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Everything posted by OneMoreFarang

  1. Today I received a reply from them per LINE. I asked for 30m and they are happy to supply that. 300/500V IEC53 4C x 1.5/1.5 mm2 = 5C 30M = 77 baht/M. 300/500V IEC53 4C x 2.5/2.5 mm2 = 5C 30M = 110 baht/M. 600V CVV 5C x 2. 5 mm2 30M = 100 baht/M. 5C all black with marking numbers Now I have to look how much I really need before I order. Thanks for all your comments.
  2. Wonderful, then nothing can happen. Or not? Let's say I would be a bad landlord with someone renting my condominium. Maybe I inspect my condominium one day and I think I saw some flash from the main beaker box. Maybe I just imagined that flash. But obviously I want to prevent accidents and I want that my tenant lives in a secure condominium. So just to be sure I ask the condominium management to switch off the electricity to my unit - obviously I want to protect the health and life of my tenant. And then I will hire an electrician to look at that problem. Obviously it should be a good electrician and my friend Somchai the specialist is not available in the next two weeks. Sorry, we have to keep the electricity switched off for your own security... Now tell me something like that could not possibly happen. I don't say it will happen. But there are always ways to make life difficult. And no, I was never a landlord in my life.
  3. Really? How do you fight in Thailand against influential Thai people and win? And is it worth it? I.e. I find it always interesting when the management and security guards of my condominium forget everything the committee agreed to when one (a little) influential owner decides things are different. And this seems to be normal also in many other buildings.
  4. I think people forget here that there are laws in Thailand and then there is reality. If someone wants to get you out I am sure they find ways to make your life difficult so you want to go out by yourself. Maybe no water or electricity. Is that legal? Maybe not. But does that mean it couldn't happen? TiT.
  5. Something for your imagination with mounting legs and all that. ????
  6. Today I put above inserts in the cabinet, and I used some wood glue for them. As far as I see that was a good idea. Now I can easily attach the legs with machine screws and if I like remove them again and attach them again without worrying about the connection. Thanks for all your information.
  7. I remember formalin from preparing dead animals like fish to show them as a trophy on the wall. I remember it had a strong smell. Wouldn't people notice that smell or a bad taste with this meat? Or how do they process that so that people eat it?
  8. I wonder how many Thais, especially those in powerful positions, ever go to the beach or swim in the sea. As far as I know important Thais, you know those white Thais who would never voluntarily go into the sun, don't spend any time on the beach. So, they won't see the rubbish. And that is almost the same as if they rubbish doesn't exist. It's all a question of priorities...
  9. Probably those French female tourists were hoping for some romantic holiday on the beach with guys who line up to buy drinks for them. And then, probably after a few days, they discovered that all those guys are only interested in the local dusky girls. I guess that was really frustrating for them. So they walked along the beach with some last hope that if they only search long enough, they will find a guy. But no, that never happened. And then, instead of dying of boredom, they started to pick up the trash. That was obviously a great idea. Win/win/win for everybody.
  10. Thanks, do you have a local link or name for such a cable? Not coloured is not optimal but I can live with that. I just mark them on each end.
  11. That reminds me of my visit to the Maldives many years ago. They collected all the garbage on the local island. And then they transported it with a boat to dump it far away into the sea - near some other island...
  12. No, I don't think the surveys are fake. But I doubt many people know what exactly the governor is responsible for, and which part is the country's government, maybe police regulations, etc. I.e. expansion and prices of the local transport like busses, trains, etc. Is that under control of the governor? Or the Thai government? Or maybe the shareholders or CEOs of those companies? And if the current governor gives the go ahead for the red/yellow/blue BTS line, how long will it take before that is operational? And will the future governor in maybe 5 years then tell the people: Look what I have done, I just opened the new BTS line (which was approved many years ago). That is just one sample where I have to admit, I don't know. And I am pretty sure I am not the only one who doesn't know. So, if i.e. the busses and trains would suddenly run more smoothly, should I assume the governor did that? Or who did it? It reminds me of people complaining about prices to fill up their cars and trucks. Why is gasoline more expensive now with this government? And maybe the answer is: They couldn't control it even if they wanted because the local prices are connected to the worldwide oil prices. But people still blame the politicians which they don't like.
