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Everything posted by OneMoreFarang

  1. Let's hope they will die in the desert, alone, looking at all their money.
  2. And the customers want to hear lies: You are so strong, nobody made me happy like you, I want to stay with you long time, I don't want to go with other men again, ... It seems most lies are perfectly fine with most men.
  3. Technically that is correct. They didn't plan it. They received orders from the owner of that party.
  4. They all asked you: Do you want to have sex with us all together for a round of lady drinks. You agreed, you paid the drinks, but it seems you didn't understand the rest of the message. ????
  5. Great! But it obviously brings up the question: What did you and your eyes do on day 11? ????
  6. And what is the fastest way to do exactly that? Find a Thai girlfriend and live with her!
  7. I don't think anybody needs to unlock my phone when I die. When I die the phone dies with me. If there is anything that I want that other specific people know then I can tell them before I die. Or send them automatically a pre-scheduled email. Like: Whey you read this then I am dead...
  8. 55/2+7=34.5 As far as I see basically all Thai women over 30 think they are old. And that means they are not in a position to make demands. If a guy is not totally ugly/poor/stupid then he should be able to find a 30+ Thai women. And there are enough of them because most guys don't want old women. ????
  9. I never tried online dating - that happened after I met my gf. But I am pretty sure even if I would look for a girl I wouldn't try online. Why? Because the girls who I want don't need to go online to meet guys. And if they were online, then they would be contacted by lots of guys who are younger and fitter than me. They would never even send me a message. IMHO the only way around this is talking to girls in real life. And maybe, after seeing them maybe a couple of times (in a shop or a bar or restaurant or wherever) then they are willing to go for a date because that guy seems to be nice/rich whatever. And desperately searching is obviously the worst scenario.
  10. Do you really want to spend all day working under tables?
  11. Is that the theory or real life? Maybe it's illegal but it is big money, so many do it. And then there are shops, hairdresser, etc. in the building and often they act as an agent. And there are often boards with information. I don't know how much of that is legal. But it seems it is common procedure in many buildings.
  12. I am sure it also depends a lot on the customer. Some guys treat them like humans and maybe like a girlfriend. Other treat them like slaves.
  13. I don't think there is any organized scam. There must be millions of pictures out there from units which were once for rent or sale. Just copy them, done. It's also funny that sometime on the same site the same pictures are used for different units with different sizes, etc.
  14. It obviously depends a lot on what we want. If I would want a normal woman in my age group who has a decent job, then I wouldn't look in a bar. But if I want a pretty young cute girl then it is unlikely that I will find her at work. And even if I would find such a girl at my work then probably she wouldn't select the (almost) oldest guy in the office. I would look in bars and other places for girls who just started in that business and who are shy and who like a nice lifestyle but who are not yet used to bar business. If they don't know a word of English that is perfect. Take her out, make her happy, and never let her return to the bar - at least not alone for an extended time.
  15. I like https://www.fazwaz.com/ because they have maps, good search functions and other details. But I don't think that one, or any other, is good for searching individual now available units. It seems they are all full of units which were rented out or sold long ago. I think the best way to use these sites/databases is to search buildings in a specific area, price range, etc. And then go to these buildings and get personally up to date information in that building.
  16. That's what all those iPhone users think. Until the next model, and the next model, and the next model...
  17. I never sponsored a girl. But I remember when I first visited Thailand and I had this white knight feeling that if I would take a girl out of this horrible bar scene that they will love me forever. I am not sure if they still do that, but when I was young and still "back home" I saw on TV documentaries of all those girls who are treated like slaves and who only do that because their parents sold them into prostitution. I am pretty sure lots of guys still feel like the white knights and think the girl has to be thankful for the rest of her life.
  18. Earth wires are also good for humans, otherwise they possibly don't last very long. ????
  19. And why do you join this thread if there is "no interest at all now"?
  20. What's the problem? Turn around baby!
  21. I think with many devices there is no such thing as "the best". What is the best? The best looking, the one which uses minimum electricity, a small one, a big one, one with lots of features or one with just the basics which is very easy to use?
  22. I think how much the girls lie depends also a lot on us. Most girls know within seconds if a guy is a tourist and/or looking for a girlfriend or if he lives in Thailand for a long time. I have a pretty good idea if a girl is new in one specific bar. Because if she would have worked there for months then I would likely recognize her. Sometimes I asked them where they worked before, and before that and x years ago. Many girls don't hesitate to talk about bars and locations. They often also talk about their kids. I think we shouldn't ask some questions like if she has a boyfriend. It's obvious that most of us want to hear they don't have a boyfriend, so that is what they tell us. If you don't want to hear the usual lies, then don't ask the usual questions.
  23. IMHO that depends entirely on you - or her. I had (in my mind) great sex with some girls and even if they told me their name, I forgot it within days. I had boring sex with some girls, and I forgot them the moment I walked out of the door. And then it happened with a few girls that they were on my mind and in my heart for some time - even without any sex. It depends mostly on us what we feel and think.
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