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Everything posted by OneMoreFarang

  1. Yes, I agree. But sometimes it seems to me that some people think they have to do this and have to do that. And then maybe they die unhappy and with lots of money in the bank. I like it when I see an old guy realizing that he can have fun and spend his money and not leave it to the demanding and annoying kids who can't wait that he dies. Carpe diem - as long as you can.
  2. I find it always amazing how many guys in this forum analyze such articles and explain to us what is going on. And then they have advice for everybody involved how they should change their lives. Amazing!
  3. Thanks for your explanation. I am sure most of us were trying hard to understand what is going on. You explained it to all of us. Thanks! What would we do without smart members like you?
  4. I remember about a brothel somewhere, not in Thailand, where customers could choose between living women and dolls. I guess the living creatures were more expensive but I am not sure.
  5. Why would "they" do that? How many guys looks for intelligent conversations with sex "partners"? Come on baby, s#$@ my d$#%!
  6. Some Thai girls are amazing. But lots of Thai women are best case annoying. I understand that he prefers a quite doll.
  7. I think Julie should be grateful that her husband still returns regularly to her. The alternative is that the husband will spend all his time and all his money in Thailand. No time and no money for Julie anymore. And remember, there are many many temples in Thailand. It takes forever to visit them all.
  8. There we have the big misconception right in the first words of the post. Good luck! You will need it.
  9. I wonder if there will come a time when car users talk about the times when you could "fully recharge" your car within 5min. Just fill up the tank with gasoline...
  10. So the eight-year-old owns a gun and found that gun in the school bathroom. Strange.
  11. Some German banks, or maybe also European banks, have absolutely bad service, also inside Germany. If you want a new ATM card don't expect to get one within one week - as a German person inside Germany. I waited 40min for my new KBank card in Bangkok... I guess that is the difference to the so-called 1st word.
  12. Maybe ask in a wine shop or a restaurant. I guess they also have wine coolers and maybe they can recommend somebody.
  13. Some people need long holidays. Personally, since I live in Thailand, I never made a long holiday. I don't miss it. I live in my holiday destination. ????
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