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Everything posted by OneMoreFarang

  1. Instead of starting a new thread, maybe some riders here have experience with maintenance cost of new sport bikes in Thailand. When I had my VFR400, from about 2003 for maybe 10 years, I had a Thai shop/technician who was specialized on that bike. When I visited him, I paid mostly maybe 2000B for one "visit". At some stage I thought about buying a 600cc bike from him and he told me spare part would be a lot more expensive for that bike. Now if I would buy the Kawasaki Ninja ZX-4R new from Kawasaki, what kind of cost should I expect for service? And how are costs for minor repairs like if the bike would fall down and maybe a mirror and some plastic is damaged? I am interested in cost for original Kawasaki service and parts, not some street corner shop. Any experience or cost compared to other bikes?
  2. And also part of a family of convicted criminals. And it is obvious that she will work for the criminal head of the family.
  3. To be fair, it is nice to get a professional plan. We can do the work ourselves but why do it again if someone else did it already professionally?
  4. Sometimes I watch videos from US home renovation guys. It's almost funny when the talk about 15 3/8 and 12 1/16 and try to add it up. And then of course they need x gallons of whatever to work. Hilarious.
  5. I guess now there will be fewer "transgender" in the future. Now they can't just say "I am a woman" to win. And I write "transgender" like that because I know there are some of them who really feel like they are born in the wrong body. And then they change and try to live a quiet life just like everybody else.
  6. @fittobethaied Do you think everything in Thailand should be just like in the USA? In many countries there are different rules for many things. It's not exactly smart to assume a country far away from home has the same rules and regulations. So much about "fit to be thaied"...
  7. I think that is perfectly ok if she opens her mouth wide enough. ????
  8. The NC30 had about 60HP, 30 years later they should be able to produce 25% more power.
  9. I agree there is a difference between architect drawings and a floor plan. Maybe draw a sample of what you have in mind on a piece of paper of print something from another building to show him a sample. Apart from that I would think about asking him if you can get the architect drawings and maybe pay for it extra. Because if they are accurate that may help you in the future if you plan to put a hole or two in the walls and any other modifications.
  10. The fact that you group the military & police together is hilarious. Does the term tomato police mean anything to you? You can look it up. And her qualification is still not existent. But maybe you think following orders from her criminal father is a valid qualification.
  11. This little screamer has to be ridden in high RPM all the time because at lower RPM it has no power. And that feels very different from riding a bike with similar power at lower RPM. It's a different style of riding. It's up to the rider and maybe their mood at that day, which they prefer. With my VFR400 it was "necessary" to ride always >= 6000 RPM to have some power. It was similar to 2-stroke bikes in the power delivery.
  12. I saw a video about a modern KTM 2-stroke with fuel and oil injection. It seems the new injection system makes sure there is never too much oil which would end up coming out of the exhaust. But I would be surprised if there would be enough interest to make this a popular choice.
  13. I had a VFR400 NC30 in Bangkok for a couple of years. I loved that bike. But maybe 7 years ago I sold it because it was impossible to get spare parts. Until now I didn't buy a bike like that again because nothing new like that existed anymore (at least as far as I know). I love the screaming sound so 4 cylinder high ref is what I wanted. 600cc or even more is too much for Bankok, I just don't need it. Kawasaki introduced the little 250cc 4 cylinder a few years ago. It looked interesting. But maybe a little small for a not so small farang. Now the new 400cc is pretty much what I was hoping for. I don't know if about 20kg more than the VFR400 makes a difference. Years ago, I visited Kawasaki in Bangkok and they let me test ride a bike in their parking lot. Maybe that is still a possibility. It should give me a first impression if the bike is similar to the VFR, including riding position. Let's see.
  14. I am sure that exhaust can be exchanged to something with a few kg less. ????
  15. 15,000 RPM, 75HP, 320,000THB I like it! I will definitely have a look at that thing. I have to admit it does not really make sense for me in the middle of Bangkok. But I am sure it will be a lot of fun. And 15,000 RPM screeeeeeeming.
  16. I see it slightly different. She comes from the Shinawatra family and we can be sure she will follow the orders of the criminal fugitive. His behavior triggered already two coups. What will happen if the little daughter does the same again. Will history be repeated? I fear yes.
  17. I also like to sleep with a lower temperature compared to the living room. Normally that does not require a bigger AC. Because the size of the AC depends on the temperature difference (at least the way I understand it). Daytime outside 35 degrees and inside 25 degrees is the same amount or work for the AC like nighttime 30 degrees outside and 20 degrees inside. 20 inside with 35 outside, that is the challenge.
  18. If you don't feel like it then don't drink it. But if I would be terminal ill and if I would love alcohol then I would just drink it. What difference does it make if I die from the terminal illness or a few days earlier because I was also drinking. Lucky for me, alcohol is not important for me. Sometimes I drink a lot in one evening, but sometimes I don't drink for weeks - simply because I don't feel the urge to drink.
  19. Carpe Diem Live and enjoy life every day. IMHO if you would change your life after you are diagnosed with sometime terminal, why don't you change your life anyhow. Because we all won't live forever. I am not exactly healthy. When Covid started I asked my diabetes doctor if I have a higher risk than others. He looked at me and told me: You are high risk! Ok, accepted. I didn't get Covid for a long time but finally I made a test one day (because I had to, not because I was feeling sick) and I had Covid. And then obviously I thought about the high-risk comment from the doctor. And what did I do? I just continued with my life. No panic, don't worry, I enjoyed my life until now and we all will die one day. I didn't die. I wasn't even sick. A week later the Covid test was negative again. Now my diagnosis is: Your lifestyle is not healthy. If you would do A and B and don't do C and D then you will likely live longer. A new diagnosis could be: You have XZY and it is likely you won't live for another year. What's the difference? And if I know that I will die soon, is that a reason to do all the health things and avoid all the bad things? Or is it a reason to eat cake and ice-cream and have some drinks and enjoy (as much as possible) life until the end?
  20. Only because millions of people think it's a smart idea to vote for a criminal who thinks he is above the law doesn't make that a good idea. I never know if it's supposed to be funny or sad or just stupid that the same people vote again and again for the same corrupt politicians and then they are somehow surprised when they have a corrupt government. It's just stupid! And about democracy: The idea is good. If informed citizens vote for the best person they know to lead them that is great. Unfortunately that is not how it works in Thailand and in many other places in this world.
  21. Really? And were all those other officials also convicted? And are all those other officials also as rich as Thaksin? And did they all flee the country? I know lots of other people are also not clean. Prosecute them, convict them, and then jail them. "Others also broke the law" is no defense - especially not for a PM who should be a role model.
  22. Do you have any idea about Thaksin's crimes? You should have just followed the news in the last two decades and it was obviously to everybody.
  23. If you are a realist that is fine. Use it for yourself to make plans and accept reality. But why do you behave like this to others? When you see someone in a wheelchair do you tell him: You are in a sad situation, you can't even walk? After all, it's the truth. Why don't you tell him? Or imagine you are that person in the wheelchair and lots of others would tell you about reality.
  24. The privilege is restricted. If the client and lawyer agree to commit a crime together then that is not covered by that principle.
  25. I think so called self driving cars should not be allowed on the streets. Or if at all then only with special permissions for certain test drivers. The (tesla) technology is obviously not perfect. Let them fix it before they offer it to the public.
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