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Everything posted by OneMoreFarang

  1. I had IKEA meatballs together with soda for something like 160 THB. Great value.
  2. I am often in Terminal 21, which is very near to my home and I like it more than any other shopping mall. They have easily accessible lifts on two sides so it is easy to just go to one shop and get out again. And anybody who likes to ride elevators and stroll through the floors also has that opportunity. It's sad when some malls, including Emsphere, basically force people to walk in circles.
  3. So maybe you picked the wrong wife. I am often for weeks 24/7 together with my gf. And we like it. Then maybe she is a couple of days up country to visit the family and then again 24/7. All is fine - most of the time.
  4. Imagine she would have said you are soft work... ;)
  5. My long term gf takes care of the "house" and me. Cleaning, cooking, and all that. I don't want to do any housework, and someone has to do it. My gf is comfortable doing that, otherwise I would hire a maid. Her education is minimal. People would only hire her for minimum wage jobs or "entertainment". There is no point that she works all day and then her income is 10% of the total income. If I would ever have a new gf I wouldn't want one who works full time. Then she has no time for me. So, what's the point?
  6. They still make it difficult in Bangna but at least they have a few hidden shortcuts. I guess if one is often enough there then you know how to get best from A to B. In Sukhumvit it seems they have no shortcuts at all. I don't want to think about the disaster if there would be a fire and people just want to get out.
  7. I just returned from there. They have a good selection. But less than in Bangna. Before I visited them, I looked online for some options of the PAX wardrobe. My idea was to see in real life how things look like. I.e. for sliding doors, I saw maybe 70% of the selection which they have online. I asked them and they told me that I have to visit Bangna to see the full selection. And it seems they don't plan to change that. What I also find annoying it that it seems they insist everybody must walk around their whole shop through all sections to be able to get to a specific section. You want to see a bed? Walk through half of the shop zig and zag and zag and zig. You want to go out again? Continue with zig and zag and zag and zig until the exit far away. I didn't see any shortcuts and the people who work there also didn't know any shortcut. Annoying! But it seems that is a standard feature from IKEA shops. The IKEA restaurant is in the middle of the shop. Lots of walking to get there and get out again. But it's cheap and good quality. The meatballs cost about 150THB. Soda water another 20B. Not bad for the middle of Sukhumvit.
  8. I just returned from there. It's not bad. But some things are annoying - like in many shopping centers. Motorcycle parking: Way too little space for all the bikes and no organization. Double parked and lanes blocked, and nobody cares. Where is a lift? They seem to hide them. Not floor 1, 2, 3. No! G, GM, M, 1, 2, 3... Why make it easy if you can also annoy everyone? Elevators: For every floor it is necessary to walk around to the other side, and again, and again. Annoying. IKEA: As expected, fewer products than Bangna. Some good news: Big lanes for cars and trucks that even a stretch limousine should have no problems. Parking seems to be free in the moment. I finally found a big room with many lifts. It seems I was the only one who used one of them. Hidden in some corner without sign.
  9. Maybe you did it already, make also sure you know all your passwords. Or extract them from your PC before you send it out. NirSoft has great software to do that.
  10. Contact MS by phone. You have to send the device to them, and you will get a repaired one or new one returned. I did this before (I think two times) without problems. As far as I see that should be done on warranty. Don't forget to backup all your data!
  11. I saw such "documentary" before and at least what I saw in the "documentary" had little to do with real life. Maybe they find one girl who is 17 and was forced to work in a bar by an abusive parent or boyfriend. And then they pretend everybody is forced to work there. And then there are abusive customers. Sure, they exist, and it's sad they exist. But it seems those are not too many. And they come from all over the world. When a documentary is produced by feminists and NGOs with a mission then we shouldn't believe too much of it. As an alternative, maybe Thailand should show some documentary about the Reeperbahn in Hamburg. I am sure there are interesting facts to report and information which can be twisted to make it look worse.
  12. Obviously all is fine if nobody broadcasts what's going on. I think I remember some Thai police officers confirmed recently that there is no prostitution in Thailand.
  13. And then some people are still surprised why politicians and other high ranking officials do whatever they want. Lock them up and keep them in jail! Do that often enough and maybe something will change to the better.
  14. How many intelligent individuals did you meet already in Pattaya?
  15. Never fight! Apologize, even if you didn't do anything wrong, and walk away. Many Thais fight without remorse. And they do it in packs.
  16. Even if they don't share that information, be careful what you do - or your friend. Let's say you still have 11 months until you have to extend your visa and maybe you think if nobody shares any information then all will be fine. But imagine that after 10 months, for whatever stupid reason, someone at immigration finds out that you used for the last 10 months a visa which was not valid for you anymore. Then this is legally, as far as I know, the same as having no visa. So, you just overstayed for 10 months - and that might have consequences. I know a guy who had a business visa and then he retired and didn't change his visa. And when he left Thailand many months later, he was told that he didn't have a valid visa anymore for several months because he didn't work anymore. I don't remember the consequences for him. Just be aware that there might be consequences.
  17. Anybody who observed him for the last 20 years knows he is corrupt and thinks he is special and above the law. To me it seems many Thais think some people, like him, deserve to be special and get the VIP treatment. Like: He gave us 500B extra, now he can have some millions extra, no problem. It doesn't make any sense, at least as far as I see. But then, looking at which politicians people vote for in other countries, nothing should surprise us.
  18. I wrote it before: Don't count any day which he is in hospital as a day served in prison. Only count days which he spent in prison as days in prison. Then he can still stay a year in hospital and then start his time in prison until he stayed there for 365 days or whatever his current sentence is.
  19. Just ask any prisoner who thinks he is at least as sick as Thaksin come forward and look how they are treated. How many prisoners have a similar VIP treatment? How many had ever such a treatment? Is Thaksin the sickest prisoner who ever existed in Thailand? It would be easy to expose this criminal - if people would be allowed to expose it without bad consequences. If I would be working to treat this sick patient, would I come forward and tell the press or social media that he isn't really that sick? No, if I want to keep my job and health and life.
  20. Loan sharks wouldn't exist on the scale they exist in Thailand if many so called authorities wouldn't be involved in that business. When police officers are working with the loan sharks who will police them? But then, it's not only loan sharks. It's almost funny when Thai politicians pretend they don't know that.
  21. I would prefer her with 5kg less. But sometimes we have to compromise. ;)
  22. And then there is the question: Do you really want to drive around like an Elon Musk fanboy?
  23. You could say the same about dating girls. Same procedure, different girl, repeat. But somehow, it's still fun for most of us.
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