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Everything posted by OneMoreFarang

  1. Do we really need all those anti-Arab comments here? Are guys from all the other countries of this world so much better? There will always be some idiots from any country.
  2. I am far away from 70 and I don't know what fulfills guys of that age. What some people seem to confuse is having a relationship with a young (maybe uneducated) girl with spending all the time with her and only with her. I have my work and enough grown-up friends with whom I can discus world politics, computer programming, exploration of the universe and such things. I never discussed any of that with my Thai girlfriend. And I don't miss that I can't discuss it with her. I like that it's fun and comfortable to be with my previously young and now not so young anymore gf. That doesn't mean I would like to spend 24/7 with any pretty young girl. Some of them are obviously very annoying. A gf must be compatible - to each of us individually.
  3. I don't know why you reply with your comments to my comment but apart from that I agree with you. When women are trafficked to another country to work there as (sex) slaves that certainly is trafficking. But it seems nowadays that word trafficking is used all the time, even if the girl has sex in the same town where she lives.
  4. Will the cops be arrested who see all the traffic violations and do nothing? That would be a good idea. But who will arrest them?
  5. Some lights are also available with a switch to change the color temperature. And some even allow a smooth transition of a range of the color temperatures. In the moment I renovate my apartment. I install dimmable LEDs with variable color temperature everywhere. I will have always the perfect light. Here are some high-quality LEDs - with many options. https://www.aliexpress.com/store/group/WWCW-SMD-LED-Strip/3754011_515228206.html
  6. In the moment I sit in front of my PC in the dark with only a little background light. It's warm white, like candlelight, and I like it that way. I could switch on the white light. And sometimes I do that for dinner, but I definitely won't switch the white light on when I want to relax.
  7. Some ladyboys still have the male genitals, some not. Many years ago I saw a pretty Gogo dancer on stage. Wow. After a few drinks we visited a hotel. It took me about 30min after I saw her naked to discover that she wasn't a natural born girl. She looked great, had the full operation, no deep voice, etc. That was my first time (and as far as I know only time) with a ladyboy and I didn't care. Because she was basically a nice girl who was not born like that. My point is, there are huge differences with ladyboys. Some are operated, some not. Some are feminine, some are more like an aggressive male. It's up to each of us individually what we want and accept. IMHO ladyboys are different from each other like girls or guys and not all the same. They are individuals - like all of us.
  8. He asked about a LTR. I had to look it up, it means Long Time Relation...
  9. LED lights use little electricity and they are available in many shapes and forms. The problem is there are many many options. I.e. which color temperature do you like/want? Something like romantic candlelight or daylight white for work? If you want to look at options and details I can recommend this website. The guy has also many videos on YouTube and he knows what he is talking about. https://quinled.info/ If you don't want to look at too many details then I still suggest you have a look at this and the CRI value. This is about the quality of the light. I.e. that food looks like food, etc. https://quinled.info/2018/08/23/the-color-white-and-cri-ra/
  10. It's always amazing how fast the Thai police get things done if they want to.
  11. Probably your colleagues know already what you like. And it's your life so why do you care about them? You don't have to bring him/her to the company party. IMHO it is never a good idea to bring her even if you would have a pretty young stunner. And for the long term relation: Normally those long term relationships take time to form. You don't talk to someone and ask on the first date if they want to start a long term relationship with you. Date what you like, see "her" a couple of times, invite her home, and if you are happy together then ask her to stay. And if you don't like that idea after a couple of meetings then don't.
  12. It's almost funny when people argue here about bad bar girls and good educated girls, etc. Why don't we just agree that there are good and bad girls anywhere from poor to HiSo. Just the fact that a woman is well educated or from a good family or with a good job means almost nothing. Maybe they lie, maybe they cheat (for money or just because they want it) or maybe they are the perfect wives.
  13. The criminal fugitive makes recommendation regarding the judiciary. What a joke! Come Thaksin, go to jail! And bring your little criminal sister with you. And after you stayed in jail for all the crimes you did, then you can make recommendations. Until then: Shut up!
  14. It seems you want to apply logic to something that has little to do with logic. The twitter messages from Elon Musk are probably more important than any logic. And it doesn't matter if he is stoned or joking or whatever.
  15. So there is a will and you don't like the will and you think it's not fair. And this is why it should be changed to the way you think it would be fair. Is that an accurate summary? I understand that you think it's not fair. But better get used to the fact that sometimes life is not fair.
  16. In principle I like that idea. But somehow it is difficult to ignore about 70 million people - many of them with guns.
  17. If they would be openly pro Russia and anti America then what you write is obviously correct. But there are often many arguments pro and contra certain politics. I.e. a senator wouldn't say: Reduce the weapons because Putin is such a nice guy. But he/she might say: We don't need more weapons. We could spend that money to save the trees or whatever. The result would be the same for Russia. Fewer weapons. And this is of course just one example of many possible scenarios.
  18. Thanks for your answer. About the drainage pipe. I see two problems with that approach. In my condominium, and I guess in many others, some of my drainage pipes go from my condo through the concrete floor to the ceiling of the unit below me. Or to be more precise, they are hidden under the (tile) ceiling of the unit below. And in my case that unit is currently empty. The building manager agreed to help us and open the condominium below to look. And maybe we can remove a ceiling tile or two or three. But I guess there won't be a big inspection happening in the other person's condo. Some leaks could be just small leaks. Just a few drops, but maybe steady. If we poor water down the drains we won't easily see if maybe 1% of that water is leaking slowly through the pipes or connection of the pipes. And if nobody is watching for some time in the condo below that might cause some bad damage...
  19. I make the rules and I decide. She can decide what color the kitchen should be - as long as I like it.
  20. Would you relax if your house burns down, maybe with people inside, because of some idiot who didn't know what he was doing? Should it not be enough to think what might have happened is that short circuit would have happened with kids int he kindergarten? I saw recently with my own eyes the absolute horrible work of some Thai "electrician". Unfortunately there are way too many of those in Thailand. No, I don't think that is relaxing.
  21. 35 pages and there are still people who think Trump is innocent. I really wander what must happen before his diehard supporters admit that he did something seriously wrong, and he should be prosecuted. I.e. if the documents would include details of current nuclear weapons, would that be important enough to prosecute him? Or was it still just a little mistake with all those papers? What must he do before many of his supporters wake up?
  22. Was it caused by a short circuit or by substandard work? How many qualified electricians are in Thailand and how many non-qualified idiots mess around with electrical wires all the time? Lots of bad work is bad but people don't die as a consequence. Bad electrical work kills people. When will Thailand take this serious? When will they punish people who mess around with life threatening installations?
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