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Everything posted by OneMoreFarang

  1. It would be nice if natural selection would still work...
  2. I remember she was in the first row of VHS tapes in the video rental shop at that time. And I liked to see her in action. And I am pretty sure almost nobody had at that time even the idea that she might not be old enough.
  3. That reminds me of my visit to Phi Phi Island about 25 years ago. At that time they allowed only day trips. No structures were allowed on that island. It was beautiful.
  4. They definitely had too many houses. A beach and a few palm trees is enough for me.
  5. Trump would be dead since years if we would believe everybody who writes/says now it's over. One problem with Trump supporters is that they ignore facts and evidence. Hopefully the majority of GOP politicians will somehow someday grow a spine and tell Trump they had enough of him and his cult. But somehow I don't think that will happen anytime soon.
  6. I don't know anybody who lives in Thailand and after a visit back home said something like: That was so nice, I should go back there. But then again, I guess if they would like it more somewhere else then they would live somewhere else. Personally, I would live in the middle of Bangkok even if I would have 10 times more money/income. Sometimes a little beach is nice. But I definitely wouldn't want to live in a so called first world country. They have too much first world problems and headache.
  7. Let's not forget cherry blossom and Japanese culture. ????
  8. If you don't know the details yourself then hire a professional who you trust to find out the details and make sure all is done properly. Recently I bought a condo. I hired a guy who I know since years and who was an agent some time ago. I paid him a fixed amount for his work. He helped me from choosing the condo, checking out the building, how to transfer money for the payment, and the land office visit. All of that was new to me because I never did it before. He did it probably at least 100 times. I think for an important decision and official buying process with lots of money involved it is stupid to try this by yourself if you don't know what you are doing. And being able to read and write Thai is part of that. Obviously, someone can be lucky and do it the first time himself and all is fine. But are you willing to take that risk? Oh, that's bad, someone should have told me... P.S.: In my case the seller agreed that he pays all the transfer fees. He knew what to expect and I had the peace of mind not to worry. And I paid him with one check at the land office. No down payment.
  9. I googled them. No, I never saw them in Thailand.
  10. This just popped up on my YouTube. I like his accent - and he knows what he is doing.
  11. I had something similar some time ago. If your LINE can be added via phone number, then it could be random. Just add 100 numbers and ask all of them if they are still in Bangkok. Or your number was/is in some database from a shop, hotel, whatever. I just ignore them and that's it.
  12. I agree. It would be interesting to know how they spend their time if there is no special event.
  13. OneMoreFarang


    The cutes Thai girls are from Buriram province. But to be fair I am not sure if they are still over there or is they all come to Bangkok and Pattaya.
  14. Meetings like that should be far away from anything. I.e. on an island or maybe in the province somewhere. Let those leaders meet and work for a week or two. They don't need entertainment or good restaurants. Just let them concentrate on their work.
  15. Stupid, crazy and mad people exist since forever. Now they have a lot more publicity. And some people are confused and join those idiots. And some people have good intentions, i.e. not to be racists, but then they are caught up in some stupid movement. Maybe that is more of a sign about the people who were not elected. What does it mean if a bad candidate was elected? Probably the alternative was even worse. Recently I watch a lot of YouTube videos. For whatever reason the algorism puts lots of right leaning presenters on the top of my page. And when I watch those videos, I often agree with them how crazy some people on the left are. Yes, they are crazy. And now? Is that a reason to vote right? Or should right leaning candidates also be examined? Are they maybe also crazy in other ways? The problem is that there are many extreme candidates on both sides and there is no good alternative. People have to choose between one or the other idiot/radial/extremist. It's time that the not so extreme people wake up and give people better, not extreme, alternatives. I am sure lots of people would like to vote for smart and sane people who have the best interest of the people and the country in mind. But where are these smart and sane candidates? And how many sane people are willing to compete in this crazy "game"?
  16. That's one of those situations where Prayut can't win. If his government doesn't waste all that money on football the masses will be unhappy and blame him. And if "he" spends all that money on football nobody will thank him and vote for him because of that. Lose/lose.
  17. Unfortunately that is not easy to solve. I have a similar issue on a ThinkPad, maybe 8 years old. The local Lenovo repair center told me that are not able to get any spare parts anymore...
  18. Wow, Thaksin can read. That book was published in 1998. Maybe he should mention what he did against corruption and the underground business while he was in charge. Did he fight them? Or did he use them for his own power?
  19. If you want that you have all teeth to eat, then obviously it's best to get a replacement. If you can't afford it or don't care if one tooth is missing, then just get rid of the tooth. But in case you decide later you want a tooth again then it will be even more expensive. Summary: If you can afford it then get a crown.
  20. "Anybody who takes illegal drugs please step forward." Nobody does. We don't have anybody who takes illegal drugs. qed
  21. Can we translate this to: How many farang guys live unmarried together with their Thai girlfriend? If that is the question, then the answer is: many.
  22. Did you explain to them why you are late? I am sure that would have been an interesting conversation. ????
  23. He could motivate me to learn boxing so that I can smash his face. ???? Justin Bieber is another wonderful candidate for that.
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