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Everything posted by OneMoreFarang

  1. Trump is such a good guy. He would never lie. And he would never even look at any women. Yes, this is 1000% the truth. 555
  2. Now wait for some do-gooders to accuse him of touching children... No, I am not one of them, but I know how crazy (part of) this world is.
  3. Now why would the UBS rescue a rival? Because they are such nice neighbors, and they want to help another bank? Or are they doing it because they think it's a smart business decision. Obviously it's understandable if they buy the bank if they think that will make them even more money. But please don't call it "rescue".
  4. And what do you expect will happen after that?
  5. I think it's funny that many comments here assume it is possible to do this with logic and reason. What gives you that strange idea? IMHO there are some things in Thailand that just are, no question of why or why not or whatever. It's like trying to argue with the sun that it should be up for an hour or two longer. It won't work. And everybody involved will think something like: What stupid idea is that. TiT
  6. Three options: Get used to it. Sell it. Continue to have headache. I know that is not what you like to hear. But I would be very surprised if there is another option. Some things are just impossible in Thailand. Sorry for no better news. I know why I have a condominium in Bangkok far away from "the family".
  7. I prefer real girls. What's the point if they don't have a p#%y?
  8. I have to admit I don't have any experience with a removable RCBO where the system still works after that is removed. But maybe you can elaborate what you mean with above sentence. As far as I understand it, now the breaker will switch off if there is a short circuit. I.e. if someone would put a wire in a power outlet connecting the L and N pins then it would switch off. But if a person would touch the L and get a big electric shock and maybe he even dies then the current setup, without RCBO, would not switch off. Correct?
  9. I don't want to research this myself. But does anybody of you have a short summary which girls are allowed to participate and who selects them according to which criteria? I know farangs have a different taste and I don't expect small brown Buriram girls in that lineup. But if those are the best then I have my doubt that many applied for that job.
  10. I find it always amazing when news like this is presented like: We finally found the one. Problem solved. And he probably thinks, and maybe argues: So many others do this. I learned it from them. Why me? When I do just the same as everybody else. TiT
  11. Porn is good. Thai girls learn how to behave by watching porn. Now even the new girls know what to do because they watched the videos.
  12. Just lock him up. I am still surprised why he still is running around free. In any other country he would have been thrown into jail or executed because of treason.
  13. Who cares about the USA and the FBI? In case you missed it, this forum is about Thailand. I met my Thai gf in Thailand when she was 16. Now go and complain to your American FBI.
  14. In general about implants: Be aware that there are huge quality differences from the implants themselves and the dentists who are (maybe only a little) trained to do this work. My dentist in Bangkok quoted me 90,000B for a good quality inlay. She informed me that lots of cheap and bad versions exist. So better inform yourself if you are interested in implants.
  15. Extraction: Maybe 1,000 to 2,000B Maybe 50,000B or more. Personally I wouldn't do it.
  16. It seems many Thais "know" thinking is headache. Then coding much be a lot of headache...
  17. Does this mean the support of this site will help us to remove all the ads? Or should the support talk with the site owners or management that maybe they should think about making the situation better. Because if it gets worse than probably more and more members will move away. It seems many did that already.
  18. I use Edge most of the time. I don't know if it is "the best". It just works. And I don't think I know any other site which has anywhere near the amount of ads than this site. Maybe it's not time for a different browser but time for a new or better forum.
  19. This is how it looks on my desktop screen. I guess about 80% of the screen are ads. Sad.
  20. Maybe only the time when you tested it. It varies constantly. And it varies even more if you eat or drink anything.
  21. I never had problems with the spark plugs. Or at least I don't know about it, I had a guy in Bangkok who was specialized in these bikes and he took care of most issues. I remember when I had one bad water pipe I asked the guy to order a set and replace them all. He told me he would love to do that but he can't order them anywhere. When one pipe needed replacement he looked to find a pipe from some other bike which fit, maybe with modification. At that time that was my only bike and I was fed up with waiting a month at a time to get it fixed. I hope you will continue to enjoy your bike. 14,500 red line 100km/h in the 1st gear is a lot of fun. ????
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