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Everything posted by OneMoreFarang

  1. Loan sharks are a big problem in Thailand. And most people don't go to the police because they know that many loan sharks are connected to the police. I am not sure if she is brave or stupid to go with this to the police. But in general it would be good for Thailand if more people would stand up against loan sharks. Obviously it's stupid to borrow any money from them at all. But we are all allowed to make a stupid mistake from time to time. She, and all those other loan shark victims, should get fair conditions to pay the money back.
  2. I am sure there are many studies out there which were done by teams of professionals. Do you think that you know better? If yes, why?
  3. Normally I ignore your post. But this time I saw a reply to this so now I am aware of it. Please feel free to open any new topic you like. Obviously, it would be nice for the people in China if they would be treated better. And I guess on my list of possible concerns they are still a little higher than those gays in Qatar. But that issue is still far below my threshold of: I care enough to talk or write about it. Go ahead, and don't expect any contribution from me.
  4. That is often easier said than done. Many of those stupid people visited school - and didn't learn much. And even if they learn something and work hard some will think that working not so hard and making more money with crimes is what they want. And then maybe they fail and get locked up. And then? Will educating them then make them good productive citizens? It seems that works only in rare cases.
  5. It seems all in Thailand relevant political parties have strong connection to "interests". Maybe military, maybe other rich and powerful groups. I don't think there is any party from the people for the people. Some super rich businessmen pretend they are in politics because they have such a good heart, and they want to help the poor and downtrodden. As far as I see it that is just BS. It brings them some votes from the uneducated masses. That's the only reason why they pretend to feel that connection.
  6. Yes, and no. If someone is drunk and drives and maybe crashes into someone else that is a law and order issue. And the same is true for someone who drives under influence of drugs. Taking drugs somewhere in a safe environment shouldn't be an issue.
  7. My wife doesn't worry when I go out to Nana. She knows enough girls there who report right away where they saw me and what I did...
  8. I don't like drugs, and I agree. Some time ago I read an interview with a high-ranking police officer in the UK who just retired. He talked about a huge drug bust. Then the reporter asked him what difference this will make, and the police officer replied: Now drugs will be for some time more expensive on the streets and because of that there will be more crimes from people who "need" money to buy drugs. So much for the meaning of success.
  9. They should prosecute the driver for attempted murder and send him to jail. If that would happen often enough, then maybe some drivers would have an incentive to stop. Just the fact that maybe they kill somebody seems not to be important enough for some.
  10. I just saw a video about that. Interesting. The singer made a long video about the motorcycle rider touching her leg. And she tells him he should not do that and then he does it again. And what does she do? She continues to make her video. I find such behavior strange. I asked my gf what she would do? And she said she would tell the guy to stop the bike, get off and send him away with a couple of words which would be censored here. Obviously the guy shouldn't do that. But why does she sit and make a video out of that? What would she have done if he (tried to) rape her? Make a video? There was a time when girls learned to tell such guys to f$# off, maybe slap them in the face, whatever. He will get the message. But sitting there, continuing with the ride, and making a video? Strange!
  11. Good idea but I don't want to run the risk that someone thinks I am one of those rainbow guys...
  12. And for how many people did the escape work long time? Is it really so difficult to see that too many people who take drugs f#$$ up their lives? Don't do it!
  13. Drug abuse works like this: You think you want to feel better. Somehow someone told you that taking drugs will make things better. You can a) do that I find out in the long run it won't get better or b) you think for a minute or two how many people ruined their life with drugs and then you don't do it. It's not really that difficult.
  14. It's time to paint the walls of my renovated condominium. But which color? I think looking at a book full of colors or little plates makes it difficult, at least for me, to imagine how a whole wall or room painted in that color looks like. Are there any shops in Bangkok which show colors on walls? How did you select which colors you want? And did it work out the way you imagined? This is an example of what I think is a bad way to select colors. It's just too small to get an idea how it will look on a wall.
  15. So if you are black, poor and uneducated then you have to take (expensive) drugs, correct? I think that sounds rather stupid. Basically nobody is forced to take drugs. And nobody is forced to continue with that habit. People are responsible for their lives and their life decisions. Telling them, or pretending that obviously they have to take drugs because condition a, b and c is stupid. But that doesn't mean they should all be locked up even if they take drugs.
  16. Not that I care about football. But looking at some of the results I understand why they want to get drunk.
  17. That's why I meet the guys in Soi Cowboy. Nobody likes woke modern times - ok, most of it.
  18. Ok And what about people who have/had no insurance? Should they just die? Or hope someone will give them some money? How about children who lost their parents? I think there are always some people which should be supported with tax payers' money. The question is how much support and for how long.
  19. I am one of those happy people in this forum. The shop was recommended here. I contacted them, received fast information about the options for my bike, then I made an appointment, and they installed new tires in about 30 min. I will definitely go there again and can highly recommend them.
  20. I don't think it's that easy. Obviously we can decide if we look what some celebrities do, or we ignore it. But if social media is used for propaganda and for spreading (sometimes wrong) information then it's not a question of individual taste anymore. Too many people just accept "news" without questioning the facts. And obviously some people want to manipulate other people - and some are very successful in that. Personally I ignore what some idiots say. But millions of people follow lots of bad people who manipulate them.
  21. I don't like the idea that some people, and it seems more and more people, like to sort everybody into left and right baskets. Why? I.e. support for people: Should some people in need get some support? I.e. should people who just survived a hurricane get food and water and some basic shelter? I think most of us would support that. Should everybody who has no house get one supplied by the government? Maybe including a big TV and money for cigarettes? I guess most of us don't want that. And there are of course many other issues like taxation, health, which drugs should be legal and which illegal? Which immigrants should be accepted under which conditions, and and and. I think many of us have an idea what the radical left and the radical right would like. But with many issues it's not just left or right. I.e. some immigrants are welcome, others not. There should be a balance. And each of us can have ideas where that balance is. And we are not automatically left or right because of that single issue.
  22. For people like us, mostly not so young men in this forum I agree with you. But it seems many teenagers basically have to follow social media. There is a party somewhere, it's on social media. Someone discovered something about a teacher - social media. Everybody talks about your stupid shirt from yesterday - social media. No school tomorrow - social media. I guess no school kid wants to ask the other kids constantly: What is going on, tell me, my father told me social media is bad... Do I like it? No. But I guess most teenagers can't avoid it if they don't want to live in another world than the rest of the kids.
  23. It seems you have problems with understanding. Let me try to explain it again to you. He bought a company for many billions. If that company loses millions for a couple of weeks more doesn't really make a difference. When Musk worked with Tesla I am sure he learned a lot about electric cars and manufacturing and and and. And he applied that wisdom, over years, and the company is sucessful. With his space company he also spent years to learn and optimize it. And now? Now it seems he wants to change a company within days or weeks which is very different from the companies which he managed previously. Does he think it's all so easy that he knows everything already? Does he think it will somehow work half the employees gone? Did he think twice before he made major changes? Obviously Musk can change whatever he wants to change. But I am pretty sure by now he also realizes that he should have changed things a little slower and think first about the consequences. I.e. firing people and then begging some of them to come back doesn't sound like a smart move. And selling subscriptions to verified accounts and then finding out a few days later that this doesn't work is also not really a sign that he though it through. He could have learned all of that in management 101. Maybe he even did learn it. And then he thought himself to be so smart to just shoot from the hip. 555
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