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Everything posted by OneMoreFarang

  1. I watched the video. After the initial attack, which possibly she couldn't avoid, she is fighting with the robber about her bag. At least I read too many news stories where this behavior goes terribly wrong. Maybe hospital, maybe worse. Whatever was in that bag can't be so important to risk your health and life - at least IMHO. A long time ago I spoke with an ex-drug addict. She told me that many drug addicts do those robberies to get enough money for their next shot. The addicts are desperate, and they don't act rational. They want their fix and don't care about anything else - including the life of other people.
  2. Really? And then, where do they go? To Brazil? Or maybe the USA or UK? I would bet there are more knife crimes in those countries.
  3. I guess she can always claim she lived in Afghanistan and the Taliban want to kill her or something like that. ;)
  4. It's not necessary to bring any money. Just make sure you/she arrives in the appropriate way.
  5. Will you bring a truck with a water gun or what is on your mind?
  6. What would you do if you see a guy with a knife attacking somebody? Would you try to fight the guy with the knife? I am sure some people could do that. But how many of us are able to disarm a guy with a knife?
  7. She risks her life to save her bag. Is that smart? IMHO the best resistance in such cases is no resistance.
  8. Obviously, this shouldn't happen. But it does - all over the world. Now, how should the victim react? Hold on to her bag and defend it with her life? NO! Just give the thief that bag and live another day - hopefully with few or no injuries. People get killed in these attacks. Is your bag so important to risk that? Hopefully the police will arrest those robbers and charge them with attempted murder and lock them up for a long time.
  9. GammaGlobulin is on my ignore list since a long time. But I still see his and other threads from ignored posters on the side. Is a headline like really the best you can do? Next question: Will it be hot next summer? Yes. Topic closed.
  10. Not really. But I think it's one of those moments which shows how times have changed. I guess many restaurants want many customers. Or maybe they want just enough customers to run their business. Now the old lady cook has to decide if she can have 10 minutes off just to sit and maybe talk with a friend, or if that would upset the 50 people who wait to get a seat. She could (and probably has already) also employ additional chefs. But then she has to train them, quality control of the work of others, etc. Just more work for herself. And of course, she won't have many of her regular neighbor customers left who visited her years ago. Nobody wants to wait an hour before you can sit down for lunch. It's all nice to make some money, and some more money, but if that ends up in 24/7 stress then at least I wouldn't want it.
  11. As far as I know those rooms are not available anymore since Covid, or maybe even before that time.
  12. Will the servers be in Thailand? Will the service people be Thai people in Thailand? Hosting is in principle simple but in real life it requires experts and maintenance. Personally, I would avoid Thailand. Professional hosting in the USA and Europe is cheap. Why not let the professionals do it?
  13. And now? Will those thieves pay for all the cables and the damage? Will the police check to whom they sold the cables? Will the police arrest those people? A crime like that only works with many people working together.
  14. There was a time with gay people and lesbians. Now it seems they are all part of LBGTQ+/- whatever. I saw interviews with Douglas Murray, who is gay. According to him in real life the Ls and Gs don't mix, and definitely not with the T and whatever else. But the so-called activists like to mix all together is a very loud way.
  15. By now it is obvious that many kids are confused. For a long time, people only saw two options: male and female. Every child knew to which group they belonged. And if a boy played with a doll or a girl played with a toy gun then maybe people thought that is a little unusual, but nobody questioned if now the boy is a girl or the girl a boy. Recently certain people, including clinics who want to make a ton of money, try to confuse kids. You are a boy and you played with a doll? That obviously means you want to be a girl. No problem, we give you hormones and do some operation and you will be a girl - or maybe not? Unfortunately, too many kids and parents follow those charlatans. And often that is a one-way street. You can't make a boy to a girl. And if you tried and then the half girl/boy wants to go back that is impossible. Yes, there are very few people who are "in the wrong body". They can visit psychologist and talk about their feelings and experiences. And if, after years of therapy, they still want to change, then they can do that after they are adults. Watch and learn about the horrible consequences:
  16. I guess that is not what you want. But then, maybe, you like it. บริษัท เดอะ เพิร์ล คอร์ปอเรชั่น จำกัด , อลูมิเนียมโปรไฟล์ , อลูมิเนียมเฟรม , อลูมิเนียมคอนเวเยอร์ , แคลมป์นก , พลาสติกวิศวกรรม , อะคริลิค , ALUMINUM , TOGGLE CLAMPS , ENGINEERING PLASTIC , ACRYLIC (thepearlcorp.com) I made a desk like that and will do a lot more with it in the near future.
  17. Imagine you are famous and just want to eat something. But anywhere you go are hordes of people watching you all the time. It must be horrible - at least that is what I imagine.
  18. That reminds me of one of those times in Nana. A guy selected the fattest woman on stage, and it seems he enjoyed it tremendously. Everybody according to their taste.
  19. Some time ago I wondered what kind of work those IQ 80 people do. After experiencing many delivery drivers, I found my answer.
  20. Maybe that is that new trend about inclusivity. Everybody gets a medal and is a winner and all that.
  21. Obviously, that is no surprise. What I still find amazing that Thai people again and again vote for (often the same) corrupt politicians and then they somehow expect to have an honest and competent government. That is mission impossible. Is that really so difficult to understand?
  22. No. But on pretty girls it looks kind of sexy. ;)
  23. Maybe you noticed that I wrote "normal" like this. What else should I call not LGBTQ+/- whatever people? There are not too many letters left from the alphabet. And normal is not such a bad word for normal people. Normal people can have children and propagate. That is essential for the survival of mankind.
  24. Where is home for you? Looking at the country where I grew up and many other major countries like the UK, USA, and others, I think Thailand is not so bad.
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