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Everything posted by OneMoreFarang

  1. Maybe she knows she looks better with mask.
  2. That will obviously never happen again after they put some new paint on the road. TiT. RIP
  3. When they do that then I suggest they should also remove those useless buildings near many junctions. Most seem to be unoccupied or maybe whoever is in there is sleeping. One way or another, they are useless! Or convert them to something useful like toilets or selling ice cream or something like that.
  4. There is at least one other problem which you should be aware of. I knew a guy with a nice BMW 7series. It was a wonderful car. Until a motorcycle crashed against one door and he needed a new door. It took many weeks before the new door arrived... After that he bought a nice Japanese car which was more common in Thailand and without supply problems.
  5. I have something like that in mind. But I didn't want to make my description even more complicate. The/my problem with firewall configurations is that I work on them very seldom. Like maybe initially I spend a few hours on it and then later a few hours more to optimize it. But once it's working then it's working. So when I have to install another firewall maybe a few years later then there is this: how did I do that again moment... I guess I have to spend again some time with the manual and/or watch some how to videos.
  6. Thanks, I will keep that in mind. Now I ordered the cable modem already, < 500 THB including delivery. So if it doesn't work then I don't lose much. I guess I will try if that thing has bridge mode and if I can get it to work. I understand what a MAC address is and I understand that TRUE will maybe use exactly that address. But my limited technical knowledge tells me they don't have to use the MAC address. So let's see.
  7. Why do you write: "I don't think the B router will connect to the ISP." Does TRUE something special which I can't replicate with other devices? What I did before happened in empty offices before they moved in. So I had time for testing. I am happy enough with the speed which I have now and I will probably move within a year. What I want to do now is to play around with Home Assistant in combination with the firewall, etc. When I move to my own apartment then I will have gathered already some first hand knowledge. Whatever I will learn on the 30E will be most likely transferable to other more powerful firewalls from Fortinet - if I need them. Anyhow, I will receive that cable modem in the next days and then I will try to set it up. I can report here if it works the way I want.
  8. Ok, here is what I want to do: Background: I am an IT guy and in a couple of offices I setup professional firewalls. The modem (fiber, cable, whatever) is provided by the ISP, that is configured in bridge mode and then the setup to connect to the ISP (i.e. TRUE) is configured in the firewall (i.e. Fortinet). In my previous apartment I had a setup with a TRUE cable modem in bridge mode and then a good ASUS router which lots of functions. Currently in my rented apartment TRUE installed a cable model with WiFi. It works but I have limited control. It also seems that I can't backup the configuration of that modem/router. So if I would play around with the settings of that thing and if I do something wrong then maybe my internet wouldn't work at all and I would have to call TRUE to get it running again. And maybe wait for days. I want to use at home a Fortinet firewall. To be able to connect this to my TRUE connection I need a cable modem. I just ordered the one which @Richard 2020 mentioned above. When I receive this then I will look at my existing TRUE cable modem and write down some settings. And then I will use the same settings in my new cable modem and in my Firewall to connect to the internet. When everything works fine then I will only use my new setup. But if something does not work as expected then I can just unscrew my new cable modem and connect the cable modem which TRUE configured. That should make it possible to restore Internet access within minutes. With the firewall I will be able to control which traffic I allow and what I will block. It will also give me VPN access to my home network. I plan to use home automation with Home Assistant which normally works locally without internet connection. But sometimes it will be necessary to connect some devices to the internet i.e. for updates. With a good firewall I can control exactly which device is allowed to connect to where and when with which kind of traffic. I know it is relative complicated to setup firewalls with lots of details but I am used to that and I am willing to spend the time to set it up the way I want it.
  9. I would love to see features like that on a phone. But I am a little confused. I just check a few webpages and videos about the Redmi Note 10 and I didn't find anywhere that it allows to set aperture. I saw there is a Pro camera setting. I have a Mi Poco X3 Pro (same manufacturer, about 8000B) and it also has a Pro camera setting. I just checked it out and I still see no manual setting of the aperture. Where is this feature? Do you have a screenshot or a link to an article or video? Thanks. I just found this article: https://smartphone-photography.com/can-i-achieve-bokeh-with-my-camera-phone-get-sparkling-results/ Bokeh effect with dual-camera phones Dual-camera smartphones don’t produce a real Bokeh effect, at least not as DSLR or mirrorless cameras would. Mobile phones have tiny lenses and sensors. They cannot fit large hardware to get the same results. That’s why smartphones have to simulate the Bokeh effect with software. Dual or multi-camera phones take multiple pictures with different settings and combine them as one. P.S.: I have an old Nikon FA and I know how aperture is supposed to work.
