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Everything posted by OneMoreFarang

  1. I don't know enough about that business to know what is going on. But it seems pretty obvious that any girl who is hired to entertain guys in private should expect that she ends having sex with all of them, maybe one after the other or maybe all together. Any girl who doesn't want that shouldn't go to any of those places. And yes, I know, in theory she should be able to say No. But are those realistic expectations when everybody gets drunk and takes drugs?
  2. It's no wonder the Thai police does not find prostitution in this country. Maybe they should look for pretties, hostesses, models and whatever other words they use.
  3. I have to admit I didn't even think about those two options. But you are obviously right. And probably we will never know which version it was/is.
  4. And many (most?) GOP politicians still support this fraud. I guess by now that is par for the course in that party.
  5. I am surprised that they have pictures of all those things. It seems photography was already invented at that time. ????
  6. I still find it difficult to understand how anybody who pretends to follow the bible could ever support Trump and his behavior. Not that I know much from the bible but the little I know is more than enough to know Trump does not live according to those christian values.
  7. The first thing? How do you know that? Maybe they did a lot of things before they fired people. And it makes sense for any company to have the number of employees which they need. If they need more people, then they hire more people. And if they need fewer people, what should they do? Just keep everybody on the payroll? And if they would keep everybody on the payroll then what would happen? At some stage they wouldn't make money anymore and then they would go bankrupt and then nobody would work there anymore. Is that what you want?
  8. If they live 40 years more, then the 6 million is equal to about 410B each day, for both of them together. Hopefully someone does that math for them. I know they could invest it and all that. But the 410B sounds very different than 6 million.
  9. She did some good things. But I think it is sad that a good part of the world listens more to this young girl than to established scientists who studied climate and energy for decades. Great said it, then it must be true and important. Really?
  10. Many of us experienced low level corruption like cash to and no ticket from the traffic police or something like that. And we live with it and somehow accept it. TiT. But then, when the Director-General of the Department of Special Investigation (DSI), which I think is the highest-ranking police officer in the whole country, is transferred because of some allegations, now that really shows how bad the situation is. Am I surprised? Not really. But in a way it is still shocking.
  11. I think that is not entirely correct. If the phone is per USB cable connected to a computer, then the phone (at least Android) asks how this connection should be used. One option is to charge only. Another option is to transfer data. This makes it possible to copy pictures and other data from the phone directly to the computer disk, without any wireless connection. I am pretty sure such functionality could be integrated into a cable. And then the cable would work like a PC which could receive and possibly store and possibly transmit the data from the phone. Technically this is definitely possible. I don't know if the user has to click to allow this. Maybe it is also possible that that is the default setting of a phone as soon as a cable is connected. But then again, lots of users never look what is written in a message, they just click ok, next, whatever. So yes, a modified charging cable, which is a lot more than a charging cable, can be used to get user data.
  12. There are tourist places and tourist places. Bangkok might be expensive. Phuket is expensive And many small islands are ridiculously expensive.
  13. Except when the account was opened with a fake, stolen or paid for ID. The account drained and the criminal long gone. The bank from the customer which transferred the money should have log files when the customer logged in, if i.e. it was checked how much money is in the account, details about the money transfer (i.e. manual input, QR code) and such information. And if the bank(s) compare all those log files from the different cases then they should see a pattern about what happened and if this was fraud and if the customer just confirmed anything or there was nothing to confirm, etc.
  14. I don't know about tinder, but with my banking apps I have to confirm with my fingerprint if I want to transfer any money. And after not using the app for a few minutes I am automatically locked out and if I want to transfer money I have to login again. I find it hard to believe that they (seem to) claim that the transfers happened just by clicking on a SMS. And about what really happened: I am sure the banks have detailed log files who logged in at that time and when they confirmed transactions, etc. There are detailed records, just follow the evidence.
  15. I wonder how long it will take before they realize that 6 million is not as unlimited as they might think. Good luck! They need it.
  16. I find it always amazing that some people in such a position think they somehow can get away with such behavior. Castrate him and lock him up. Or put a big sign around his neck...
  17. Maybe the dealer is an Instagram star and he needed a new story or whatever those thing are called on that platform. A million hits under the topic: I scammed that stupid TikTok guy. ????
  18. Being elected makes her better in exactly one way, not "in every conceivable way". It seems you only see black or white. There is a lot of grey out there.
  19. About all the comments about illegal activity: She might be able to get a Thai ID card of categories 6 up to 8. But I am a little confused how anybody can get a Thai ID card if they are not Thai (6 to 8). Like 6: A Thai ID card for illegal immigrants. What?
  20. My gf is 100% Thai, but her birth was not registered at that time. She applied for a Thai ID card when she was about 18. Lots of people had to sign that they knew her and her family. She received first (as far as I remember) a pink document and later a Thai ID card. Her ID card number starts with a 5. I think that number indicates that some documents were missing or something like that. I saw information about the Thai ID number system some time ago on the internet, but I don't have a link. I think the important part for you is that Thai ID cards are not all the same. The first number has a meaning and makes a difference.
  21. Apart from many other things I think it's most important that you know printer companies make their money with very expensive ink and toner, not so much with the actual printers. Whatever you (want to) buy, make sure you check first the prices of new ink or toner and for how many pages they are supposed to work. Or read a test where experts compared them already.
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