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Everything posted by OneMoreFarang

  1. Where did I mention to kiss his <deleted>? That is your interpretation of me saying: be careful.
  2. And are you sure about your prediction and that you understand Putin and the people who follow his orders? Is it good enough for you that likely he won't do that, or they won't follow orders?
  3. A little advice for people who don't use the ISP provided equipment: keep the original devices, and if necessary, keep them for a decade or as long as it takes. Some time ago I moved out of a rented apartment. I went to the TRUE shop and tried to cancel my subscription. They told me I have to return the equipment. I told them I am not sure if I can find these old devices, maybe 10 years old. And then TRUE told me then they would charge for those devices a ridiculous price like 10,000B or something similar. I looked again and I brought them to TRUE. I am sure they will go on a heap of trash; nobody uses them anymore in new installations.
  4. I didn't really expect that anybody would do what I "suggested". And about paying that fine: I had lots of officers stop me on my bike and then they start to fill out a form. And then they show their good heart and told me I can also pay cash to them directly. ????
  5. Who are those "Ruzzians" which you have in mind? Do you imagine they have a democratic vote if and how they should use nuclear weapons? Or is it more like Putin says: Let's do it! And if Putin goes down, will he care if he goes alone or together with Russia or the world? If he is dead, then he is dead. He doesn't have to worry about a nuclear catastrophe anymore.
  6. You should have asked him if a police officer who lies to get money will be disciplined? Maybe just show him a random picture of another police officer so that he understands the idea.
  7. Or a 2TB external HDD for half the price. For most scenarios, like backups, the external "drive" doesn't have to be fast.
  8. Junk slows down. But with a fast SSD you might not notice it so much.
  9. It shouldn't take that long. But, it is possible that the old HDD is damaged. And if that is the case, then it might take forever. And the old HDD might stop working completely soon. So if you have the time then I suggest let the shop wait and wait. And if it still isn't done after a week then you can still tell them to stop. And about problems like that: You might copy 0% to 66.3% in an hour, and then maybe it tales 5 hours to copy 0.1%, and then maybe the speed is normal again. With errors on a disk (let presume that is the case here) you can't predict how long it will take. And if you stop with that process, then I recommend that you copy your important data ASAP to another disk of USB stick. High priority first. If it fails completely, then you saved as much of the important data as you could. Good luck - you need it.
  10. What punishment do you have in mind? Dropping one or more western nukes on the people of Russia? That won't happen!
  11. So do you want to bet that 100% of Putin's nuclear weapons don't work? At some moment he might realize that it is the end for him personally. And then he will possibly ask himself why he should go down with a small bang if he can go down in a real big bang. For that reason alone, it is not a good idea to bring Putin in such a corner.
  12. I guess only people who support those people might understand it. The rest just doesn't care.
  13. Let's imagine Ukraine would get all the territory back. Does that mean they would have won the war? Does anybody expect that Putin will say: I am sorry, and we will pay for all the damage we have done? Or does anybody imagine someone will remove Putin and that new somebody will apologize and pay? Anybody?
  14. Yeah, do that and look how Putin will react. And don't think that the fact that "the west" might retaliate will stop Putin from using nuclear weapons. There is a good reason why most countries and not stupid enough to fight guys with nuclear weapons. NK is a wonderful example. There is only one way to end this war: People have to talk to each other. And humiliating anybody involved won't help at all.
  15. Lots of people like "great opportunities" - not only in Thailand. I have to admit when I was younger I also missed some of those great opportunities because I had no money at that time. In the hindsight it is good that I didn't have the money to "invest", because it would have been lost. Now combine such a "great opportunity" with the new girlfriend or wife who always worked so hard in her life and she would have been rich if only she would have had the money to invest... Many people are just not capable of seeing possible risks and thinking about what can go wrong. And most likely something will go wrong.
  16. Did you forget the little issue that Russia has almost 6000 nuclear weapons? Have you thought about what the "paper tiger" could do with them? "Russia possesses a total of 5,977 nuclear warheads as of 2022,[2] the largest stockpile of nuclear warheads in the world" Russia and weapons of mass destruction - Wikipedia
  17. The idea for having a UPS on a PC is that you can save all your documents and then shut down the PC correctly, without losing any data. Why do you have the TV, printer and DVD player plugged into the UPS? Would it be a problem for you if the TV or music just stops? And about the power consumption of devices: Just now my UPS tells me that PC and monitor use together 81W and that I would be able to use it for 72 minutes more. I think the power supply in my PC is rated 700W. And it will use a lot of power if I play 3D games. But it will use a fraction of that looking at the internet.
  18. Ok, that's what you would like to see. Do you see even a 1% chance that this will ever happen?
  19. Yeah, sure, Ukraine should win. How would such a win look like - realistically? Please explain.
  20. A slummy area? I go there often to eat noodle soup in the morning. There are also lots of other vendors on the street. Is it luxurious? No. Is it slummy? I don't think so. At least that term never crossed my mind when I was there. And I wouldn't visit any slummy area if I don't need to. This is a Google street view image of that area.
  21. I don't know. But I never look at my bills since a long time. I have my bill payment setup in my online bank account settings. When I click on the MEA entry, I see how much I have to pay. Or I see that I paid it already. Obviously, we need one initial bill or document to be able to set this up. But then it's good enough to check it once a month online and pay it.
  22. How many people read manuals? Any manual? Sometimes I feel like I am the only one.
  23. Since how many years are LiPo batteries used? Maybe 10 years? Small batteries are obviously a lower fire risk than big batteries. And how are they used and how good are they protected? In a scooter, with possible impact and water damage from the street, especially combined with cheap and unreliable chargers, are obviously a higher risk than better protected batteries in better environments with quality chargers.
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