  10. Is there a reason why you recommend that thing? Or do you think this "special price" is reason enough?
  11. What is the problem of having family and friends? And if there is anything you don't want to discuss with your wife or family who do you talk to?
  12. Why should it be a problem if our friends know where we live? I have to admit I am not much of a "lets meet in my or your place" guy. When I see my friends we mostly meet in a restaurant. But the few people who I call "friends" know where I live and I would let them in anytime. They are my friends, I trust them.
  13. Ok, sorry, in my case I spoke to at least two Thai guys who owned registered companies who could have, in theory, employed me.
  14. I just read all the posts in this thread and I am surprised that so few people have friends or even want friends. I never searched actively for friends or try to become friends with this or that guy. It just happens over time. Let's have a coffee or lunch and talk to each other, maybe do some hobby together and maybe visit each other at home. It's nice to have friends to talk about anything and friends we can trust. I.e. if I would be sick in a hospital and maybe my gf would also be in a hospital (i.e. an accident together), I am sure I could call a few friends and ask them to visit my home and bring me something or take care of something at home. I am also sure they would visit me and maybe bring me things I like and maybe give me some company in the hospital. This is not the reason that I have friends. But I am sure it's nice to have them in good and in not so good times.
  15. Don't you like to have a friend nearby who you can talk to and who understands you and living in Thailand? I think any friend who is not living in Thailand can't possibly understand lots of situations which happen only in Thailand.
  16. I made friends mostly through work. I guess one reason is that when you work with someone together you find out pretty soon how well you can communicate with each other. And it doesn't take long to get an idea if the other person does what he talks about or if he only talks (a lot).
  17. Are they not compulsory anymore? Do you have a link to a reliable source? Personally I don't mind if I wear a mask in certain situation. I.e. the sky train would be such a situation, if I would use it. In other situations, i.e. walking outside alone or with my gf it doesn't make much sense.
  18. And do you type with two thumbs? Or is there now a phone with 10 finger typing?
  19. How about the depth of focus (not sure if that is the correct term). Would you be able to take a picture like this on a mobile phone?
  20. I don't know about the majority. Personally I use this forum only on a big screen. I didn't try it on a mobile since many years. But years ago the mobile experience was horrible. Some websites are optimized for mobile use, others not so much... Out of interest: Don't you miss at least from time to time a big screen and a big keyboard?
  21. To be fair I think "always" is incorrect. He had some good information a loooooong time ago. Maybe 15 or 20 years ago when Bernhard Trink was on the decline.
  22. I didn't read the other posts, maybe the following was mentioned already. Some time ago I asked Thais with whom I worked together if they want to officially employ me. One answer was something like this: He would like to do that, but he won't do it because having a farang employed in his company will attract more scrutinizing from the authorities. I think that makes a lot of sense because it seems companies who employ farangs seems to be much more checked in details than "normal" companies. So maybe your friends will think twice if they want to employ you even if they are able to do that.
  23. I can't answer your question but I am sure you will find a couple of YouTube videos with answers. I can tell you the following in general about photography. Lots of light and far away is the easiest, not much can go wrong. The nearer the camera to the object and the higher the zoom the more accurate does the focus have to be. And with more light focusing is easier. And with more light the shutter speed is shorter = no motion blur. A fast processor (properly used) should help with most of this. But near objects in dark conditions will always be a challenge.
  24. IMHO it's good that you think the way you do. But there are many people out there who just need the newest phone to show off that they have the newest phone. I am not sure if it is funny or sad when the iPhone fangirls wait in line to buy the newest phone, after a year or so ago they just bought the newest iPhone from that time. When I see this I think: Is your expensive iPhone from last year really so bad that you need to buy a new better phone a year later? Because if that is the case than that phone wasn't really so good.
  25. I bought a Xiaomi Poco X3 Pro. Lots of RAM and memory and fast CPU and a big battery. The camera is good but not excellent. I watched and read some reviews and testers agreed that this is good value for people who want a fast phone.
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