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Everything posted by OneMoreFarang

  1. I hope Americans make America great again. Please spend all your resources on that task. Remove your military from the rest of the world, don't tell the rest of the world what they should do to be such a sample democracy like the USA, and maybe build lots of walls on your borders. Maybe after 50 or 100 years you improved the USA, maybe. Then you can try to join the rest of the world again. Until then please concentrate on your country and leave the rest of us alone.
  2. Why online? You need an expert to measure your eyes to know exactly which glasses you need. So why not buy glasses from an epert? And if you don't really care about exact measurement or exact glasses just get one of those 100B or 200B versions in shopping malls?
  3. My favorite was Namthip, until then introduced those impossible to hole super thin plastic bottles. Now mostly Singha water. Some water tastes better than others. I am willing to pay a few THB for good tasting water.
  4. Would you make such a comment about dogs? Why not? Or do you enjoy upsetting people?
  5. Maybe that was the case 30 years ago with carburetors and all that. Now the Honda garage has a Honda computer and the Toyota garage has a Toyota computer. And they are not interchangeable. For computers, after some basic diagnosis, and when it is likely that the hardware is the problem, then it is easiest to try to exchange one part with exactly the same new part and look if that fixes the problem. Lenovo will have many of those parts in stock. Take out, put a new one in, try, done in 10 minutes. Somchai might be able to find the same error, and he might be able to get the same part, but it will take a lot longer. And for the record, I PCs are part of my job since DOS.
  6. I use this one: Your Complete Video Toolbox | Wondershare UniConverter I paid for it. It's cheap and easy to use.
  7. I really love my rabbits. ????
  8. Why would you do that with a nice Lenovo when you can ask Lenovo what the problem is? It is unlikely that Somchai was trained by Lenovo. Somchai was also not trained by Mercedes or Miele. This is why it's a good idea to avoid Somchai.
  9. I can do the tea already - all by myself. ????
  10. Did anybody push Thaksin and his little sister out of Thailand? Are they at the border begging that they want to come in an nobody lets them in? They both deliberately fled the country. And I am sure they had helpers. They can afford them.
  11. He is already a convicted criminal. He was several times prosecuted and found guilty. And he was several times convicted to jail. He decided to run away. He could have told us all in court that he is innocent. He missed that opportunity. And please go ahead, ask the authorities to prosecute anybody else who you think did crimes. And maybe some of them are even found guilty.
  12. Yes, that is a reason. Personally I am not a fan of those noisy and expensive little humans. ????
  13. I am surprised that so many people still marry. What's the point (from the perspective of the man)?
  14. I think the sad part of all of this is that the Trump story goes on and on. I am sure by now Trump did at least a hundred things which were unthinkable for a US presidential candidate until maybe 10 years or so ago. The candidate would have resigned. Or the party would have forced him out because nobody would vote for i.e. somebody who had sex with a porn actress while married and claiming he is for law and order and claiming to be a christian. Will the USA ever get back to a situation where presidential candidates must behave like presidential candidates? The movie IDIOCRACY was released in 2006 with some kind of parody how a president might look like in 500 years from now. Looking at that movie now it is obvious it didn't take 500 years... Quo vadis USA?
  15. Good that we have experts like you who know all the details. Is the NY DA your cousin? Or how do you know? Did you hear it on fox "news"? Or maybe on Trump's "truth" app?
  16. To be fair, the warranty descriptions on Lazada make often no sense at all. There is somewhere a field for warranty and maybe it shows: No warranty. But then in the text there is something written about warranty. Or the other way around.
  17. Remember why the USA is doing everything to make sure Iran doesn't get nuclear weapons. And see with how much North Korea gets away because they have those nuclear weapons. It's the biggest and scariest difference which exists for possible war. Putin should lose, and the sooner the better. But IMHO the west should not put Putin under so much pressure that he will use nuclear weapons.
  18. Would you prefer to read about the Oscars or another MeToo accusation?
  19. Many in "the west" say Putin should not escalate the war. And then the west delivers more and more advanced weapons to Ukraine, including German tanks. Nobody should be surprised if Putin answers escalation with escalation. And when people say Putin must be destroyed, what do they think? That Putin will sit there and let it happen? All this doesn't mean that I support the Russian invasion or Putin. But let's keep in mind that Russia invaded a so called neutral country. He didn't invade a country within Nato. I don't know any good solution. But pretending Putin has no nuclear weapons or thinking he will never use them is a huge gamble. A gamble with the survival of mankind. Be careful!
  20. Understood. But it gives you an idea how easy or difficult it is to do that, probably different depending on the exact model.
  21. "download attachments as a zip file" from where? Some sites have that option. Others don't.
  22. Yes, it makes sense that the battery is the problem. Now good luck with someone who will replace it for you. Some time ago I searched on YouTube for such a procedure. As far as I remember it's possible, but not exactly simple.
  23. I find the negative comments about AI interesting. Yes, AI is not perfect, but it's already pretty good. And it's rapidly getting better. Should we believe everything the AI tells us? No. But then again, I didn't ask the AI about a life-or-death question. I asked about steel and magnets. And I am pretty sure if we would have an AI account which pretends to be a user in this forum then that account would likely more often give qualified answers compared to the average user here.
  24. Here it comes. Sure it is possible to track me, or anybody else down. It's only a question of how much motivation, money and power the people have who track us down. Does anybody really care about a computer user in Thailand who asks about steel and magnets? Or how to do this and that and how to cheat how not to pay for Netflix. Who cares? Professional criminals probably know better how to protect themselves. But even for them it is unlikely that they know the perfect way how to hide on the internet. Summary: Always presume someone is listening. Most of the time nobody will listen and even if someone is listening, he won't care.
  25. That is a possible issue. In the next days I will make the 1:1 test. Same part, one time with steel screws and one time with stainless steel screws, let's see if it makes a noticeable difference. The good thing for me is that the parts with the magnets and the screws are easily removable. If I use steel, then I will check in the next months for corrosion. And if I see any corrosion then I will change the screws. And I can easily add additional magnets if necessary. Let's see.
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