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Everything posted by OneMoreFarang

  1. Why did you buy it? Here are some alternatives:
  2. You, or someone who manages the company, has to be very careful when a farang is employed. Because then Thai authorities will likely look at lots of details which they previously ignored. One of those issues is how many Thais are employed. I know a case where a company had 3 farang work permits and at least Thai employees. All was fine until on one of those yearly visa renewals the officer noticed that for the last 12 months there was one month with just 11 Thai employees. One person quit and another was hired two months later. Result: No extension of the visa. That made it necessary that at least one of the farangs had to visit an embassy outside of Thailand and apply for a new visa. Time, money, lots of paperwork...
  3. I am not up to date with this but some time ago I read a lot about buying property and business in Thailand. As far as I remember they described situations like I mentioned above. It has to be the "correct" legal setup to work. I am sure there are some property agents out there who are willing to share their knowledge about this subject.
  4. Apart from young girls being more likely to be pretty and cute and sexy they have one unbeatable advantage: They don't have years of baggage. When I met my gf she had no previous relationship. Her older sister brought her into the nightlife and soon after that I took her out of the nightlife again. Good for me, good for her. Win/win.
  5. Let's say you are 60 and you have a 60 year old wife. Do you think she gets horny when she looks at you? People of all ages and body types and even people with disabilities love each other. Many of us like to look at sexy young bodies. But that doesn't mean it's impossible to love a person with not such a young and sexy body.
  6. If I ever would be single again maybe I would do that. But on the other hand the bar environment has advantages. Where else can you see hundreds of pretty young girls in bikinis and just select which one you want. Hey baby, let's have a drink. Talk to her for 5 minutes or an hour and if you like it take her out and check out how compatible you are. And if the first one is not what you want then look for another one and another and another one. Talking to 100 pretty young girls in one week is no problem. There is no way you can do even 10% of that with "real" girls. And even many of the "real" girls look for a guy who can take care of them.
  7. That's you. I prefer a pretty young cute girl who loves me. ????
  8. The first 3 days of the month they might work because they are poor and support the family. And the rest of the month they go with guys because they want to party and have the newest phone. The "forced into prostitution" is a rare exception.
  9. I am in a long term happy relationship. She is 15 years younger than me. I choose her because she was hot and we had fun together and I stayed with her. Now she is not so hot anymore. I still love her and I would care for her including in a wheelchair. That's just the way it is after a long term happy relationship.
  10. Really you believe that? In many 'normal' relationships men & woman are of a similar age. It's not a question of my believe, it's a fact. You can read books about it or talk with experts. People who think otherwise are brainwashed by modern education or feminists or other guys who were brainwashed for too long.
  11. Those rules seem to apply to village life. But who wants to live in a village? If you live in Pattaya or the more lively areas of Bangkok then do what you want? If you want to kiss her in the middle of the street then do it. Who is going to complain? The other mongers around you?
  12. You could hire a nurse and/or maid. I think it's sad when people choose their gf/wife with the though in mind that she will take care of him when he is so old and fragile that he can't do it anymore. Is that what you want for your beloved wife's future?
  13. I never picked a girl with the question on my mind if she would push my wheelchair. But if I would look for such a girl and if I would be maybe 60 your old then I would look for a 20 year old. Because when I am 80 she is 40 and she will still be able to push that chair. If I would look for an older woman then maybe I have to push her chair. Or she is too old and not strong enough to move me around.
  14. That sounds strange to me. Would such a "good man" stay with a much younger girl at all if he cares so much about her future? In my limited experience from relative rich guys and their younger girlfriends there is just one thing what those girls do after he died. They look for another rich guy.
  15. Are those live webcam streams from bars with girls and their customers? Do they exist? Do you have any links?
  16. I remember one day when I was in Soi 4 on the way to NANA. A girl and her (I guess) customer walked in my direction. She was in front of him and smiled at me and she had that: sorry I am busy right now but I can see you later look. He, walking behind her, had that: Look at what I got, you will never have a girl like that look. Obviously there is not a small part of my imagination in that interpretation. But after a while we have an idea how the girls look like who just have a customer but like to let you know that they will be back for you. ????
  17. For the beginner it's hard. Many look similar. So the number definitely helps to avoid mistakes. A long time I had my share of: You are different today, last time we f$#$ there was a lot more action. Last time? I met you today...
  18. Guys of any age want pretty (healthy) young girls. Girls want guys with resources. That's nature. The beauty of Thailand is that men and women still accept these facts and don't pretend otherwise. Many men in farang-land are so brainwashed from all that feminists <deleted> that after a while they actually believe they prefer old women. 555
  19. It depends on the beer. Not same, different!
  20. As far as I know what you want to do is possible - if the legal situation is correct. I.e. if there is a group of 5 building and they are one development (don't ask me for the legal term). Then, as far as I know, 2 out of 5 units could be sold to foreigners.
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