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Everything posted by OneMoreFarang

  1. By whom? Very few people want to stay out longer. Later closing times often only means business starts later and ends later.
  2. We all know that many venues have regular visits from the police, to drink tea or something similar. Maybe the police should schedule these visits to closing time and then actually work a little. I know it would be unconventional for the BiB to actually do something, but maybe there are miracles one day. We can hope.
  3. What a stupid idea! How long should they sober up until they can drive? Maybe until noon? And then I read the venues should call friends of the drunk people to bring them home in the early morning. Wait for that phone call at 4am. As usual, lots of action, not so much thinking. In other words: TiT.
  4. I don't remember where I read it. But it seems Thailand has a relative high education budget and spending over decades. And it seems they always have politicians an officials which are unusually rich. I don't think it is too difficult to figure out how to do better education - if that is what they really want. Competent teachers would be a good start. But do they really want better educated people? I don't think so.
  5. Maybe ask an accountant. Before I opened my company, I spoke with two lawyers and then an accountant. The accountant seemed to be more knowledgeable - and charged less.
  6. Do you have a person or garage who takes regularly care of your car? Ask them.
  7. "Options following a failed marriage." Where you go and what you do are obviously important questions, like you ask. But what about a relationship? Do you want to have a new girlfriend or maybe even marry? Or maybe? Or sure not? I think depending on your idea about that future that will influence the questions which you ask. Personally, I wouldn't recommend moving to the village of your possible new wife. But I guess if you are in a relationship then maybe it is also important if she wants to live on the beach or near a town and questions like that. Also think about medical facilities. Where can you go (quickly) if you need a good doctor?
  8. Can't you rent one if you really need it? Obviously it depends on the country, but in some countries people who rent property have so many (annoying) rights that it can be a major headache to rent out your property. Repairs, misbehaving people in there, rent only partially paid. It can be difficult enough if you live nearby. But if you are far away it can be big headache.
  9. I have nothing "back home". I don't want to go there, and I don't want to rely on other people taking care of things "back home". I had property over there. I sold it. No (possible) headache anymore. Problem solved. Obviously if you are not sure then don't burn all your bridges. But if you are here for years and think you will stay here forever, then don't worry about "home".
  10. Singapore - Yes, really, that is the answer. It obviously depends on your data. If you have some bitcoin codes on the drive then maybe you want to spend lots of money to try to save it. If it's not important, then not. Many external drives are, or at least used to be, internal drives in external cases. If you open the external case, maybe with force, then there is a good chance that you see an ordinary internal drive with a little bit extra electronic connected to it with a standard connector. Unplug the drive and connected it to a desktop PC or with an (USB) adapter to any PC. That is how many internal cases look inside:
  11. And I guess only fit people should be allowed to exercise, correct?
  12. One big is that many Thai drivers and riders just don’t know how to ride and drive properly. When I ride my bike, I often hear motorcycle riders complaining about car drivers. But the drivers often do nothing wrong. The bike riders just don’t know the rules and think they are right. That happens so often that I consider it just normal in Thailand. TiT.
  13. Please don't ask me for the exact word. I don't know it. And anyhow, I am sure they use a different word in Thai. Fact is, that an agent went with my passport to immigration maybe a week before the expire date. At the immigration office they "canceled" it (replace canceled with whatever word you think fits best). It was still valid until the same date as before. Strange but true. And I confirmed with two independent people that that was the way to do it.
  14. It could be worse. Imagine those beach female whales walking like that in the city...
  15. If this would happen within months, then you would have problems. I don't know what happens after years. Recently I stopped working for one company. I had a work permit and Non-B visa. The visa expired on date x. I had for the same date a flight booked out of Thailand. I thought with the last day of the visa the visa ends and that's it. Wrong! Before that date I had to return my work permit to the labor department. And my visa, which I thought expired anyhow, had to be cancelled. I did that and then I applied for a new visa and later work permit for a new company. All fine. I was informed that if I would not have followed the above procedures, then I could not have applied for a new visa and work permit. This happened this year.
  16. Be careful with poison. Because maybe one or more rats die in the wrong place where you have no access. And then imagine a rotten rat corpse somewhere where you can't remove it... I know about this problem from a bar with wooden wall panels. They used poison and a rat died somewhere behind those panels. Not good.
  17. Really? Where? I think it's funny when some farang think without them Thailand would collapse. It doesn't.
  18. Most or maybe all hospitals in Thailand want to make money. That is their first, second and third priority. And the best patients are patients who come again and again and again. I suggest keep that in mind before you agree to anything. Maybe your wife should follow the conventional way (first):
  19. What a joke! Will anybody switch off all the lights in Bangkok so that people will be able to see the starry night?
  20. So what do you do when you used your few hundred bucks of cash? How do you refill your wallet? With some form of plastic card interaction?
  21. I didn't count how many I met. But I often read about 70million of them and their views... And why is my comment racist? I didn't mention any race. As far as I know many Americans with any possible skin color like to use 4 letter words. And they use them at home in the states and also in countries like Thailand. And some might be surprised that most Thais don't like to hear those words. Obvious I don't know if this was the case with this guy. But as mentioned many times before it doesn't happen often in this country that people get attacked for no reason at all.
  22. I wrote: "It seems to me lots of Americans don't realize that their ghetto language might work at home but is not suitable for more civilized parts of the world." I didn't write "this guy" and I didn't write "all Americans". I know there are also lots of nice and smart Americans out there. And I am pretty sure that most of the smart and nice Americans don't get into trouble if they visit Pattaya.
  23. Nothing, really. I am not a fan of America and many Americans. And it's so easy to provoke them. Because they just know they are god's creation, the best of the best and all that.
  24. Like it or not, they are the people who live here and it's their country. You don't have to visit Thailand if you don't like it.
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