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Everything posted by OneMoreFarang

  1. Thanks for all your information. I will check about the "street elbow". Do you know if what you write is also plumbers' (shop) common knowledge in Thailand? Or will they be confused when I ask them about a "street elbow"? And in general: If I (or anybody else) have at the time of installation only some parts with straight thread, is there a way to do this work also with straight threaded parts? Or is that bad work and should be avoided? Thanks!
  2. Thanks. Now what is a "street elbow"? Is the one in my picture a street elbow?
  3. Thanks Something like this female thread with PP-R pipe is in the wall.
  4. Ok, here is one of the thinks which I want to do. I want to exchange the existing chrome stop valve with a smaller valve to the side. This is behind the washing machine and the washing machine should be near the wall. I am not sure if I need the extension before the valve to have a little more distance to the wall so that it is easy to connect the pipe from the washing machine. The part to the right is just a converter for 1/2" to 3/4" which is what the washing machine pipe uses. Now: This is what I want, maybe with the extension or without.
  5. Thanks, I just tried 10 layers. And now I can't turn it to the end anymore with my hands. Maybe I will try one more with 15 layers or so. I better test this dry on my desk before I do this with the real water connections...
  6. Dear admins. I think it's time that you delete at least half of the comments which have nothing to do with the thread. It gets boring to skip lots of comments in the hope that maybe something interesting will follow.
  7. Probably you are. I see bignok's comments only when you reply. Otherwise I have him blocked. 😉
  8. Maybe this is an accident. The first is what I wrote. The second looks in your reply I it is a quote from me. But it's not. I am not yet so old. And I don't see the connection or any reply from you.
  9. I am confused about straight and tapered threads on brass and stainless-steel fittings and how to connect them. I looked at some YouTube videos and here is what I learned: If the threads are tapered, then use Teflon tape (with some rules how to use that tape). If the thread is straight and there is a rubber or O-ring, then don't use Teflon tape. It's not needed because there is already a seal. But how about a straight thread which does not have a seal included? I tried to connect the following two parts first without any tape (for testing) and I can turn it 6 times until it is at the end of the thread. And then I added 6 layers of Teflon tape, and I can still turn it with my hands until the end of the thread. I expected that I can only turn it maybe 4 times, but that is not what happened. I guess I could add pipe dope. But I am not sure if that is the correct way to do that. These connections have a straight thread. And then there is the question of how to connect straight and tapered threads to each other. It seems some of the fitting which I bought have a straight thread and some a tapered thread. I haven't worked out a logic what is what. The valve in the below picture has a tapered thread. I know that maybe I should ask a plumber to do the job. But these are only 3 little connections, work for 10min. And I like to know myself how to do that. Thanks
  10. I think the problem in Thailand is that whatever is advertised is maybe not what you get. It's like "organic vegetables". To checks that? Probably nobody, or it is checked like licenses for pubs or closing hours and things like that in Thailand.
  11. No, I can't. But then, until, except maybe two or three times while I was in school, I never needed such skill. Obviously, it would be nice to be able to defend myself. But I am sure going for a week or two to a "how to defend myself" course won't be good enough. And I don't want to spend hours every week somewhere in a "fight club".
  12. Thanks. I won't go there. I have already so many tools and I fear I would buy some more. 😉 Enjoy!
  13. If he is the owner then I guess he should be able to cut off electricity and water and maybe install a new lock. It's sad when that is necessary, but I assume he asked her to move out.
  14. Obviously they shouldn't do that. But I always thought it's the job of the staff to keep an overview. 10 people just walking away and nobody notice it until later sounds a little strange.
  15. Other ignorant imbeciles are just about able to put some emoji after a line of text without any useful comment. Great job!
  16. Who made those plans? Someone from the central government? Because I can't imagine it was a local official from that area. They know that some things can't be touched.
  17. Good that they protest. As long as they only protest nobody gets hurt. I don't want to think about the "health issues" for drivers of baht busses in the future. What will the tuk tuk mafia do if suddenly 90% of their previous customers will use baht busses? Somehow I don't imagine they will give up without fighting - and not with words...
  18. Additionally to above. Those are big boats. My girlfriend is relative sensible about getting sea-sick on smaller vessels. With that one, no problem at all. They have two different boats. One with a dinner buffet and one with a-la-carte. Until now I also was on the a-la-carte boat. The prices are reasonable, just like a decent (but not luxury) Thai restaurant. I think the boat tour itself is only 100B or so. It cost money because of all the food and drinks.
  19. I think it is not necessary to make a public spectacle out of killing somebody. For me it's enough that the guilty criminal (see my post above) is killed. No more crimes, no more cost.
  20. How about murderers and rapists have no place in civilized society. Get rid of them!
  21. I am a supporter of the death penalty. What is the point of feeding and housing murderers, rapists and other bad criminals. Kill them, problem solved. They won't do any harm anymore. The critical point is obviously that no innocent people should be killed. This is why there need to be no doubt at all that the person committed the crime. It seems with many murderers and rapists there is no doubt. Delete them from the earth. It will be a better place after that.
  22. I don't have an answer to above question but a comment about going back home. I grew up in Central Europe and I decided to move to Thailand when I was 30. I was/am happy here and I didn't go back for 20 years. And then I had to go back to my "home" for family reasons. It was not all bad. But that's the best I can say. There wasn't one minute when I was "back home" that I thought about staying there. It had obviously changed, but rarely to the better. To be fair, I met some interesting people back home who I didn't knew before. The communication was great with my mother language and same cultural background. I understand that people miss that when they come to Thailand. Obviously, if we move then we must be open to meet new people, and not only pretty Thai girls.
  23. I think people shouldn't blame Thailand if the don't know what to do when they retire. It was their idea to have that drink on the beach...
  24. The boat might be nice, but what's the point of a stationary "river cruise"?
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