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Everything posted by OneMoreFarang

  1. Have you tried image search in of the shopping apps? You can search, i.e. with the Lazada app, but pointing your camera on a picture with what you want. Sometimes that works well. Because I would not be surprised if there are many different names for the thing you are looking for.
  2. Latest development. Finally, it arrived in Thailand. Thanks for all your comments.
  3. I don't know how easy that is, but maybe you can add somewhere temporary (for a few minutes) a pump. And then check if when you switch on that pump if that will result in a good water flow. If yes, then you know that a pump will help you. But if a pump does not solve the problem, then it's time to look for other reasons. Maybe something like a pressure cleaner is good enough for such a test - just an idea.
  4. Learning "the language" is important, I agree. But be careful that you don't learn in school one version of Thai, and then everybody near you speaks another version of Thai. I suggest if possible, try to communicate with the locals around you. And make sure you have someone, maybe a Thai language teacher, to tell you which words you should not use. With my first Thai girlfriend I learned a couple of Thai swear words. The only problem was that I was not aware that those words were not the kind of words one should use in a polite conversation. It's easy to pick up the "wrong" words. On the other hand, it is also not the best to speak super polite Thai all the time, because "normal" Thais might get the impression that you think you are better than them when you use those "hiso" words. It can go wrong in both directions.
  5. I always had a car back home. And I never had a car in Thailand. I don't need one and IMHO it is more headache then useful - at least for me. I live in the middle of Bangkok. Mostly I use my own motorcycle. Sometimes I use motorcycle taxis and seldom I use taxi cars. If I have to transport anything I prefer taxis. Just pick one and go. And at the destination go out, done. No parking problems, ever. And it is easy to take a motorcycle one way and a taxi, with something to transport, the other way. A friend visited golf courses all over the place and he bought a car to conveniently get there and back. That sounded reasonable.
  6. That reminds me of the criminal fugitive, who was then a couple of months in VIP hospital in Thailand. Did he receive any confidential information from Thai politicians while he was a convicted criminal on the run? And the criminal then he use and share that information for his own advantage? Will now all the politicians who gave the criminal such information prosected and jailed? And will the criminal finally go to jail for a few years? Or will nothing happen because he is well connected and protected? TiT
  7. Do you have small pipes? And/or maybe clogged pipes? I am no expert, but what you describe above sounds to me like a situation where the flow is restricted by too small pipes. If this is the case, then more pressure won't solve this problem. I am living in a condominium. First, I was in a unit with the original pipes. The water pressure/flow was ok but not great. And then we had a problem with the main power for two days. After that, lots of rusty water came into the pipes and the flow was a lot worse. In one toilet there was almost no flow at all. In my new renovated unit in the same building (in a higher floor) I have all new pipes, and the water pressure and flow are great. The main pipes in the building were replaces with new plastic pipes (the green version) a couple of years ago.
  8. I like some YouTubers who do a job which they like and make videos at the same time. They would do anyhow what they do, even without YouTube. And then there are those guys with a mission to tell everybody how smart they are. Like I am a YouTuber, you should be impressed. No, most of the time, we are not impressed. In other words: Why don't you try to find a proper job?
  9. I would consider how much you will possibly need the help of "your" agent. If there are no communication problem with your tenant and all looks fine, then probably there is no need for an agent. If you are a farang and rent to a Thai and the Thai person does not speak English, then I would consider if it is good to have someone who can help you if necessary.
  10. Maybe his gf or wife at home told him that is what he has to do...
  11. And those volunteers have lots of reasons to check all the bars to find the "victim" and do intensive research with the girls. Someone has to do it.
  12. Maybe she convinced him to stay a little longer. And he didn't want to explain this to his friends and family back home. He wouldn't be the first one. I am surprised that after 2 weeks the British police is involved already. He is an adult; he does not have to report home every couple of days.
  13. It was surprising to me how easy it was to find an attractive girlfriend. And it was more surprising how difficult it was to separate from her again.
  14. Option a) Don't visit any places which have/need bouncers. Option b) Behave, pay your bills, don't physically or verbally upset the locals. Problem solved.
  15. Maybe James thought the police officer is unusually rich - even if that is not really so unusually.
  16. Imagine the story would be: A guy invites a girl and leaves 90,000 THB in an envelope and she disappears with the money. Everybody would say: What an idiot, he deserved it. But with a not so innocent 18-year-old girl that is obviously a different story.
  17. It obviously must be described as her boyfriend. Because it would be illegal if he was her customer. It's hard these days for 18-year-old girls. 😉
  18. Thanks for your comments. I know little about the shipping. This is a parcel from a Kickstarter project from a YouTuber. As far as I remember, I selected the cheapest shipping option, because I don't need this urgently. But until now, when I received anything from anywhere with the Thai Post, I don't remember that it was ever more than a week before I saw any shipping updates once it was on its way. I guess I will wait another week and if I don't see any updates then I will look what I can do about that. Here is what I see today:
  19. Does that include politicians and their influential friends? I mean, there is a reason why this billion THB scheme exists...
  20. No! Something will be recorded. And that might be what is happening, or it might not. Isn't that super obvious?
  21. Do you have a maids or other Thai service people where you live? Normally I give things like that to them. They are happy to receive them, maybe they use them, maybe they sell them and make a little money. Just make sure you delete all personal data before you give them to anybody.
  22. I think it was not so difficult to figure out why one number was on the front, and the other on the back. It makes total sense. That is, until some marketing idiot had a great idea...
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