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Everything posted by OneMoreFarang

  1. How do you know? Do you think the ladies who married Robert De Niro or Al Pacino think every day that their partners are just so old and boring?
  2. Which is 30yo to 40yo Are you a woman? Or maybe a 90-yo guy. Maybe that changes the perspective.
  3. It's always astonishing how stupid some people are. Tell them you don't like A and they assume you must like B. Amazing.
  4. Imagine a political party promises 10,000B per vote, and 2/3 of the voters still don't vote for them. They must be really bad. I wonder how many voters they would have gotten without that promise.
  5. No, not all of us! Some of us look more favorably at 20 or 18-yo girls. ????
  6. I wait for the moment that someone discovers that prostitution exists in this country. Like: We never knew. First time we notice something like that...
  7. Sounds like the Maldives some time ago. I was there for 3 weeks. Beautiful! This is how it looked at that time...
  8. It seems to be able to start a company with a work permit for a farang the company needs VAT registration and a proper address. Just an address without office (virtual office) seems to be not good enough (anymore). I looked at some WWW property sites for homes and condominiums, but it seems they have very few office listings. Is there any property search site specialized on (small) offices? Any other suggestions? Thanks
  9. Just in general. I suggest watch a couple of videos about sound isolation on YouTube. You will learn the following: - it's easier to isolate against high frequencies. The lower the frequencies the more difficult and expensive. - (at least for medium to high frequencies) first you should look for any holes and cracks where the noise gets through. That can be i.e. shafts with water pipes, etc. - I think that the ceiling in your picture will isolate a lot of sound. I think your neighbor above has to do a lot of banging to get through that ceiling. So I would first try to find out where exactly the noise comes from.
  10. I wouldn't say above is my way of thinking. It is part of my way of thinking. It's like if I want to go on an exotic holiday. I can think about the beach and the palm trees and the wonderful hotel and all that. But I also have to think about if I can afford it.
  11. Make sure you don't confuse nice pictures with reality. This is a nice example of what is advertised and reality (at least at some time).
  12. But maybe you thought about: Can you afford to invite your favorite lady to dinner? Are you able to invite her to a holiday? Maybe buy her some nice shoes or whatever. I also never thought about it. But I accept reality. If I want to be together with a pretty girl who can easily get other guys, why will she stay with me? Because I am such a nice guy? Yes. Because I make her feel loved. Yes. But I am also sure it helps that we go to nice restaurants, live in a nice condominium, etc.
  13. Also in Bangkok, in the middle of Sukhumvit, fewer ATM and fewer bank branches. Obviously it's nice for us to have lots of ATMs from different banks, but I was wondering since some time if those ATMs can be profitable. I guess they cost at least a couple of 100,000 THB each, plus service, maintenance, etc. How often do people have to use them so that the bank brakes even? Latest since Covid people do a lot more online transactions. And with the apps many things can be done which required a bank visit some time ago. I guess the banks have to safe money or they will go bankrupt.
  14. Can you just f#%@ those women? Or do they expect hours of conversation about art and literature before and after?
  15. That reminds me of a joke from a wine connoisseur: Why should I eat my wine in form of capsules?
  16. Don't forget the moral superiors, with or without religious background.
  17. My experience will happen maybe in a month or so. My renovation took longer than expected. But then, I never expected it to finish in a certain time. IKEA has for the next 6 weeks or so a promotion to get 10% discount on the good kitchen. I will use that. And I will do it myself. After I decided I DIY I had a good reason for myself to buy some nice tools. ????
  18. how do you know that your whatever girl isn't doing stuff on the side...
  19. Who criticizes them? a) Old women b) Guys who can't afford young women. Guys who can afford young women mostly agree that that is the best option.
  20. If you want to dispose them, then just wrack the contacts with a screw driver or similar. Or use a hammer. It would be very much work to try to get them running again. Who will spend that time on a random HDD? And if you want to wipe the disk data there are many free tools. They work. Just google: wipe HDD tools
  21. I wonder if we would ask those hard-working Thai women what they want, what would be the answer? I guess a variation of: A nice guy with a good job, a family man. We want kids together who go to a good school. And obviously we should live in a nice house or condominium in a nice area. Go to restaurants, holiday, enjoy life. Now a prostitute might say: I want a rich guy. Now compare A to B. Same same, not much different. The 2nd answer just sums it up.
  22. How many of us talk with anybody about literature? There was a time when I read one book after another, fiction and non-fiction. Sometimes, but seldom, I talk to friends who also like books. I guess that is far below 1% of my conversations. Do I miss it that I don't talk with my gf about a biography of Einstein or the newest Stephen Leather novel? No.
  23. The girls have the choice! Noi from the village can marry Somchai from the village. Or Noi decides she wants a different life. It's her choice. And most choices and not all good or all bad. There are compromises.
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