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Everything posted by OneMoreFarang

  1. That's what we though when the present lot removed the last lot... And it seems the be a worldwide phenomenon: This one is bad, so the next one must be better. No, unfortunately that is often not true.
  2. That's what I also wrote: "Yes, the losers should learn. And the winners should also learn that winning a democratic voted doesn't allow them to do anything they want. They are not above the law. And they are not supposed to enrich themselves. And last but not least they are supposed to work for the whole country and not just for part of it." So which part of that is incorrect?
  3. That's great news. I hope all those red-shirts will remember that and next time they want to protest, in peace or with violence, looting and arson, they should do that somewhere far away from Bangkok. That's also good for them and the environment because then they don't have to travel so far.
  4. Which part? There are no red-shirts on the streets in Bangkok and it is peaceful. Possibly what you see is different from what I see. But that doesn't mean what I see (in Bangkok) is incorrect.
  5. Really? There is peace in Bangkok without all those red-shirts. Yes, the losers should learn. And the winners should also learn that winning a democratic voted doesn't allow them to do anything they want. They are not above the law. And they are not supposed to enrich themselves. And last but not least they are supposed to work for the whole country and not just for part of it.
  6. I know what you mean. Ricardo was for years a regular drinking "outside" the Dynasty Inn. And he also visited NANA a lot. I knew him from work.
  7. Let's pretend that will happen, and let's pretend Thaksin's daughter will be PM. And then? Another attempted whitewash of the fugitive criminal? And then? Will history repeat itself? Obviously Thais should vote who they want to vote for. But think twice about the consequences. Do they want stability in Thailand? Or more division?
  8. If such reliable source would exist then you can be sure that professional companies, with lots of money, would use it. I am sure in part they do exactly that. But I am also sure that they have human experts watching what is happening. Computer systems, AI or not, make mistakes. It's unrealistic to expect that they work perfectly. And it's even more unrealistic to expect that trading AI would work perfect. Who would have trained that AI to make it perfect?
  9. If you don't want to go anywhere else, then look if you find a friendly visa agent who maybe like to help you - for a fee of course. And about legal or illegal or whatever: What are you going to do? Tell them that what they do is illegal? Or go to the police? Or what's your plan?
  10. Many dealers should be avoided. This is why Lazada and others have a rating system. Until now I had almost always a good experience. Only a few times it took too long and I think one time the wrong item was delivered. It was easy to correct this. I think some people are disappointed that things which can't be true are not true. I.e. if a dealer offers a brand name device 30% cheaper than everybody else then don't expect that is true. And if you buy something cheap then don't expect it to be high quality. It's not so difficult.
  11. That reminds me of this wonderful story. Yes, Madeline, You Can Have a Unicorn, L.A. County Tells Girl - The New York Times (nytimes.com)
  12. @Liverpool Lou don't laugh. My comment was serious. Maybe I should have described it a little better: They have a big copy/print/scan machine in there. You can give them documents to print or scan documents, etc.
  13. ... talk to the cook. If they have the ingredients, then they will prepare it for you.
  14. Really? What do you expect? 20B more than cost? I am sure they pay a LOT of rent in those places. The money must come from somewhere.
  15. I think this video is a wonderful example of those activist and their supporters. I don't support everything from Jordan Peterson. But in this case I think he describes the situation very well.
  16. One option, just go there and you have a box within a few minutes. Safe Deposit Box Services | JWD Store It!
  17. I guess when the idea is to buy and sell in Thailand then that is perfectly fine. But how about if I would buy such a "Thai" gold bar here and later I would want to sell it in Europe. Could I sell it in Europe for the "correct" amount? If not, is it also possible to buy gold 99.9% in Thailand for a competitive price?
  18. Are you Ricardo? Or do you remember Ricardo? He used to hang out in that same place about the same time.
  19. That seems is the difficult part for many people. When is enough enough ? Having a small apartment and a small car and enough to eat is enough. But because I work so hard I should really own a bigger apartment and a better car and eat some decent food. I think even this little part can spiral for some time. And then are all those other expenses.
  20. It's all an illusion. Just close your eyes and imagine.
  21. 7/11 I don't know how many of them have a printer. I.e. the one at the end of Sukhumvit Soi 11 has one.
  22. And protest against capitalism? To get what? Communism? I don't think capitalism is perfect. But in restricted form it seems to be the best of the options.
  23. Really? And did the farmers get the biggest part of that money? Or did the middlemen, who always make money, just make more money? And the middlemen are exactly those local influential people who make sure the poor people vote for the "correct" party.
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