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Everything posted by OneMoreFarang

  1. I guess one problem is that you really want to be sure they are better. I have a rich friend with a prostate problem. He decided that some specialists in the Netherlands are better than the best hospitals in Bangkok. To make it short: They didn't do it as good as he expected - he used more dramatic language to describe it. Money was no problem; language was no problem. I don't know the details and likely I wouldn't understand the details. But it seems it is very difficult to be sure that some specialists are better than others.
  2. "only 5 seniors met graduation requirements" That sounds to me like there are at least some graduation requirements. As far as I know in some (many? all?) Thai institutions everybody graduates. So having a certificate from any of those means nothing.
  3. I have to admit I understand people from Russia overstaying here to avoid going to war back home. And are those annoying people from those nationalities the same as people who buy luxury property?
  4. It's almost as if Americans don't see that they have more than enough problems at home to solve.
  5. I was once with my BMW next to one of those on the Autobahn. Looking out of my window I saw one of the huge tires. And then he put the foot down and it was gone.
  6. Likely he knew or knows many people who took drugs. I understand that he wants to keep drugs away from children. It's complicated...
  7. You don't have to be long in Thailand to realize that there is a huge difference about what is legal and what happens all the time. I don't know how legal the behavior of your landlord is. Maybe it is legal. But even if it is not so legal, what are you going to do? Tell the police? Hire a lawyer without having money? What you experience is real life, and it doesn't really matter if it is legal or not or if you like it. I hope you sort it out somehow. It won't be easy.
  8. I am no expert, but I wonder why foreigners buy and not (so many) locals. Is there something the locals know which those foreigners don't know or don't think about?
  9. Great! Did they have more than 20 minutes time for that? I have to admit I find it difficult to understand the mindset to people on those ships. At the end of the trip, what can they say? I bought souvenirs in 10 different countries, and all were made in China. How much local flavor can anybody experience on a day trip?
  10. Who knows? If this time i.e. 100 cases were reported and last time 200 cases, what does that mean? Little to nothing!
  11. Why would anybody ask him or care what he says? He told the Thai public at least 100 times that he has nothing to do with politics anymore? Did he lie? I hope they showed him lots of pictures of his grandchildren so that they can talk about them. This is all he cares about. Or not?
  12. I think there are only two bad options: a) they were out (luxury) handbag shopping b) they have a display of their previous (luxury) handbag shopping trips somewhere. I am sure the poor farmers will appreciate their down to earth family meeting. Papa, I want this 500,000 THB bag. My darling, you have already 5 of them. But no problem, sure I buy you one more for you.
  13. Another option is that they just don't care about politics, like nothing will ever change and it doesn't matter who I vote for. Is that a good attitude? Not really. But I am sure lots of people have it and they wouldn't know who do vote for to make their life better.
  14. I want to check the availability and later register a Thai internet domain name for a Thai company. I know that until a few years ago Thai companies could register a name like MyCompany.co.th That was reserved for Thai companies. Now I try to find the official Thai Internet register to find out which domain names are still available. I found two links, but I am not sure if any of them or both are official. www.thnic.or.th www.thnic.co.th What is the official page to check the availability of a Thai domain name? And where can I register the domain? Is MyCompany.co.th still the valid format? Or is MyCompany.th now also available? Thanks
  15. My gf told me that in her village someone collected the ID card from her father and many other people, and they each received 500B. After the election the ID cards were returned. Did anybody complain? Was that somehow investigated? I have my doubts. I think it is impossible for outsiders to estimate how corrupt the Thai elections are. And insiders are smart enough to keep the dirty details away from the public. And now the lucrative posts are assigned, or is it more correct to say they go to the highest bidder? TiT
  16. Does American still want to be a sample for the rest of the world? Like that? Please build a big wall around your island and sort out your problems. You will need a long time to do that.
  17. I wonder if I will ever see an article about Irael and their non declared nuclear weapons. The west, and especially the USA, pretend those weapons don't exist. But when Iran tries to build similar weapons then that seems to be somehow an international problem.
  18. Nobody likes to be ripped off. And it would be nice if those riders would be somehow regulated. When people write here that win riders are (mostly) legal, what does that really mean? Is it just a paper or registration somewhere? Or are there any rules to follow and maybe some passenger protection, required insurance, etc.? What's the point of having anybody certified if then that person can be drunk and/or rip of customers?
  19. Really? If I would go to see a doctor and that doctor wouldn't be able to truthfully answer such a simple question, then I definitely wouldn't see that doctor. It seems you prefer to put your head in the sand and pretend there are only sane people out there. Good luck, you will need it.
  20. It's coming to Thailand. I am sure you will like it: Celebrate your true self and get inclusive healthcare at Bumrungrad’s Pride Clinic | Thaiger (thethaiger.com)
  21. Maybe do a little research and you will find out that are lots people out there who are just nuts. I.e. just watch "What is a woman?" I am not a fan of Matt Walsh. But to be fair in that documentary he just asks questions and let "experts" answer.
  22. In principle you are right. But it seems there are many patients who want medicine. And somehow, they think antibiotics is the wonder medicine against anything. If the go with any problem to the doctor, they think the perfect doctor gives them antibiotics and maybe two or three more medications. Take this 3 times a day and all will be fine. That is what many patients want. Is that a good reason for a proper doctor to give patients antibiotics or other medicine which doesn't make sense? I think it makes no sense. But maybe that is the Thai way of "solving problems". If the doctor would try to explain to them that antibiotics don't make any sense in this case, then I am sure lots of patients would just go to the next doctor or a pharmacy or a quacksalver who pretends to know. TiT
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