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Everything posted by OneMoreFarang

  1. It's win/win for Russia and America. The Russians are proud that they influence the US election - even if they influence it only very little. And many Americans can blame the Russians for the US election result. The others did it...
  2. So what do you think would happen to you if you would have to live from 10k per month? Would you die? How are millions of Thai people able to live with that kind of money?
  3. That reminds me of an old guy in Bangkok who is proud of his hip hop moves. He told me he is so good everybody is watching. Yeah, sure...
  4. That is a great idea. I am sure many forum members will be happy if you go there and stay there. ????
  5. Actually, it is possible if you have to. Many of us are just used to living with a lot more than we really need.
  6. I think the question is not really how much we have to spend. The question is how much can we afford to spend? Travel, nice food and drinks, cars, home. Do we just want to survive, be comfortable or live in luxury? If someone can afford to spend 200k a month, why should be spend only 100k? To leave it for the children so they will waste it? 555
  7. Girls should be pink and warm. Steak bloody and hot. Not same!
  8. I have to admit I had to learn that just the correct tire pressure makes a big difference. Like: somehow I can't maneuver my bike like before anymore. Adjust tire pressure. Wow, what a difference, that's great... It should be obvious, but sometimes we have to remind ourselves.
  9. I love about Loy Krathong that almost all girls wear these wonderful dresses and make up their hair and look beautiful.
  10. I certainly spent more than 50k per month. I spent a lot on good food. Personally, I don't think that money is wasted. If I would have substantially more money, then probably I would also buy good wine. "Wasting money" is a very relative concept.
  11. Why do you do that? I never had such an app and never had DNS problems since >30 years with networked computers.
  12. In a router you set settings for the DHCP server. A DHCP server assigns IP addresses and additional settings like DNS, WINS, default gateway and others. If then you connect a PC the PC will get an IP address from that DHCP server including the DNS settings etc. from that DHCP server. You can also manually set the IP address and DNS addresses on each device (Windows, Linux, smart phone, IoT, whatever). If you only connect from devices to internet devices, then you need only a public DNS server like the server from your ISP or Google. If you have a network with several devices (PCs, printers, etc.) and they should recognize each other then you need a local DNS server.
  13. I would compare it more to the success of boy bands. Is that really what girls want? Oh no!
  14. Watch the video and listen to the voice of that girl. I would run away if I would have to listen to that voice for more than a second or two. It seems they match each other.
  15. In how many countries do the authorities send official correspondence and invoices per email? You could ask someone to open your mailbox from time to time and scan the documents and send them to you. That's how people do that all over the world since many years. And of course, official correspondence in Thailand will be in Thai language...
  16. One question which was not asked is if people buy now more in total compared to pre-online times. Personally, I don't buy more than before. Instead of going to shops I just buy it online. But I guess there are lots of people who buy now more items and spend more money in total compared to previous times.
  17. I often buy things online because it is more convenient in several ways. I.e. maybe I order something which is relative heavy or big. If I don't order that online, then I have to buy it and take it home with a taxi or buy smaller boxes. Sometimes things are not available in the usual shops. Instead of going to the shop and finding out it is not in stock I order it online. And if one online shop doesn't stock it then I order it from another shop. Many things are easy to find online and would be difficult to impossible to find in the real world. When I shop online, I make sure I buy it from a shop with a good reputation. I never had a problem.
  18. I definitely prefer the offline version: Pretty girl comes to me and smiles at me and tells me what a handsome man I am. She asks me if I want to invest 3k. I agree. I pay, she delivers. Win/win. Why make it more difficult online?
  19. If they would make sure the Phuket taxi mafia doesn't overcharge at least 200% that would make a bigger difference.
  20. Maybe the first thing they should do is to sell it not more openly than cigarettes. In shops which sell cigarettes they must be hidden until a customer demands them. With cannabis in it is advertised and sold in the open on the street. I.e. walk through Sukhumvit Soi 11 and there are many cannabis shops on the street - all openly advertising. What could possibly go wrong? And who ever thought that could be a good idea? Did anybody think before they allowed this situation? TiT!
  21. I guess that means you will never ever take a plane to anywhere anymore to go on holiday, correct?
  22. Which part of the Thai laws about short time rental do you don't understand?
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