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Everything posted by OneMoreFarang

  1. It would be interesting to have a similar thread written by our wives. What crazy things to farangs believe?
  2. increases the likelihood of being struck Those times are over
  3. I am planning my new apartment. There is a door to the bathroom near the bed. My Mrs told me the headboard side of the bed (or maybe our heads) cannot be on the side of the bathroom (door).
  4. With all those horror stories I wonder how Thailand compares to other nations. I.e. how many husbands kill their wife in America? And does it really matter if they use an ax or a gun?
  5. I think we can agree that the word equal can be used in many different ways. I.e. my gf is female, shorter than me and I have a lot more quantity (kg). Is she equal? No, we are different in many ways. Is she also a human being with the same human rights, etc.? Yes.
  6. Many years ago, I was a regular customer in one bar, and I was sitting next to one of the cashiers. She worked there for years. I never saw her going out with any customer but maybe she did. And it doesn't really matter. Years later she worked in an accounting company, and she contacted me to do some computer work for that accounting company. All fine. And at some stage I asked her about her experience with working in a bar and a "normal" job. She told me in average she like the bar girls more than the "normal" girls. Because the bar girls are more honest, and other reasons. I found that interesting. And I wasn't surprised. But that obviously doesn't mean all bar girls are better than all normal girls. Maybe the next survey should be: How do women select who they marry. IMHO there won't be much difference between bar girls and others.
  7. I think there is not much point in discussing this. Most guys who live here long enough will have a good idea if the wife worked previously in a bar. Those girls behave in general differently than the others. If someone would ask me at dinner where I met my wife then the answer could be any of the following: - yes, and you know that (or at least can guess it) - no, because I don't want to explain life to you (not said loud) - it's not your business And obviously if there are several people present including the wives then maybe it's not the good idea to point at your wife and tell everybody: I met her in baby agogo.
  8. You forgot option 3: No! Absolutely not! I would never admit that I met my wife in a bar. And just in case I met her in a bar she was the cashier, and she was never out with anybody but me. She is different! Personally I don't have such problems: My one was the hottest girl in the bar. And a great dancer. Let's go baby!
  9. ? Why do you think they don't respect them as equal only because they have a bigger nose? I.e. I am "white" and I know black guys. Are they equal? No. They are black and I am white. I still respect them, and they can be equally competent and intelligent and nice. But they are not equal, they have a different skin color.
  10. Thanks. Good luck with that. Somehow I would be surprised if he changes his attitude. But I might be wrong.
  11. Whatever you do, I suggest really think it trough. I think rider with a scooter in a small soi might be ok. On a main road sure not. And on a footpath probably people will complain. And wherever you want to use it: can you park it? And scooter (batteries) don't like water. Lithium + water = fire! They are dangerous.
  12. What will you do is there is suddenly an obstacle? What will you do if you suddenly have to brake? A sudden halt or impact at 6km/h can be dangerous - at least a lot more dangerous than walking. And where do you want to use that thing? On the street? Or on the footpath? Personally I think both are bad alternatives, for different reasons.
  13. There are, but obviously I don't know how many. But when people voted for "leaders" like Boris, Trump, Marcos, etc. did the voter expect competent and honest leaders? Too many voters vote for "bad" people and then they are somehow surprised when they have a corrupt and incompetent government.
  14. Good to know where he will be at that time. Lock him up! We don't want another 2010! No red-shirts - no problems. Lock them all up!
  15. So where is a picture of that fatal haircut? Shouldn't we know what it's all about?
  16. What he writes doesn't make much sense in any part of Sukhumvit Road. So one more mistake in his text doesn't really matter.
  17. The land is sinking and because of that... How often do people repeat that? And do they think this is true because they repeat it again and again? Maybe open your eyes and look at reality for a moment before you post about things which you don't understand.
  18. So according to you a zebra crossing is a zebra crossing. But if someone adds a traffic light to it then it's a crossing with stripes and no zebra crossing anymore? So how about if the light is broken or switched off? Is it then again a zebra crossing?
  19. I think in general many Germans are straight forward and they say what they think. For some people they are too direct - and the Germans don't realize that if nobody tells them. I think that is good for work in general - if it's about work. But human relations are something different...
  20. I don't think you mentioned it already, how old is this German? For me it sounds like two options: Young and unexperienced or old with a bad attitude.
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