  13. Where are the videos of all his security cameras? Or didn't he have any cameras? Obviously it would be nice if nobody gets robbed. But leaving houses for months alone sounds like a bad idea.
  14. I really wonder what the governor really did and what do people think he did. I.e. sometimes I think the traffic is not so bad anymore. Did the governor do something to make that happen? Or is it maybe school holiday and that is the reason for not so much traffic? Or flooding: Did the situation improve? And if it did improve was it because of some action of the governor in Bangkok? Or maybe some action outside of Bangkok, maybe related to the government of Thailand? Or was there just not so much rain in Bangkok and other areas and that is why there is not much flooding? Those survey people should ask the people questions like: Tell me what you know what the governor did. And tell me how that affected your life. I am sure there will be many interesting answers...
  15. I think they are R-rated, but I don't remember where I saw that rating. The following picture is from the installation. Not finished or cleaned. I think it shows the rough surface. Like I said: With water and barefoot, no slip at all. I also tried with water and soap and barefoot, and that is still slippery. But by far not as bad as many other tiles. And these tiles have no sandpaper feeling at all. But I don't know how to describe it properly. The tiles are on show in Boonthavorn.
  16. And in a way I think that makes sense. If there is a problem with the bike, even a simple problem like it doesn't start, then the rental company don't want to send a technician hundreds of kilometers away, maybe even to return the bike on a truck.
  17. I will tell her to report. I mean, it can't be soooo difficult. ????
  18. It seems Thais, and probably not only Thais, love that shiny look. The entrance of my condominium building is one of those examples. Shiny tiles. And finally someone discovered that they are a huge risk when wet. And what did they do? Put some ugly blue plastic mats on the beautiful tiles to "solve" the problem...
  19. Thanks for all your comments. My questions is/was really only about the cables. I know enough about all the LED versions and how to install them and control them, etc. Currently I use 24V LED strips in one area. Maybe I use 12V in another area and it could even happen that I use 5V somewhere. If I use 12V instead of 24V then the current will be double and if I use 5V it will more than double again. With 2.5sqmm I am ready for whatever might come. And for these kind of cables there is no such thing as too thick. If I install 2.5sqmm now, then I never have to worry again in case I change my mind later which voltage I will use. And yes, I know then I need another power supply. And for anybody who wants to learn about any aspects of LED lights I recommend this website. The guy also has an interesting YouTube channel. https://quinled.info/
  20. At that time I just asked and got a verbal answer, I didn't follow up. Maybe it's in the written contract. And if it in that contract and someone uses the bike somewhere else and there is an accident then there might be bad consequences. Personally I wouldn't do it.
  21. Thanks, I just contacted them per LINE. If necessary I am willing to buy 100m.
  22. In some areas that is possible, in others not. I will install some LED lights along the walls on my floor. I prepared already pipes for the cables in the walls up to the floor. The power supplies and controllers will be in the ceiling. I want something like similar to this.
  23. Thanks for your comments. I know I don't really need 2.5sqmm. I like to use that "thick" cable to lose as little of the voltage as possible. In one area I have likely 5meter to the left and 5meter to the right and if possible I like to feed it with just one cable. It could be max about 10A. I mentioned 1.5sqmm because that is obviously an option. But it seems that is also not easily available. It is also possible that I will use in some area 12V, and that doubles the current right away... @Crossy Thanks! I just contracted Bangkok Cable on their website. Let's look how they react.
  24. Finally my floor tiling is done. The whole indoor floor are anti slip tiles with "rough" surface. I like it. IMHO it looks good, and it's easy to walk on with or without shoes and it feels comfortable with bare feet. Even with water on it and no shoes the feet don't slip. I would do it again. http://www.guocera.com/product/broadway/1325 Until now I didn't live in that apartment, and I never cleaned the floor. Above are just my first impressions.
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