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Everything posted by OneMoreFarang

  1. Is it possible that your picture of working in the rice fields is a romantic dream which has little to do with reality? Maybe have a look at reality. Or just ask some of those girls work in bars why they are not living the dream in those rice fields.
  2. Sure, if they would all live in nice families, with enough money, and good schools, then most of them wouldn't do sex work. Now tell us, how do you suggest reality should be converted to this wonderful happy family land? I think we should look at reality and real options. And then it is not too difficult to understand why many girls do what they do - not only in Thailand.
  3. Really? Long time in a "rich country" far away I had a conversation with a prostitute. She could have worked in a normal job, and she could have made enough money for a reasonable life. I asked her why she didn't work in a normal job. Her answer: Do you think I am stupid? Why should I work the whole day when I can open my legs and make the same amount in 30 minutes? I understood her point of view.
  4. No, I am working, and I pay for our life together - just like most men (used to) do. She is taking care of our home, cooking, etc. That's the way I like it.
  5. Yes, sort of But I think we should see the huge difference between people (of any age) who are forced to work in prostitution and others who chose to do it. It seems all these cases are handled as if some criminals forced them to work there. I have my doubt that that is the case.
  6. I wonder if they wanted to be rescued. Was any of them forced to work there? Could they leave if they wanted to? Obviously it makes sense to have some regulations. But it also makes sense to look at reality. Lots of girls know what they are doing. And they do what they do because they make a lot more money than many others.
  7. What's wrong with meeting your future wife in a gogo bar? My one was the hottest girl on stage - and no tattoos at all.
  8. You imply that they think first before they get those tattoos. They don't, at least they don't think about possible consequences for the rest of their life.
  9. IMHO air circulation, maybe with some industrial fan, should be good enough.
  10. The duck test is a form of abductive reasoning, usually expressed as "If it looks like a duck, swims like a duck, and quacks like a duck, then it probably is a duck."
  11. I had a business visa (extension) for many years. Now I applied for a tourist visa. They told me already that I will only get one tourist visa now and I won't be allowed to apply for another tourist visa after this one expires. That is no problem for me. But I am sure it is a problem for people who try to be tourists for a long time.
  12. Let's turn this around for a moment: Are there any people which you avoid? Personally, I don't want to sit near someone who looks aggressive, is dirty, talks loud on the phone, an influencer, the list goes on and on. We all have our preferences. Probably I won't stand up right away because a person is not "perfect". But most likely I look for another place if a new arriving person looks like headache or problems.
  13. I don't think the problem is "a farang". The problem is most likely this specific farang, YOU. Lots of farangs don't have the problems which you describe. There might be reasons like: You smoke, or you smell bad, or your clothes are dirty, or you look like a criminal, or you look like a predator, or 100 other possible reasons.
  14. The Thai Embassy in Phnom Penh wants to see at least 1000 USD for a single person or 2000 USD for a family. That is according to their website. I gave them a copy of my up to date Thai bank book with more than that amount and that seemed to be good enough.
  15. This is the situation from the Thai Embassy Phnom Penh from today. According to the officer it is only possible to apply for a tourist visa one time. When the same person returns in 2 or 3 months then the person can apply for another visa, i.e. Non-B but won't be allowed to apply again for a tourist visa.
  16. I ordered a couple of those Sonoff switches, and I will install them probably next week. Then I will report if they do what I want (see above).
  17. If you have the money, then I don't think it makes a difference. If you have to borrow money from a bank, then it seems to make a big difference.
  18. No - as long as real meat exists why should I try artificial "meat"? It's like eating strawberries or something that is supposed to look like and taste like strawberries. What's the point of eating the imitate?
  19. Do you know if there is an order when people are paid? I know tax payments are highest priority. But then, will employees who didn't receive their salary for 5 months get their money before employees who didn't receive money for 1 month? Something like that?
  20. A Thai company exists since years, Thai employees, a few farang employees. For years business is fine, and everybody gets paid. Then the boss makes not so smart business decisions, and the company does not make any profit anymore. The salaries are paid late, and then, for some employees, not paid at all. And then the boss decides to fire people because he can't pay them anymore. Salaries are outstanding, and severance payments should be paid to some ex-employees. A few people are still working in the company, and they still receive their salaries, maybe late. The boss tells the fired employees: I can't pay you now. Wait until I make money and then I will pay you. He refuses to make any promises when and how much money will be paid. And now? As far as I know the ex-employees can go to the labor department, tell the officials the situation, and then those officials will write a letter to the company that those outstanding salaries and severance payments have to be paid. But the company has no money and can't pay. And then? What happens next? Will the employer be forces to pay first old outstanding salaries for ex-employees before current salaries are paid? How about severance payments? When does the company have to pay? And if the company just can't pay, will the director(s) be held personally responsible? Or the shareholders? Will the labor department shut down the company? What can the ex-employees do to get the money they earned?
  21. In which way? Thai politics is, or at least was, always about influence and money. Political goals? Who cares? The politicians in the most lucrative positions make the most money. That counts. Let's look if Move Forward will change this system. I try to keep an open mind.
  22. It must be really hard for the guy in the desert to accept that he can't make the rules. How sad for the old man.
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