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Everything posted by OneMoreFarang

  1. Don't they have time to do that before that date. Just ask the criminal fugitive. Or is it possible that they want that the news on that day is about Pheu Thai, Pheu Thai and Pheu Thai? I suggest they should be banned a day before the election. Then they can nominate whoever they want, and nobody cares.
  2. Take away her license and put her in jail for endangering the life of many other people.
  3. Good luck that non-Thais would never ever do such things - or maybe not?
  4. I give up with this thread. It started with an interesting question and now some people want to talk about sex with 14 yo girls. If you don't see the difference between 14 and 16 then that is your problem. I won't be able to explain it to you. You could look up the age of consent all over the world. And maybe that would give you an idea about reality. But then, I doubt you want to see reality.
  5. Yes, it would be great if they would all be in school. But did you have already a look at reality in Thailand? Many stop school a lot earlier than they should, and for various reasons. Obviously, it might be interesting to dream about the perfect world and how things should be. But reality is different - especially in Thailand.
  6. I work with lots of professional Thais, and we work fine together. But that obviously that doesn't fit in your ignorant world view.
  7. Again, someone who doesn't know the meaning of words. You could look it up...
  8. First you complain that my gf was 16, then you suggested that probably she was only 15, and now you talk about 13 and 14 yo girls. Maybe for you it's all the same. But no, it's not the same. I guess (but I don't know any statistic) that most 13 and 14 yo don't have sex with anybody. But I am pretty sure that many 16 yo have sex. And they want to have sex. That obviously doesn't mean they should all work in entertainment areas, but there is a huge difference between 14 and 16.
  9. I think the general rule that girls should be at least 18, or better 20, when they work in these places, makes sense. And I am happy to have a drink with girls over 20. But as usual, not everybody is the same. Some girls are still innocent when they are 20, others don't look like 16 and don't behave like 16. Before my gf worked in a gogo bar, she was for years waitress in a Thai outdoor "bar" in a rough town. As far as I know she didn't go with customers at that time, but she was already used to rivaling police and military gangs, the local mafia, etc. Obviously, she shouldn't have worked there and that was illegal, but as usual nobody cared. And about the giggling, etc. Do you know any Thai women who behave as if they are grown up? There might be some, but not many.
  10. Peter, the manager from Black and White for many years, was my friend. He never mentioned any under 18 girls. And even as a regular customer in that place, I never spotted them. It's good that we have experts like you who know exactly what is going on. What would this world be without righteous people like you?
  11. No, the cutest dancer on stage. And I know she did go out with other guys before. But it seems the guy next to me tried and wasn't successful. I didn't follow up that story in detail.
  12. Protect the judge and send the bill to Trump. And is there no law in the USA to prosecute someone who openly asks people to threaten a judge?
  13. Do they have already this Thai AI computer? Or did someone use ChatGPT online for free and now they think everybody in Thailand will be able to use that for free all day long?
  14. Now how many of the Thaksin voters even understand the concept that the money has to come from somewhere? Give it to us, we don't care where it comes from. Yeah, sure.
  15. I can try to explain it to you, I can't understand it for you. You could try to read my posts again. But I don't have much hope it will make a difference. Sometimes things are more complicated than just black or white.
  16. Many years ago, there were lots of 18 yo girls in the bars. And some younger than that. I.e. Longun in Soi Cowboy had regularly two 16 yo girls naked right in front of the stage. It seems now the police is pretty strict with the no one under 20 rule - at least in Bangkok.
  17. I am the user in question, so let me answer. When I met my gf in a bar, I wasn't long in Thailand. For me the fact that she worked in a new and shiny gogo bar was reason enough to believe that she is doing that legally. And, as mentioned earlier, she told me she is 18. In the hindsight I don't know if I would have taken her home if I would have known her age at that time. And I am pretty sure she wasn't forced to go with anyone. One reason why I know this is because a guy sitting next to me at the dancefloor saw which girl got my attention. And he told me something like: good luck with her, she doesn't go with anyone. I had the good luck. And about the situation with the elder sister: Did the elder sister, who also worked in that bar, physically force her to work there? No. But it seems in Thailand when the big sister tells the small sister to jump, then that is what the small sister does.
  18. And if you walk around in Thailand with a sexy girl, how many people will think she is or was a prostitute? Probably not only few people. Obviously that is about their imagination, and there is little you can change about that.
  19. Maybe they are ordinary looking, but maybe they have other qualities. Many (most?) relationships start with some physical attraction. But is that still there after 10 or 20 years? By then we should know the character of our partner. And maybe she is just the one - even if she is ordinary looking.
  20. I also still love my gf after many years. But I don't think she is sexy anymore. We are happy together, that's the important part. And about "kind of locked in your grip": Most of the time it is easier for all of us to continue with our relationship, work, place where we live, etc. Sometimes we are forced to make decisions. And sometimes we reevaluate our current situation and think about possible better alternatives. I think everybody has options what they want to do with their life. In my case: She could have walked away anytime, and I could have done the same. We didn't.
  21. IMHO there is a big difference between sexy (looking) girls and girls or women who are sexually experienced. Of course, a girl with 20 is less experienced than a woman with 30. But there are few 30 year old women who look hot like their younger sisters.
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