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Everything posted by OneMoreFarang

  1. Someone ignored the fine-print and things didn't go as he imagined. What a surprise. Or maybe not?
  2. Same with me. Soon after I arrived in Sukhumvit they started building the Skytrain. ????
  3. Probably the place in Khao San Road increased the prices because of him. ????
  4. This expat is obviously concentrating on the for him important things in his life. I didn't bother to go to Dan's website to read more of the same. Also about the parking in the middle of the road: It might be funny from time to time, but I wouldn't brag about it.
  5. @Crossy would you buy something like that from AliExpress? Or maybe: Would you buy it from any shop on that site or only from selected shops? Obviously we all don't want to spend more money than necessary and the supplier which I mentioned is probably 5 times as expensive. But then, with a 100A fuse, the most important thing is that it actually works and not that it is cheap. What is your opinion about where you buy things like that?
  6. This supplier has almost everything electrical - for a price. Fuses | Cartridge Fuses | Car Fuses | RS (rs-online.com)
  7. The sad part is obviously that lots of people voted for those nutters...
  8. It seems pretty obvious that if he gives the radicals enough that then they will vote for him. The question is how much is enough for those radicals? And according to some articles live will be very difficult for ordinary GOP politicians if they have to please the radicals constantly for the next years. We will see.
  9. It's always interesting when Thai police is very active to solve a crime or when they just pretend to be active or when they drag their feet.
  10. 6,574,590 THB or 6.57 million or 6,574,590 million? I am surprised that there is enough space to show that number at all. It seems the developer made his homework and tested it with large numbers. ????
  11. Some time ago I read that most people don't become more conservative when they get older. The "problem" is that people around them, especially all the younger people, are often more liberal or woke or whatever the opposite of conservative is these days. I.e. when I was young, I didn't like gay marriage and basically nobody liked it and that was considered normal at that time. Only radicals wanted to allow same sex marriage and adoption. Today it seems anybody who is not a fan of gay marriage and adoption is best case a conservative or more likely called a bigot.
  12. I never heard that - but then, maybe I was just too drunk. But seriously, I don't think that is restricted to Thai bars or nightlife business. Go to any place where people regularly drink at night anywhere in this world and stay sober and it gets worse the longer the evening is.
  13. Which brings us back to the tequila. That is obviously not absolutely necessary. But it certainly often enhances the experience.
  14. I don't know if Bosch has an official service center in Thailand. I recently bought a couple of original Bosch tools from this company. TCL TOOLS Sales & Services - Assembly of Perfection They should be able to help you with service and repair.
  15. If you really want to know my opinion then: No, I don't think you know how to party. It might happen that I see who is playing around with whom or signaling whatever. And why would I care if I know already in advance who will break up and why? Maybe I would be interested in all that if I would be an investigator at work. But while I am not at work and when I go to a party then let's party. Where is the booze and where are the cutest girls? Let's concentrate on the important parts in life.
  16. Now I am confused. Was the Russian Jesus born in Moscow or where?
  17. Did their Jesus tell them that it is ok to invade other peoples' countries?
  18. I also don't want them to be drunk. But lots of girls get exactly in the right mood with the right amount of tequila. And to be fair, I don't force anybody to drink. If they don't want to drink alcohol that is fine with me.
  19. Live high up. Above the 10th floor or so there are no mosquitos anymore.
  20. We will all die. Who wants to hold the record to be the oldest with no smoking, no drinking, probably no cake, no coffee, no red meat, no this and no that?
  21. Did you try it? Personally I like to drink in company, but I have also no problem if I don't drink at all. It is no fun to be sober when everybody is drinking. The jokes are just not funny without enough alcohol. And spending extended time with tea totals is mostly no fun. A long time ago when I was young, I spend most my time with people who smoked. I never smoked myself but in average if was more fun to be around those smokers. If people don't want to drink that is obviously fine. I prefer the others who know how to party.
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