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Everything posted by OneMoreFarang

  1. I know almost nothing about that. But as far as I know professionals do this in a way that they have storage locations i.e. in Europe and the USA. If anybody in France or Germany orders, you ship from Europe. You ship i.e. 100 items one time to Europ and then distribute it over there. I think complete services like that exist. Obviously he can (try to do) every single step from buying, selling, shipping, collecting money, handling returns, etc. But maybe he wants to concentrate (at the beginning) on parts which he thinks he can do best. Maybe buying collectors cards relative cheap in Thailand. It's a lot of work to do all of that.
  2. Here are all the details for you: Aeron Chair - Office Chairs - Herman Miller IMHO: The perfect chair. I have one and I would buy it again.
  3. Another plumbing questions for which I would like an answer from someone who is qualified - before I ask Somchai. I will install a water heater which will supply the kitchen faucet and bathtub mixer. My water heater has only one output and I have to divide this to two outputs. And to be sure I want to add some valves. There is some space, but not a lot of space where the water heater will be installed. Obviously it is no big problem to combine a couple of valves and hoses and maybe elbows to get this working. But I wonder what is the best way to do it. How would a professional plumber do this? The following is my "working model". I just screwed things together to get an idea how this would look like. My questions and concerns are the following, in lose order: a) Is there "a rule" that it is not a good idea to combine a couple of "heavy" parts? If I do what I show in the picture then the output of the water heater is loaded with weight to one side. Maybe that makes it break or leak after a while. b) Is there a rule in which order to connect elbows and valves? The below parts are easy to assemble one after the other. But if i.e. the first installed elbow on the water heater would leak, then this can't be easily fixed without disassembling the rest of the parts. Is that acceptable? Or would a professional plumber do that differently to make it more service friendly? c) Where to put the output hoses? The way I assembled this now the elbows and valves are fixed to the water heater. The hoses to the faucet and mixer will be connected to the valves. I guess I could do this also in a way that I connect a hose to the output of the water heater, and then the other parts to that hose. If I do that, then the valves and elbows would not be fixed connected to the water heater. I guess that would be more service friendly. Would that be a better solution? Here are some preliminary pictures - just loosely screwed together.
  4. All rabbits do that to work out the pecking order. Male rabbits also do it for another reason...
  5. When I look at the ceiling from my condominium, then I see the pipes from the unit above me. I guess they are similar on most floors. On some of those pipes coming from above, I see P-traps under the floor = below my ceiling. But on some pipes that is not the case. These are example of what I see. One time P-traps under the floor. In those cases, I guess a pipe in the unit above straight to the floor is fine. But sometimes there is no P-trap below the floor. I guess there should be one above the floor. Option 1, P-trap under the floor. Option 2, no trap under the floor. Maybe in those cases it should be above the floor.
  6. In principle that is correct. But because of the (at least historical) possible consequences of sex, like having a baby, women are most of the time a lot more careful with their resources and desire.
  7. Thanks for your comments. I think thought I found one online: "Air Bleed Valve" https://www.lazada.co.th/products/floraflex-air-bleed-valve-20-34-34-i4697151092.html Edit: On further research it seems that valve does something different. Some more research... Next week I will ask the plumber.
  8. As far as I know most guys asks the bar girls first and they compensate them. At least I do that. But the desire to do this seems to be common to males of any species.
  9. Ok, how do you call a prime minister who committed crimes? There was lots of evidence and he was convicted. The fact that a criminal was also a PM doesn't make him innocent. If Thaksin would be innocent then he could point out wrong or fake evidence which was used to convict him. Did he ever do that or even mention this? No. Because there is no doubt that he is guilty as charged. Court cases are not always perfect. And it seems every ex-politician shouts "political prosecution" when they are prosecuted. That does not make them innocent. And about the people who removed Thaksin from power: Maybe they will be prosecuted one day. Or would you like to put them in prison without any court case?
  10. The drain below my kitchen sink is in the floor. This is in a condominium building. I have no experience with such things, but I thought there needs to be a S-trap installed, and that's it. Now I looked up that subject and it seems it's not so easy. I read this article which explains why a S-trap is a bad idea. Why S-traps are Illegal - And What to Do About them - Plumbing Sniper They also mention an "air admittance valve" in that article. I can't find anything with that name at HomePro or Lazada. What's the name of these things in Thailand? And are they commonly installed. I guess this is what I need: The good news is that even with an open pipe (now, before the installation) there is no smell. I plan to ask a Thai plumber. But I like to know the "correct" way to do this before I ask him...
  11. There is cheating, and there is having (paid) sex with someone else. I am pretty sure my gf never did anything with anybody else. And if she would, would I forgive her? It depends. Let's see this from the other way around. While I was together with my gf, I had a couple of times sex with other girls. Did I cheat? Not really. I saw the girls in bars, I wanted to f%^$^ them, and that's what I did. And then I never saw them again. No exchange of contact details, no loving feelings. Just sex. I think "just sex" is not really a big deal. I love my gf and can have just sex with someone else. If I would have a romantic dinner with another girl and kiss that girl, that would be cheating. Just sex, no cheating. So much for the theory. Would I want to explain this to my gf? No. If she would ever see another guy, I would ask her or myself: Does she love that guy? Or is it just sex. I think just sex is not really a big problem. I think the best solution is: Whatever you do, do it far away, don't get caught, and don't talk about. If there is no (visible) problem, then there is no problem to solve.
  12. Just in case nobody told you this already: After you write something you should wait a minute and read what you just wrote. And you can press submit, edit it, or delete it. In general, I think the 3rd option is the best for you.
  13. Wow, you remember I live in Sukhumvit. Great. But maybe you don't remember that I live here since before Thaksin started in Thai politics. I lived here every day of it and experienced it. I read the newspapers every day. You could try to educate yourself. But that is probably too much trouble for you. Just pretend you know it all. I am sure you practiced that part for years.
  14. I think it's interesting when many people here think they know all was planned in detail and all will happen according to those plans. Really? Why do you think so? And how do YOU know? I am sure Thaksin made some kind of deal because he obviously didn't want to spend many years in jail. But I don't think many people know the details of such deal, or deals. There are a couple of players involved. And some of those players can anytime change their mind. And then the plans are suddenly not so clear and obvious anymore. Thaksin has a lot of money and powerful friends. But he has also lots of powerful wealthy enemies. And the future of what will happen when Thaksin comes out of jail is still unclear. Will he openly return to politics? Will his enemies accept that. There are a lot of unknowns in the future. It is absolutely not clear and fixed what will happen in the next months. Lots of surprises can happen, including things which will surprise Thaksin. Let's wait and see. It won't be boring.
  15. You obviously didn't experience the last two decades in Thailand, otherwise you would know. You could look into a history book or old newspapers and learn.
  16. Another stupid post. Everybody can look up the crimes which Thaksin committed. The evidence was published everywhere. If you don't know or don't care doesn't mean there is no proof.
  17. Ok, I have to admit I didn't look at that little details. Thanks for pointing that out.
  18. Give him 5k and take it. He can remove the graphic card and sell it separately.
  19. And then there is this so called first world country. They think they are the leader of the world. And about half of their population wants more of the orange maniac. So much about "3rd world"...
  20. Which part is not real about a criminal going to jail for his crimes? There is no doubt that Thaksin did all those crimes. Why should he be out of jail? Because he is a politician and that makes his crimes political crimes? BS!
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