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Everything posted by OneMoreFarang

  1. If my favorite girl wants to be with a 9 year old boy, then she is not the right one for me.
  2. Maybe there is a connection with the numbers, but I am not so sure about that. I go regularly to a few bars. I met some of the girls in those bars when they were 16 and just started work and now they are over 40. Some of them seem to be pretty normal. But I never had such a girl as a girlfriend, so I don't know how normal they are in that department. Other girls start and a few months later they are another person, often more or less crazy. I don't know if they ever return to "normal" even if they stop working in that business for years. I have my doubts. How does a girl change in one or the other direction? I don't know, it doesn't seem to be obvious.
  3. Do we, most of us, really want to know? And is it fair? Would I want that a possible gf knows everything about my life? I didn't do any crimes but in the hindsight there are also some moments where I should have behaved better. I think we should mostly look at a person how he/she is now and don't think about too much with how many people this person had sex and how and where and all that. And it seems some girls are pretty good in separating their job from their personality. Maybe it is similar to actors. Only because a guy plays always the bad guy doesn't mean that is how he is. And if a girl plays a role for an hour that doesn't have to damage her if she separates her role from the rest of her life. At least I guess it works similar to that.
  4. That, or other suicides, happens with guys, girls, and lots of other people all over the world
  5. That only work for beginners. More experienced guys know there are at least two more options.
  6. Yes, that is what the customer thinks. You did a great job, girl. But to be fair, I don't think there is a big difference between women who marry rich guys and prostitutes who take money from the same guys. All of them want money and a good life - and why not.
  7. Yes, and the newest iPhone and all that - in some cases.
  8. That is actually true for many bargirls. I no like young man as customer because they want to f$# for hours and think they do me a favor and they don't have much money. I prefer old guys. Maybe they sleep and I don't have to work at all. Or they are tired after 5 minutes. Easy money.
  9. What is the job of bargirls? Is it their job to tell the truth like: You are old and ugly, and I don't even want to talk with you if you don't pay me for it. Or is it their job to do anything to make the customer happy so that he pays a lot of money? You are so strong/handsome/nice. I feel so good with you together. You are my favorite guy. Other men don't understand me. The list goes on and on and on. Do the girls lie? Sure. That is in their job description! And the better they lie the better do they do their job. If anybody wants a (Thai) girl as a girlfriend, then meet her somewhere outside of a bar. Don't give her money, and don't promise her any money. Talk to her, walk with her in the park for an hour like lovers do that. Does your favorite girl do that? Does she even show up if you don't promise her money? Personally, I like many bargirls and I like that they make me feel good at that time. Do I believe it when they tell me no other guy ever made them happy like I did? Of course not. But it still sounds nice when they tell me such stories. It's a lot better than: You have a little one and I don't feel anything, and you don't know how to use it. At least your done in 5 min. Good that it's over. Be aware of what you wish for.
  10. Personally, I wouldn't visit any of those branches. I guess they will have as cheap as possible employees to sell glasses. I go to a shop which is a family business, and they are at that place for many years. They do a computer test but then also a thorough "manual" test. Why did you buy anything after just a 2-minute computer analysis? And about changing eyes: People with diabetes should be aware that they might have vastly different measurement within days.
  11. Thanks Do you know any names and maybe websites of reputable Insurance companies?
  12. Unfortunately "you honked your horn" is motive enough for some people.
  13. Probably no survivors. ???? IMHO bicycling in Thailand is even more dangerous than riding motorcycle. If you can avoid it don't do it.
  14. I recently looked at kitchen appliances. It's impossible to look at the electronic from outside and other technical details. What I did in shops is that I pressed some buttons and move some dials and things like that. On many devices it just feels cheap, and it feels like it will be damaged after some use. At the end I bought all from Electrolux. They seem to be relatively good quality for reasonable prices. For the hood I also made sure I switch it on and listen to it. Some of them are very loud. I still have to install what I bought and have no user experience up to now. I also looked at this AU website and subscribed. They tested some devices which are available in AU and TH and some general articles about different devices. https://www.choice.com.au/
  15. At least for me a couple of million THB is real money. And if I wouldn't be able to live in the place which I bought and would have to pay for another place to live in that would be more than annoying. The idea of insurances is obviously to spread the risk (and for the insurance to make money). There won't be too many places which can't be used anymore because a fire somewhere in the building. But I am sure there are a couple of them with lots of unhappy owners. I remember a place (not sure if condominium or apartment house) which had what seemed like a relatively small fire at the top of the building. And then I saw lots of people from that building with lots of suitcases moving out. And then I think the building wasn't occupied for years. I didn't look at any details at that time.
  16. Let's not forget that all those politicians were democratically elected by many, I guess mostly millions, of Americans. It shows us again how many crazy Americans are out there to vote for such people.
  17. I wanted to close it. But there was no X because there was another window, a Banggood ad. And when I closed that Banggood ad there was another window under that which I couldn't close. I also couldn't close the mostly black windows on the right (see above screenshot). I work with computers all day and night and I "fixed" it. But I think it is the responsibility of this forum owner to think about what they are doing and the user experience. Asean Now has by far the most advertisement of any website which I regularly use. They could make it more user friendly if they would want to do that - and spend the money for a decent web developer.
  18. Maybe send an email to Jotun and ask them. Sometimes I am surprised how fast and competent some companies answer.
  19. Dear Asean Now please think again how many ads and other windows you want to show us. I just had to open a couple of new instances of this forum to be able to continue at all. If I have to close advertisement windows one by one in a specific order to be able to close other windows, then it's just too much! And I work on a relatively big desktop screen. How awful will this look on a smaller screen?
  20. Did you have a working toilet when Somchai last used it? Just asking. ????
  21. I thought she did a job, and she did a good job in that movie. Is it part of the deal to be comfortable? Is making a couple of million dollars not enough? 30 years later...
  22. Which insurances are required and/or make sense as the owner of a condominium unit? I think some things are covered by the building and others not. Here are some samples of what I think could happen. What is covered by the building or what could be covered by private insurance? Fire a) There is a fire somewhere in the building, maybe in a lower floor and my unit is not accessible/usable. b) Like a) but my unit (or things in it) was also damaged by the fire. c) Like b) except the fire started in my unit (maybe an accident in the kitchen) Flooding Similar to fire Burglary Someone breaks in through my front door. Or maybe one of the building window cleaners enters my unit from outside And what is covered by a possible insurance? Let's say there was a fire in the building, and I can't live there for a year. Can I rent another place in a similar location similar size and the building insurance pays for that? Which insurance do you have and how much do you pay?
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