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Everything posted by OneMoreFarang

  1. They did that for many years. But in the last years they don't do it anymore, at least not in the middle of Bangkok. But then, it seems the police doesn't do anything anytime these days.
  2. Yes, that would be interesting to know. I think the biggest difference between Thaksin and the others is that Thaksin made it so obvious in your face. He didn't even try to hide his crimes. He did them in broad daylight and thought he would get away with them. And in a way he did get away. He wasn't prosecuted or convicted at that time because nobody dared to do it. That's one reason why the coups happened. If the police and prosecutors and judges don't do anything, what other option is there? And then let's not forget that most people up country don't pay any income tax. Thaksin stole other peoples' money, not their money. So lots of people didn't care.
  3. How many extra years in prison will he get for running away? Or should every convicted criminal be allowed to go away for a decade and then come back when he feels like it?
  4. Really? They didn't have to run away. They could have shown evidence that they are innocent. They could have had lawyers who show that they are innocent. They didn't do any of that. Why should they now get a new trial?
  5. He talks and talks and talks a lot. If he wants to come back, then just come back and go to jail. Why wait for the election? And just in case he thinks he can come back and not be jailed and meddle in politics again (even more than now), then maybe he should think about possible bad consequences. He should rot in the desert. There he has all the time to think how wonderful it would be in Thailand. And he has enough time to think that he could still be PM if he would not have been so greedy.
  6. I use a bike when I want to "go" somewhere. Mostly short trips. I personally don't like to ride a bike just to ride a bike, especially for hours. I.e. when I want to visit Pattaya for a few days then I take the bus or a taxi. I wouldn't enjoy riding for two hours to Pattaya and a few days later back. But that's only me. And I am also perfectly happy at home or somewhere drinking a coffee or a beer.
  7. I have to admit I wouldn't know that name if I wouldn't play Anno 1800.
  8. In principle I agree with you. But sometimes there are lots of obstacles on the left lane (depending on the road). Changing from the left lane to the next lane and back is also a considerable risk. For that reason, I understand when they (and I, mostly on a 400cc) don't ride on that left lane.
  9. Just ask in the bars for their supplier.
  10. Inspired by the thread below, which are your most hated bikes and riders? Often I can't stand riders with Forzas or any other scooters with huge plastic shell, no gears, and a little engine. It seems those ships inspire those riders to behave like they are the owners of the roads. Delivery riders, especially from Grab, are also high on my irritation list. They often try to squeeze in any not existent gap. On the other hand, it seems many big bike riders take it easy - at least in city limits. And most motorcycle taxi riders also know what they are doing.
  11. How do you know that? If you think your doctor is that bad why don't you look for a better doctor? Or do you think like that all doctors don't know what they are doing?
  12. Why? Why do you do that? Of course there is something like too much and many vitamins. And not just too many together, too much of just one of them. If you would look up all those vitamins, then probably you would find out that most of us get more than enough naturally from most of them most of the time. There is no need for more.
  13. I saw a couple of his videos and in general I think he is well informed. But it seems out of principle he does not cover the nightlife business like most others do. The original Thermae was really something special. I remember reading in Internet Newsgroups (does anybody remember them?) about that place. And one guy wrote: You can't compare Thermae with anything. But if you want to compare it then the nearest thing is the bar in Star Wars. I agree.
  14. I remember they played this song all the time - obviously without video.
  15. I hate it when they release inferior versions in Thailand. Maybe in America they need more adjustment for bigger riders. ????
  16. And let's not forget that if anybody buys a 2 by 4 he should not expect something 2" by 4"...
  17. I remember long time ago when I was new in town and visited Thermae (first the original one with entrance through the kitchen and toilet). Because I was innocent and interested, I asked the girls about their jobs. I met lots of girls who told me they are a waitress or work somewhere in a shop, etc. But then, when I took them home and they spend the night with me (which was normal at that time), not many had to get up early to go to work. At that time, I was confused about that. Now, not so much anymore. It seems many of the sideline girls are sideline girls because that makes some guys feel better. ????
  18. Personally I was happy with stock power of under 60HP for the NC30. I never had the feeling that that thing didn't have enough power. But then, I never rode regularly a bike with a lot more power, so I don't know if more power would be (a lot) more fun.
  19. Old ACs and bad maintained ACs and undersized AC can use a lot of power. And obviously it makes a difference if you are happy with 36 degrees or want 20 degrees. Maybe ask the neighbors how much they pay. Once I had an old AC in a rented apartment. One day it didn't work anymore and the owner installed a new inverter AC. The electricity bill was half after that.
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