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Everything posted by OneMoreFarang

  1. You must live somewhere far away from traffic jams. That this is just too big to fit between cars - mostly.
  2. I learned that stainless steel is not magnetic when I tried to attach it to a magnet and it didn't work. But I was not sure if it would make a difference for above situation (see question). It seems it makes a difference. And it's nice to see how good AI is already.
  3. As discussed in AseanNow and in many other places, AI, and especially ChatGPT is now able to answer many questions. I thought I try and this was the response. I post this here as an example especially for people who never tried AI. https://chat.openai.com/chat
  4. Have a look at this. Not perfect, but you see what's on offer at what prices in the area which you want. https://www.fazwaz.com/ And if you want to buy something and renovate it then better check before about that process. IMHO it is difficult in many ways and often more expensive than imagined.
  5. I had and have 10cm internal walls in my condominium. If I would decide from scratch then I would use thicker walls. The reason are electrical boxes and any pipes. If the walls are too thin, then if you install something on one side of the wall you have to be careful what you install on the other side of the wall. And later, if you drill a hole in one side, you have to doublecheck also the other side of the wall. I am no builder and this is only based on my one time renovation.
  6. Sure, people don't have to use it. They can ignore it. But I think it makes a lot of sense that people keep up to date about the capabilities from AI. Imagine someone would ignore the internet. Sure, he/she doesn't have to use any of it personally. But it's there, almost everybody is using it, with tremendous consequences. Pretending it doesn't exist doesn't remove the consequences of the fact that it exists.
  7. ChatGPT writes programming code which it didn't just copy and paste from somewhere. Try it! Just tell it in plain English what the program should do and which programming language you prefer. And then watch!
  8. I know how programming works. You have to be creative but there is also a lot of relative simple code which must be written. That is what the AI does now. And it does it well. That means that a software developer can work a lot faster because lots of the simple code is created by the AI. Try it. I would be surprised if you are not impressed.
  9. Is that what you do with every article you read or share? I asked ChatGPT about its IQ and it didn't answer that question. Google showed a couple of articles. If you didn't do it already try ChatGPT. Ask it some complicated questions and read the responses. One or the other is maybe wrong, but in general this thing knows a lot and knows how to write quality programming code. It seems some people gave it the questions from some exams, and it seems to be good in most of them. It's impressive. And that is just the start...
  10. No. Because I use my phone as a tool. If I want to use it I use it for that job. Maybe I look at the latest news, or I check my email, maybe I need to calculate something, or maybe I like to take a picture in a shop with lots of details instead of writing it down. And if I don't want to be disturbed then I put the phone on silent or switch it off. I still find it amazing when many people seem to make themselves slaves to these things. And some are so stupid that they play a stupid game with the phone in front of their face when they cross the street. Stupid! Anybody who buys an old-fashioned phone because he can't handle a modern phone should ask himself: Why am I the slave of that phone?
  11. Today I read an article that a phycologist, who normally tests humans, tested ChatGPT with a standard IQ test. Result? Guess. 155! I Gave ChatGPT an IQ Test. Here's What I Discovered - Scientific American Not long ago I saw this video. I would never have thought that would be possible: Now I played myself with ChatGPT. I gave it a programming job in plain language. The initial response was already very good. And then I asked ChatGPT to change this and that and some more. Almost all answer were good or very good. The only difference to having a skilled programmer on the other side was that ChatGPT was faster, and it was not annoyed when I asked deliberately a few stupid questions. Anybody who dares to ignore this should not be surprised if suddenly the world changes around him or her. How did that happen. It happens. And fast! For anybody with some time I recommend this video.
  12. Yeah, sure. Thaksin survives and gets all. Give the others a few crumbs. And people vote for that. Amazing Thailand.
  13. According to the profile: A female in Nirvana. Nuff said. And on 2nd look, her name is: Adventurer1 555
  14. I subscribed to https://chat.openai.com/chat a few weeks ago. It is very interesting and it's free. I would never use it with this forum. Because there is the possibility that someone is listening. I am not planning to ask ChatGPT anything illegal, but I really don't need that any owner or administrator of this forum checks what I am doing.
  15. Why would you carry a pillion with such a high weight?
  16. I agree. I don't have a car in Bangkok, I don't need one. Long time ago I had a BMW 323i which had, I think, 143HP. That was at that time, about 1990, a rocket. I drove it to the max speed, and to the max acceleration, and that was fun. But I was too scared to drive it to the max around corners. I am sure the car was capable of a lot more than I was willing to risk. Would it have been a lot more fun with 500 or 1000HP? I doubt it. And then there are of course all those bad streets all over the world. I remember once in Bangkok there was a Lamborghini in front of me. I was on my sports bike. I was ready to open up the throttle to follow him. But it never happened. The Lamborghini drove maybe with something like max 50km/h in front of me, probably scared that he would hit a pothole in the street...
  17. That reminds me of long time ago when I was on the Autobahn with my BMW 323i and I looked out of the window and I saw this big tire next to me. Soon after that, the tire and the big car attached to it, disappeared very fast on the horizon. A monster! Lamborghini LM2
  18. I think the sad thing about cars like that is that it seems most of them are somewhere on city streets making a lot of noise and heat. Not even 10% of the available power is used. If someone races cars, i.e. on the Nürburgring, and they do this long enough that finally 500HP is not enough anymore, then let them get a car with 1000HP. But if they can't even handle the limits of a 200HP car, what's the point of having so much more?
  19. I use LastPass since years for private and a different account for business. It works fine and is, as far as I understand, pretty secure. The paid version also allows sharing with passwords with other people. In general, for something important like that, I prefer companies who charge for their service. Because as we know by now, if it's "free", then mostly we are the product. That is not a good idea with security relevant issues.
  20. Correct. And that makes it kind of complicated...
  21. I am sure you would find one. But maybe you would have to scroll some way down. With Trump, take 10 random pictures of his supporters and you end up with 9 pictures like above.
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