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Everything posted by OneMoreFarang

  1. Is that something special for golf or do some people say some things about any kind of sport. Like, why don't they give each of those football players a ball then they don't have to run around and fight over one ball. I don't care about golf, and I don't care about most other sport. With golf players it seems at least some of them like to show off their golf clothes and big golf bag like: Look, it's me, I play golf.
  2. Let's say there are 100 people in a restaurant. 90 "normal" and 10 from the LBGTB+/- whatever community. As far as I am concerned all should be treated equal. And equal means equal, not a special "we are inclusive" treatment or rainbow colored toast or whatever.
  3. I understand that part if I see a beautiful mother with child. But if I would see her without child that wouldn't make her less attractive. And that is real life. How does a mother look on porn compared to a no-mother? Stretch marks?
  4. I don't know any straight man who wants to live like a gay. Because if he would live like a gay then he would be gay. It's kind of obvious.
  5. Yes, in some cases that makes sense. In my case I live in a high floor in a condominium. It takes 5min or maybe more to get to the level where the delivery guys are. It's understandable that they don't want to wait a long time. On the other hand it is not easy predictable when they will arrive, and the ETA information in apps is often wrong. For that reason, prepayment makes sense, at least for my gf and me.
  6. It never takes long for the bigots to show themselves and talking utter nonsense Why do you claim above comment is from a bigot? It is an opinion that minorities shout and make a lot of noise because they think they are so important. They are not.
  7. Drag queens are by definition sexualized. They wouldn't exist without that attribute. Almost everybody agrees that children should be kept away from "adult entertainment", because it is for adults, who understand sexual interaction and fantasies. Children don't think about sex. And there is no reason to make them think about it until they are old enough and think about it by themselves. It's called puberty.
  8. What is the purpose of such stunt? Do they children learn more from books when some drag queen reads them? Or is that just a stupid stunt for woke parents and nobody cares about the children?
  9. I think all of above is normal. What is not normal these days when in most new movies there is at least one character like that. And often it is totally unrelated to the story. They just need someone special for some do-gooders-quota.
  10. I agree. It seems there is some kind of index for movies (not sure if only the USA or where). If movies include gays and blacks and some tribe from the amazon and maybe a few rare animals, then they get more points than movies for normal people. It's a strange world out there these days. When I was young, we had heroes like Dirty Harry. I am sure these days nobody would dare to make movies like that anymore.
  11. Option 1: That information is incorrect. Option 2: People who use that site are strange. Looking at real life in Bangkok bars: How many guys go there to find a MILF or granny? And how many guys want exactly the opposite?
  12. Thanks for all your replies. Until now I guess True money wallet is probably a good option. I guess refill, when necessary, with 5000B or so and that is then the max possible risk.
  13. My gf, who is not very familiar with banking and finance, wants to use online payment for food orders like Foodpanda and online shops like Lazada. She is concerned that maybe she presses the wrong button or something like that and money is lost. What are the best options for Thai people to do such payments. I ask for Thais because I know for farangs some options don't exist. It would be good if the same payment method is usable for most online payments. The most important part it that fraud and misuse is minimized. Thanks
  14. I would really like to know if girls these days are naiver than years ago. Do they trust a guy who they just met online? I am sure lots of online available girls go with guy to hotels and apartments, and they charge for their service. But do girls who look for a boyfriend or husband do that? Especially if they just met the guy for the first time hours ago? Are there really naive girls out there who don't know what the guy has in mind? I think that is somehow hard to believe.
  15. Maybe he should have given her 3k and she would also have shined his shoes. Apart from that, if he actually raped her then he should go to jail. It was obviously naive of her to go with him to his apartment, but that still does not give him the right to do what he wants.
  16. Recently I see sometimes nice-looking Thai ladies in my condominium who show people around. Property agents. It seems someone discovered that buyers don't only look at the official property for sale. Like: How can such a pretty nice lady lie - impossible.
  17. How much did he pay? Can he afford to write that off? Does the company which he paid has any money? Because what is the point to hire and pay a lawyer and maybe after years get a verdict that he should get the money back but there is no money. I guess he learned an important lesson: Don't make "investments" like that.
  18. I can think of more questions. But I don't want to confuse you with those questions. It seems you are not a curious person.
  19. I read in another article that he met her in a nightclub. I guess that gives him reason to believe that she was already 20 (I am not sure about the current entry regulations). And then it was reported that he left together with her from that club at 3:30am and they arrived together at a short time hotel. What did she expect? That he gives her a good night kiss and wishes her good night? I don't know any girl who would go with a guy in the middle of the night to a short time hotel and does not expect to have sex. But maybe he met that one in a million girl who was naive and just wanted to cuddle. Maybe, just maybe.
  20. I think it is typical in Thailand to apologize. And that can be apologizing for all the trouble or the bad publicity and all that. Like when someone is accused of ruining that wonderful reputation of Pattaya or so.
  21. Total about 18,000 USD. Sure, that is the typical pocket change we all leave under the seat of a bike. Or maybe not?
  22. Maybe it's time to ask Mr. Kirk a few questions. Or does anybody else here know anybody who would leave any or that under the seat of a bike?
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