that.
  4. My internal walls (in a condominium) are 10cm thick. When I have a switch on one side of the wall and another switch on the opposite side, then there is a hole between the walls. I use 20mm pipes for the electrical cables. Pipes on the same wall on the opposite site are possible - just about. When I drill screws in the wall, i.e. to hang the kitchen cabinets, I have to check the back side of those walls for cable pipes. Personally, next time, I would use at least 15cm thickness everywhere.
  5. I really don't want to hear that stupid argument anymore. A politician does something wrong. Is that a political crime and it should not be prosecuted? And if a politician commits a crime and the opposition publishes evidence about this crime and demands that that politician should be prosecuted, what then? Should we call that politically motivated prosecution and ignore it? Or is a crime a crime, independent of who commits it and independent of how it was discovered?
  6. She run away from an arrest warrant (or was she already under arrest). She should be punished for that one.
  7. I guess they decided she just followed orders. Nobody ever suspected that she made important decisions by herself.
  8. Obviously there are lots of greedy taxi driver in Bangkok. And they are easy to avoid. Don't step into any taxi which refuses to use the meter. And the taxi drivers who use the meter are IMHO mostly alright.
  9. Mafia = organized crime. I am pretty sure that definition fits. And I am sure the drivers are not keeping all the cash from the tourists for themselves. And about recovery. That's exactly what they do. Like: We missed income for a year. Now charge double to that we recover that loss. ;)
  10. Why does she want to stay in that taxi? The driver and her have obviously a "misunderstanding". Refusing to get out of the taxi won't make the situation any better. They are at a gasoline station and not in the middle of a dark road. She can just step out and avoid further trouble. Above is obviously no reason for the taxi driver to behave like that. But if she would just step away then this wouldn't happen.
  11. Are you talking about Thai clubs or clubs in countries with decent police? I think/guess in Thailand many owners and manager know that they can't expect much from the police. And they know that they will get away with a lot if they make sure to keep the police happy. So what do owners and managers do? They do whatever they want. And that's how they operate their business. TiT. Personally, I don't fear any problems like that. I don't deal with drugs, I don't take drugs, I don't play with the girlfriends of the wrong people, and I know when to shup up. It's not a good idea to mess around with the wrong people.
  12. Two questions: Does he want to continue to live in Thailand? Does he have money? That will probably answer why he does what he does.
  13. You provide your own answer. It's no reason to beat someone almost to death. That's why I am pretty sure there was another reason. And obviously that reason is also maybe no better excuse.
  14. I seems doctors are never wrong, they only maybe have a different opinion. So, what will happen with a doctor with a different opinion that that patient with the flu needs VIP treatment? Nothing!
  15. Really? Why would that do that? Does anybody believe there is not more to this story which was not mentioned?
  16. And then the taxi driver discovered that it was a cheap copy bought that night in a bar. ;) (I like to write for maybe 500B, that was what I paid 30 years ago. I don't know how the prices developed.)
  17. I work(ed) in two different companies, in both cases the documents were prepared in close cooperation of the company's external accounting and the visa agent. And lots of signatures. Both agents work the same way: They arrive (alone) very early at immigration, so they are in the first few people in line. They prepare everything is advance and do that full time. When I arrive (about 8:30 or 9) they meet me at the entrance of immigration and walk with me to the waiting area in front of the responsible officer. I wait a few minutes, the agent asks me to sit in front of the officer. The officer takes a picture. Thanks, that's it. I think sometimes a few minutes later the same with another officer. That's it, procedure done for a year. And a meeting in our office with the agent so that he takes a couple of pictures of us at work. I think that normally happens once a year. The agents walk in the working area with the officers like they are part of immigration. It seems they can go wherever they want.
  18. Did you expect that I post a picture of me and my gf in bed together? We don't sleep in the same position all night, she turns around, I turn around, and all that. But mostly we touch each other. And probably for hours, every night, we sleep "spoon spoon" We life together since forever and we both like to sleep like that since forever.
  19. I am surprised how many guys here like separate bedrooms. I am happy with my gf and cuddle when we sleep. I thought that's what everybody prefers - but apparently that is not the case.
  20. Obviously it depends. For my Non-B visa (extension) they want many documents, maybe 50 pages or more. And obviously almost all of that is in Thai. If I would go there alone and the officer would ask me about any detail, I wouldn't have any idea what to do. I remember when I applied for a Non-B visa in the embassy in Phnom Phen. The woman behind the counter, who works there since years, complained that the name of the company in the work permit is wrong. Luckily I knew about that "problem", just look at the end of the work permit where the renaming of the company was registered. I don't know if many of those officers don't know any better or if they enjoy p@#$# off people.
  21. It doesn't drive me mad. But I agree it is annoying. There should be at least a link: click here to see the video.
  22. I am just guessing here, but I guess some shops are happy to sell i.e. 50 almond croissants a day and that's it. Maybe they would sell 70 on a good day, so they could stock 70. But if they only sell 55 on another day, then 15 of them are wasted, and nobody wants to buy a croissant from yesterday on the next day - at least not for full price. Consequence: Stock what you are sure you can sell and that's it. No leftover, no loss, no headache.
  23. How long do you want to own that helmet? Do you want to take it with you wherever you go? Or lock it to your bike? Personally, I have a medium quality helmet and I leave it with my bike. Until now I had two helmets stolen over about 15 years. I guess that is somehow acceptable.
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