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Everything posted by OneMoreFarang

  1. Recently I heard a comment: Someone 3D printed a save-icon.
  2. If I would want to keep my job, then I also wouldn't talk bad about my boss in public.
  3. If Thai police would do their job, then there wouldn't be any prostitution in Thailand, because it is illegal in Thailand. If Thai police would only do part of their job, then they would at least prevent that girls under 18 or 20 work in bars. Obviously, they don't do even that. Furthermore, it is well known that police take money from many entertainment places so that they don't do their job. When will all those corrupt police officers be investigated and punished? And about that 17-year-old girl: Why does she work in a bar? Likely because her family didn't take care of her. Otherwise, she would likely be in school. And then, let's compare the life of a 17-year-old girl working in a bar compared to a 17-year-old girl with an older foreign boyfriend. With how many guys will she have sex in the bar? How many of them will not be nice? How many will have STD? Will she be drunk every day? So is the alternative, that she takes care of one guy, who takes care of here, such a bad alternative? Lots of situations in Thailand are f#$# up! Parents don't take care of their children, parents demand money from their daughters knowing well that the daughters prostitute themselves for the new TV and pickup. As far as I know there is no decent welfare system in Thailand. Girls, some under 18, do what they have to do to survive. And they do what they want to do when they choose between a factory job or a bar job where they make in 3 days what they make in the factory in a month. I suggest Thailand should sort out first all their corrupt politicians and police. After that problem is solved then they can start to worry about minor problems like this one.
  4. It doesn't really matter how sick he is. The question is how sick he is compared to the thousands of other inmates who are also sick. Is he, who arrived seemingly healthy on his private plane, the sickest inmate of all of them? And if there are maybe 100 inmates who are sicker than him, do they all get VIP treatment in hospitals for months? The Thai prison system should obviously be concerned about their inmates. If they are seriously ill, then they should get treated. And that applies to all inmates and all of them in the same way. A sick pick pocket thief should be treated in the same way that a politician is treated. So, how many other inmates are sick and how are they treated?
  5. I won't be happy. He ruined the life of so many Thais. He should be in jail, real jail, until he dies.
  6. Many of us like that. But not 24/7 until the end of our life. And no, don't open your own bar, even if you can afford it. It's a lot of work and often a lot of headaches to run it - even if it is busy and successful.
  7. Lots of people don't like their jobs. And to be fair, I also wouldn't like many of those jobs which other people do.
  8. To get an idea about material prices have a look at this site: OneStockHome is a platform for you to source building | OneStockHome As far as I remember they have many of these blocks in different sizes from different manufacturers. And about your builders, especially with double walls. Probably you assume walls should be straight and plum and have 90-degree angles. Yeah, good idea. Now try to explain that to Thai builders. Ask me why I know that. Somehow, I thought that is so basic that I don't have to mention it...
  9. What will you do when you "retire"? Personally, I work with computers, and I play with computers and electronics. Work and hobby are almost the same. If I wouldn't get paid for it, I would still do it - at least in general. I don't have any retirement plans. But I only do projects which I like. So I enjoy my "work" and have no reason to stop it. What will you do with your time? I guess something you like. And playing with the girls is nice but not really something you can do 24/7. So, what will you do? And will you do it just for fun or also to make money? Recently I watched a lot of videos from a YouTube channel M539. The guy worked in IT and he liked cars. Then he learned how to repair cars. Then more of the same. Now he does engine rebuilds from M5 and other expensive and complicated cars. He does it on YouTube and he enjoys it. And lots of people watch and he makes enough money to do what he likes to do. So, what do you like to do?
  10. Do you want to build a small house which will be usable for many years? Or do you want to build a cheap house and don't care about any other criteria? Looking first for the cheapest material and then for some builders is a recipe for disaster.
  11. It's almost funny that those huge illegal business can exist, sometimes for years. It seems our authorities somehow don't see them. Maybe someone should offer eye examinations for them. Or is it requirement to be blind, at least from time to time, to join those officials?
  12. "Thai Smile", "Smile Plus", "Silk Class",... I remember the times when they had economy, business and first class. But I guess that was too easy for the marketing department.
  13. Even worse, I also have logical and sensible friends - at least some of them are like that. ;)
  14. I guess they will also ask convicted criminals - at least one of them.
  15. And that changes with the legal situation. If the closing times are later then the places fill up later. Or the other way around.
  16. And don't let anybody pass who fails the tests. Edit: And make sure people officially fail the test if they fail the test.
  17. Let's pretend this is serious. What happens if a drunk guy walks out of the bar and they ask him where he goes. He tells them he will walk around the corner where he will look for a taxi or drive with a friend. But maybe his car is around the corner, and he will drive himself. Should the bar employees follow him to verify his story? Should they follow for a minute or 5 or 10?
  18. I know there are beds in those rooms. But I don't know anybody who booked such a room for an hour to sleep. ;)
  19. That might be true for some of them. Many of us know when we are too drunk to drive, and we don't drive. Any many of us know that if we go out and have some drinks that then we will not be legally able to drive. This is why we leave our vehicles at home.
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