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Everything posted by OneMoreFarang

  1. Thanks I (want to) use them for several things. With the wall I attached painted steel strips to the wall and the things which I connect use magnets. The reason it mostly that steel is a lot cheaper than the magnets. I can put the steel anywhere where I might want to connect something with magnets. I use the magnets only when I actually connect something.
  2. I like to use magnets to fix things on the walls. First I though I will connect those magnets to stainless steel strips or screws. But then I learned that stainless steel, or at least most stainless steel, is not magnetic. This is why I use now just ordinary steel, which is magnetic. In some areas I use steel strips and they are painted to avoid corrosion. My question is: Is it necessary to paint the steel or treat it otherwise to make sure there is no corrosion? Or is the humidity in Bangkok indoors not really a problem in that way?
  3. It seems it is worse than that. She might be exited to have sex. She might tell you in the morning (not drunk or drugged) that she had a great time and want to see you again and all that. But maybe a week or a month or a year later she doesn't like you anymore for whatever reason. And then, maybe years later, she suddenly remembers that she didn't consent and that you raped her. That is, as far as I know, the current situation in many western countries. For the record: Obviously nobody should rape anybody. And if a guy drags a totally drugged girl somewhere and rapes her then that is rape and he should be prosecuted. But, IMHO, if the girl decided to get drunk and then she is looking for a guy to f@$@ her, then she put herself into that situation. Maybe she prefers sex when she is drunk. If she wakes up the next morning near a guy who she doesn't recognize, then she should learn from that that she shouldn't drink too much.
  4. I think it's funny when some guys think that all guys want decent girls. Lots of guy want bargirls, maybe just one, or maybe many of them. Bar girls can be a lot of fun. They drink and dance and f#%$# and enjoy life. Many good girls don't do that. Remember: Good girls go to heaven, bad girls go everywhere.
  5. I don't know about Australia, but in other western countries you can go to jail for that in case any of those drunk or drugged women later thinks she didn't consent, and you raped her.
  6. I was always romantic. If I have the perfect girl, then I want only her. Every day. Fine. A good friend played around for maybe 10 or 15 years before he started his first long term relationship in Thailand. Lots of girls (anything between bar girls and "good" and educated girls) wanted to stay with him. But he knew he likes to have variety. 3 times the same girl and it got boring. So he changed them all the time. And in Thailand that is no problem (if the guy is not broke). In the western world if a guy wants sex and if he is not really handsome or rich, then he needs a gf or a wife. Other options are just too expensive. It's obviously nice if they can have sex with the wife. But it seems lots of wives do little sex and lots of headache. Then it's no wonder if the guys decide to go somewhere else where the situation is better.
  7. According to the name they are guys who want to have sex and/or a relationship. Does this mean they have to be violent? It seems the problem with many girls and women in the western world is that they all want rich fit guys who earn a fortune. Kevin Samuels, RIP, made hundreds of videos with those women who want everything. Mikhaila Peterson made a nice video about what women want (sorry, I don't find it in the moment). Basically women tell everybody they want a sensible partner who is nice to them. And then they get together with the macho guys. No wonder guys are confused. Luckily for us, in Thailand many girls and women don't have those crazy ideas like almost all women in the west.
  8. Is there a solution? I think the best thing is try to change your attitude and get enough anesthesia that it doesn't hurt anymore. Obviously you will still hear the noise of the drill, and no ear plugs will remove that sound. I don't like going to the dentist. I don't know if my dislike is more severe than that from others. I go because I know if I don't go then sometime sooner or later it will hurt (more). So basically I have the choice between getting enough injections at the dentist so that it doesn't hurt and get the procedure done and the problem is gone. Or waiting until it hurts and then try to get it fixed. Not that I like option a, but it's still better than option b.
  9. Are there also legal loan sharks? And are loan sharks of a 'certain' nationality worse than just loan sharks?
  10. How about facebook and other American companies? Should we somehow assume they are the good guys? Greetings to the NSA.
  11. So what will they actually do? And is their goal to raise awareness? Or is their goal to make a show of telling the public and the foreign news that they (pretend) they want to do that. I think it would be great to raise the awareness of Thais about personal data protection, similar to the European GDPR. It seems until now many Thais don't even understand the concept why this is a good idea.
  12. I think you know why you didn't write: I own a house in Thailand. Maybe you built it, maybe you paid for it, but legally you don't own it if you are no Thai citizen. Good luck! You need it.
  13. So explain to us, how does it work? Maybe there was an appointment setup an hour later and the agent or owner cancelled it, because what's the point of another appointment if the property is not available anymore?
  14. It seems at least some of those preachers get paid and they pay people to become Christians. My gf told me about her village where now some people signed up to be Christians. Why? Because it seems the preachers promised them when they become Christians then the Christian church will pay for their funeral party. Now that's a real advantage... ????
  15. You are my hero. When I grow up then I want to be just like you. ????
  16. I hope such a girl would invite you and promise you to suck your d#$#%$#. And then, when you are ready, she brings out the vacuum cleaner. I am sure that would be really funny.
  17. And then there are the smart guys who pick up girls in a bar next to a sleeping customer. And later these smart guys are surprised when such girls want money. I love reading comments from all the want to be experts here. My advice: If you don't know what you are talking about, then don't talk about it. Maybe your mates back home would be impressed by all your deep Thai knowledge, but people who live here thinks it's best case funny when pretenders talk a lot.
  18. I don't. Because I don't use any of those online services. The reason is simple: The kind of girl which I am interested in does not need any online service to find a guy. And if she would use such service, she wouldn't look for someone like me. In real life I can meet lots of interesting girls. In a few minutes we know if the chemistry works. And then it's up to my charm, money, whatever to convince her to join me for a drink and maybe more. And then let's see.
  19. Who is the idiot here, the "girl", who sends the same message to hundreds of guys, or the guy who writes a detailed answer which she will never read? And even if she would read it, she wouldn't understand the sarcasm and other details.
  20. If you talk about the boiler room outfits which cheat people to get lots of money: They are kind of good for the local business, because those guys spent huge amounts of money inside Thailand. Obviously that money comes from some people who won't be happy about that. But the normal boiler room policy is not to take money from anybody local to make sure the local authorities are not upset.
  21. I hate it when nobody writes what he actually said. I clicked on the link and another link and another link but still no quote. What is so difficult about writing he said "xyz"? And best not just that sentence but a little before and after to get an idea what it is all about. These days too many people are cancelled because they are accused of saying something bad. And it's all over the news that they said something bad. But what did they actually say, and was it really so bad?
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