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Everything posted by OneMoreFarang

  1. I guess he should declare himself lucky that he is still alive. Maybe he can also still walk.
  2. Yes, I do the same - or at least I think so. I think the problem gets bigger all the time when we make up our minds about what is right and what is wrong in early stages. And then we defend our position. And then we defend it more. And more. Maybe it is already overdue that we accept we were wrong from the very beginning. But as long as we still find an expert who supports what we always supported we stay with our made up mind. An example comes to my mind. Recently we had a story in this forum about a tourist with a motorcycle accident and a big hospital bill. The story had very little details. And then the comments started. She was obviously drunk. She had no license. She had no insurance. She never rode a bike back home. Lot's of members of this forum who just knew what happened. And then when some of us question how these people think they know all this then often they find reasons to support their original opinion. Very seldom do we have a comment like: What I said previously was premature. I made some assumptions which I shouldn't have done. And yes, I have to admit sometimes I also shouldn't write unfounded speculations.
  3. Or called woke by the far right. ???? I am not on any far side, this is just an observation.
  4. Maybe try a better buffet. They exist - at least in Bangkok.
  5. Any big 5-star hotel should be a good start. Often it is more a question of how much you are willing to pay.
  6. I agree that is an important point. We can argue about lots of things and try to find the truth. But often it is very difficult to know the truth, the whole truth. And often it doesn't make any difference to our daily life. I.e. the war in Ukraine, how much of the truth do we know? Do we know the motivations of all involved? Can we pretend we understand what is going on when there are so many unknowns? And what difference does it make to our lives? I think often it is best to admit that we know very little about what is really going on.
  7. Unfortunately there are only some facts which are really facts. And then there are lots of situations which look like facts but there are not proven facts. I.e. if a certain politician would be a lifelong serial sex offender and corporate criminal, why is he not in jail? I am no fan of that guy and possibly he is what you write, but until now that is no fact. And that is the problem with certain "facts" - not just about politicians.
  8. Except if the MeToo crowd is against you. You know, women are always right!
  9. A completely idiotic comment. Why is that idiotic? It was my reply to this one: "Fact check is a tool of the woke. The fact check sites are run by lefties and funded by lefties." What is the opposite of the woke? We can be sure Trump fanboys are part of that group. And who denies reality like election results? So maybe my comment is not so idiotic considering why I wrote it.
  10. Just to get it registered probably any paintjob will do - as long as it is the registered color. DIY!
  11. I guess that explains why all those Trump fanboys don't care about facts.
  12. I voted "Very likely" under the "credible fact checking" condition. But it seems the "credible fact checking" is often difficult, blurred or impossible these days. A good example is the climate change, or climate crisis or climate breakdown or whatever people call it. When we believe some people then soon we will all be deep underwater. Every change of the weather (warmer, colder, wind, whatever) is a clear sign of the climate breakdown, which will happen very soon. Other experts agree there are changes, but the situation is not really critical. And then there are experts who dismiss most of the climate panic news. Which is true? All of above positions exists with real experts who studied climate for a long time. That is just one example. Then there are all the fact checked articles about the war in Ukraine, the situation in Russia, China, and and and. I think it's almost impossible to know what is true. Because whatever truth we want to know, there will be a (credible) source which supports it.
  13. There is no why. There is no reason. It just is. You will never find a reason because there is no reason - not just for dogs. Accept this little truth and life becomes so much easier in Thailand.
  14. There is a big difference between failing and failing. If a phone fails and doesn't work anymore that is annoying but that's about it. If a couple of lithium batteries overheat and burn that is a very different category of failure.
  15. I understand when people don't want to spend more than necessary. But with some things, like using Lithium batteries with lots of power, I would think twice about using cheaper devices. Because obviously cheaper devices are cheaper for a reason. Some fuses, heat sensors, and other hardware is not really necessary for a device to "work". But it can be fatal if security features are missing if something goes wrong. IMHO do it right and secure or don't do it!
  16. And how many 70 year old women dream about getting f@%$@ by some guy? I have to admit I didn't ask them, but I guess it will be a tiny minority.
  17. If nobody finds him attractive, then nobody will go with him. The question is obviously: Is a guy only attractive if he is a young hunk or is he is Jeff Bezos? Why can't a "normal guy" be attractive? I guess many normal people are married to other normal people. And why would a guy who pays for a service care if the person who gets paid finds him attractive? Who cares?
  18. It seems you are a woman... IMHO most guys, especially when they get older, want a nice and comfortable life and no stress. Unfortunately, many women, and especially older farang women, like to nag and make trouble. Guys don't like that! And if divorce is difficult for whatever reason, then escape is an option. Maybe just closing the door at home in the hobby room or a holiday in Thailand. The main point is to get away from the nagging monster. And if then there is a nice girl or woman who pours him a beer and talks nice to him and is not nagging then she won already 90%. I am sure many guys would not look for anybody else if the woman at home wouldn't make his life so miserable.
  19. Yes, sometimes that happens. But there are many cases, I am sure many can be told by members here, where the wonderful girl became a demanding wife after they married. And because of divorce laws many men have to live with that or lose a lot, sometimes everything. With some people we think we see in advance that the marriage won't last. But with others we think all looks fine. Until the moment it doesn't look so good anymore. And whatever happens and for whatever reason it happens it seems most of the time the guy loses a lot. So, IMHO, avoid!
  20. That is a stupid comparison. You rent with short term cancellation option, or you rent and you can't cancel the contract without severe paneities. You never buy - that would be slavery. I you marry a woman that is absolutely no guarantee that she will stay the way you like it. In fact, you sign a contract that even if she changes in any way she wants you will still support her. How stupid is that?
  21. That is at best only a theoretical consideration. One changes throughout life, character and life goals aren't static and when two people are involved the equation becomes even more complicated. It's easy not to marry. Just don't do it. Anybody who gets married because she wants it because for her it has lots of benefits should realize he didn't have to do it.
  22. But if those people have sex and pay for sex then the pass on that money. But instead of passing it on to their greedy children they pass it on to cute girls in need. Win/win and all that.
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