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Everything posted by OneMoreFarang

  1. Not at all. I know a couple of smart and well-educated women from work. I enjoy talking with them. The same way that I enjoy talking with smart guys. But I have to admit no smart women ever got me exited in the way that I had the desire to spend a night or more with her. They don't turn me on. Do you really want to discuss rocket science with her?
  2. I prefer to enjoy the time with my girlfriend without "complicated" conversations. If I want to talk about science or investments or international politics, I have enough friends to talk about these topics. Maybe you call it shallow if I don't talk about these things with my girlfriend. I am happy like that, and she is happy like that. Win/win.
  3. Did you see the ???? at the end of my message? Just smile, or don't smile, and ignore it. Obviously your one is different. "buying mutual funds from Bua Luang Securities" obviously sounds very sophisticated. I am sure you talk every day about investment opportunities and all those important things in life. Personally, I never missed those conversations.
  4. Let's say a girl started to work in a bar when she was 20. And maybe you talk to her when she is 25. Why don't you ask her what she did before she worked in a bar? Do these girls have nothing else to talk about? Or do they don't want to talk about their normal life with customers? IMHO some bar girls are interesting people, others are boring. Just like many other people.
  5. I agree that often it is easy to identify who is who - or their background. But for many of us the question is also: what do we want? Do we want to be able to introduce our wife as the director of company xyz and the daughter of that important person? Do we want to play all the social games which "successful" people do? Personally I know I shouldn't bring my Thai gf, who has little education, and who I met in a bar, to a company meeting with the wives of other managers. But how often are those meetings? For me, seldom, and I go alone, no problem. But most of the rest of my time I stay with a girl who I am happy with - without all the social "you have to do this and that". Not everybody wants a "proper" wife.
  6. Let me guess, you met her at a traditional massage place. ????
  7. I always liked to have one girl just for me. I tried many, often for a night, before I found the right one, and then I stayed with her. And I am still together with her. I never married and likely I will never marry. Because I don't plan to have kids and I don't plan to travel with her to farang-land. IMHO if a girl is happy with a guy, then she will stay with him also if they are not married. If she insists to get married, then ask yourself: why? On the other hand, a good friend always preferred short time. Have fun and send her home. And then the next one. He didn't want a permanent girl - at least that was his attitude for many years. We are not all the same. Do what YOU want and ignore what others think you should do.
  8. When I got quotations from my contractor, I made sure he separates work and material. And with the material I often asked exactly which material. Especially the work was more expensive than I expected. But to be fair, when the first team which the contractor hired made a wall not 100% straight, the contractor had it removed and built from scratch again from another team without asking for more money. Make sure you agree exactly on the work, payment conditions, and maybe what happens if the work is not does 100% to your satisfaction. It's not easy...
  9. Was the club just opened last week and that was the first time anybody checked? Or was the place already open for a long time and somehow some authorities "forgot" to check the license? And do the authorities have to go to those places to check the licenses? Or could they just look into a computer somewhere to find out who has a license? What will happen to the authorities who are supposed to control is venues have licenses? Will anybody of them be disciplined and maybe fired and maybe prosecuted? TiT, as usual.
  10. In my personal experience my "western bank" never asked why I sent money to my own account in Thailand. I think what some people forget is that also banks have to follow the laws. They have to make sure they are not involved in money laundering, terrorist financing, and other such things. So, banks make sure they ask and maybe block (initially) so that they can say: we followed those laws.
  11. Being able to hear high and low frequencies is only a small part of the overall experience.
  12. I use Roon together with Tidal. That is what audiophiles recommend. I confirm the quality is great and it's easy to use.
  13. The Thai bank will maybe ask you where it comes from and what you want to do with the money. But it seems you don't have to answer in any specific way. If you want to buy property in Thailand with that money, then you should make that clear. And in that case make sure the exchange is done in Thailand and not at the sending bank.
  14. I think that is not entirely true. Some people do it because others do it. Like: Look, I don't get tired and can dance all night, with just a little help of xyz. Why don't you try. Or something like that. And some people only do it occasionally. But others do it more often and want more of the same.
  15. About my comments about drugs: Obviously I don't know if drugs are a or the problem in this case. What I know is that taking drugs and being drug addicted often shows behavior like the OP describes. Is it possible to get people clean and away from drugs? Is it worth the effort? I know it is possible to get some people away from drugs. And personally, I think it's worth some effort to try to give the child a family with a caring mother and father. Will that be easy? Probably no. Will it be possible? Maybe. Will the son be happy without his mother and maybe with a new girlfriend of the father? Maybe. Will the son be happy if the mother gets custody and doesn't change her behavior? There is no fast and easy way to solve this situation.
  16. What a stupid comment! How do you know that "she's unhappy with the marriage to a Farang thing and is craving a Thai man"? Maybe she wants another farang. Maybe she just wants money. Maybe this, maybe that, there are countless possibilities. It's stupid to assume you know what is going on in this case.
  17. Are you sure? Do you have experience with drug taking people? A long time ago in a country far away I lived what I would call a normal life. No drugs, no friends with drugs, all fine - at least that is what I thought. And then I met a girl who I liked a lot and who told me she took drugs. I was shocked. And I asked myself, who can I ask about that, I don't know anybody with drug experience. And then I just asked friends. And I was shocked again how many of them had firsthand experience with drugs. One guy even showed me two different class A drugs so that I know how they look like. So much about no drugs... Obviously that might have nothing to do with your situation. But what I like to tell you is: Only because you think she is not on drugs doesn't mean she is not on drugs. "Normal" people don't see what is obvious for others.
  18. How do you know? I guess he married her because he loved her at some time. Drugs change people tremendously. And some people give up drugs and are normal again. I think in a situation with a young child it's a good idea to try to restore the situation, even if it is difficult. If he finds out the situation is impossible then he can still divorce her.
  19. Bipolar would be my bet. Maybe a bit of schizophrenia in the mix? My former fiancee was blessed with both in spades. Luckily, her parents stepped up and despite her being an adult and living away from home, they came and took her home and into the care and support she desperately needed but I couldn't provide. I don't know how many people are bipolar. But I know many Thais take drugs. And often drugs, and then craving for drugs, results in such behavior. That's what I would look first at the most likely scenario. And maybe he is lucky and get her away from drugs - if they are the problem.
  20. Maybe she is on drugs and that influences her behavior. Try to find out and try to fix that problem. Good luck - you need it.
  21. But somehow it is funny that it's still possible to pay large sums in cash in Thailand. Opening a Thai company with 2m THB capital: No problem, use cash if you want. That is information from an experienced Thai accountant.
  22. Nonsense post of the day or just hidden satire? Have you ever left your farang ghetto? I think Sandboxer describes Thai reality, at least in the city. I am often regularly in Thai markets, where at least 90% of the customers and shops are Thai. And they do a lot of trade with QR codes. I didn't watch long enough to have a statistic, but somehow I guess by now more than 50% of those transactions are with App. And that is in the open in traditional markets. I am sure more people use cashless payments in shopping malls, supermarkets, etc. And as far as I see customers and merchants like that system, nobody is forcing them to use it. Personally I only was once forced to use cashless payment, for one espresso in Starbugs. They didn't want my 100B note. That's another reason not to go there.
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