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Everything posted by OneMoreFarang

  1. Do they have a river cruise? I think the place itself is a very overprices tourist (only) place.
  2. Home | riversidebangkok I like it, my Thai girlfriend loves it. A nice relaxing trip on the river with good food and reasonable prices. What I don't like are all the people who are constantly making selfies and selfies and selfies. But I guess that is what you get on any tourist boat.
  3. I think to be fair, part of that is what opportunities we have. Sure, it should be possible to pay for a night or two for a gorgeous bird. But that is no long term (months, years) option for most of us. There are some guys who are able to have every couple of years a new pretty young girlfriend. How many of us would say No if the pretty girls would line up to become the next girlfriend?
  4. When I met my girlfriend, she was young and pretty. Now, many years later, not so much anymore. But she is still a "nice girl". There was a time, a few years ago, when she started nagging. I told her don't do that, and first she just continued with this bad behavior. Then I made it 100% clear to her that she has two options: Be a nice girl, or I will find a replacement and that's it. She understood the message and after that no nagging anymore. We are not married and I don't plan to change that. As far as I see it, we might be together for all the future. And I think it doesn't hurt that she knows that in case she misbehaves too much then that won't happen. Signing a contract with a woman to support her for the rest of her life is, IMHO, not a smart idea.
  5. Maybe they are just not so obvious anymore and blend in. I knew a former manager of the Landmark Hotel, David. Later he was Davina. A nice old lady, you had to look twice to get doubts if she was born that way. This is just one example who I know. I guess it might be the same with others.
  6. I have no idea what that means. And you forgot the important part: I will be faster than you. 😉 And before this gets too serious, above was written as a joke. The 😉 is an indicator for that.
  7. It's annoying when the important parts are not published. If you want to publish a summary, then don't forget the important part. The following, from the article, was definitely an important part: "Danny exclaimed, “<deleted>!”"
  8. It's time that they repair them and remove the obstacles. If the traffic on the street is bad those sidewalks are always a welcome shortcut for us motorcycle riders. 😉
  9. Maybe you should visit India for a month or two. After that you wish you had only one hotel full of Indians. 😉
  10. Buying a condominium when you are in Thailand is one thing. Buying one without being in Thailand is another one. I bought one in Thailand, without a lawyer. I had a friend, who is a former property agent, supervising the process. No problem. If you are not in Thailand, then obviously you need someone who you trust with a lot of money. I would consider coming to Thailand to do it here yourself.
  11. I didn't look at the video I added in my post above. I saw many of his videos which are mostly about Apple hardware and their repair policies. He shows often enough that Apple charges enormous amounts of money to fix minor problems. It seems you are an Apple fan and if you want to buy their products and be happy with them then do that. For everybody else, who don't want to be ripped off, here is another video. I watched that one and Louis knows what he is talking about.
  12. Let's look when she will flee to Dubai like the others. It seems to be a family tradition.
  13. Good luck for you. Louis business is repairing Apple products and recovering data from Apple products. He does that since many years very successful. He couldn't do that successfully if Apple would do it themselves. I know not all Apple products fail and other brands have also their problems. This thread is about Apple and there won't be many people who are more qualified talking about the hardware and repair politics than Louis. Just watch some of his videos.
  14. I go all the time to a great little coffee shop in Sukhumvit and I drink my espresso there. They also sell the beans which they use. A friend buys from Starbucks. Pick what you like.
  15. I never saw him talking about iOS. I watched countless of his videos where he repairs the electronics - which is obviously very different from using the device. I selected one of his videos without watching it - because I guess most people are not really interesting in working on SMD parts under a microscope. What Louis shows in many of his hardware related videos is how Apple rips of the customers by making it hard to impossible to repair a device. The error might be a chip which usually cost max a few dollars. But Apple makes sure nobody can buy the chips so that they can sell replacement parts for hundreds or thousands of dollars. They also have some design flaws since years. And they do nothing about it. I think it is interesting that from an electronic engineering point of view Apple is by far not as good as many people think it is.
  16. They are for sure different. Growing up with smart phones and social media has consequences.
  17. Legalizing Casinos would be a huge problem. No tea money anymore for police officers to look the other way.
  18. There are enough specialty coffee beans available in Thailand. Just look around, test, and choose what you like.
  19. Probably the bike was in the place which the taxi guy thought is his parking place. That is obviously nothing that can be allowed to happen in Thailand.
  20. I wonder if that influential figure is on the list which is currently made up by the government. Or is he one of the influential figures which support the government and must be obeyed? TiT
  21. I would love to see a survey of PT supporters. Do they prefer the relatively young and inexperienced daughter of the criminal to follow his orders? Or do they prefer and older and at least half competent man to follow the orders of the criminal? Or would they want that the criminal is installed as PM when he is released from prison?
  22. Listen to the top expert. He repairs Apple products since years and he is very good at his job. The following video is not new. He has hundreds of more videos if you have a specific product in mind.
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