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Everything posted by OneMoreFarang

  1. I don't know about the majority. Personally I use this forum only on a big screen. I didn't try it on a mobile since many years. But years ago the mobile experience was horrible. Some websites are optimized for mobile use, others not so much... Out of interest: Don't you miss at least from time to time a big screen and a big keyboard?
  2. To be fair I think "always" is incorrect. He had some good information a loooooong time ago. Maybe 15 or 20 years ago when Bernhard Trink was on the decline.
  3. I didn't read the other posts, maybe the following was mentioned already. Some time ago I asked Thais with whom I worked together if they want to officially employ me. One answer was something like this: He would like to do that, but he won't do it because having a farang employed in his company will attract more scrutinizing from the authorities. I think that makes a lot of sense because it seems companies who employ farangs seems to be much more checked in details than "normal" companies. So maybe your friends will think twice if they want to employ you even if they are able to do that.
  4. I can't answer your question but I am sure you will find a couple of YouTube videos with answers. I can tell you the following in general about photography. Lots of light and far away is the easiest, not much can go wrong. The nearer the camera to the object and the higher the zoom the more accurate does the focus have to be. And with more light focusing is easier. And with more light the shutter speed is shorter = no motion blur. A fast processor (properly used) should help with most of this. But near objects in dark conditions will always be a challenge.
  5. IMHO it's good that you think the way you do. But there are many people out there who just need the newest phone to show off that they have the newest phone. I am not sure if it is funny or sad when the iPhone fangirls wait in line to buy the newest phone, after a year or so ago they just bought the newest iPhone from that time. When I see this I think: Is your expensive iPhone from last year really so bad that you need to buy a new better phone a year later? Because if that is the case than that phone wasn't really so good.
  6. I bought a Xiaomi Poco X3 Pro. Lots of RAM and memory and fast CPU and a big battery. The camera is good but not excellent. I watched and read some reviews and testers agreed that this is good value for people who want a fast phone.
  7. I agree. Mass market mainstream Starbucks is something for people who have no idea about how coffee should taste. ????
  8. I am sure there is some extra price for that Samsung name on the phone. But as far as I know at least some Samsung phones guarantee faster updates and that for years. That is an advantage over other phones. But obviously it depends on the user and usage how much people are willing to pay for this.
  9. I am not familiar with Samsung but I wonder if better Samsung phones have better navigation software. Otherwise navigation should be the same if the phone can receive the GPS signals.
  10. Are more expensive phone more secure? I think by now so many things are in the cloud that it is almost impossible to control what is out there. And with the NSA and Mossad and whatever the Chinese equivalent is called out there is our data ever secure? I don't think so.
  11. Thanks for your answer. And I am sure what you write makes sense for you. Like I mentioned earlier, I didn't start this thread to bash on people who have expensive phones. For some people a better look and a better camera are reasons enough to buy better phones. Others, like me, look for more functions. And this is obviously personal taste.
  12. The OP is not a troll. And what you describe are things which are better in better phones like a better camera. I was asking for things which some expensive phones can do which cheap phones can't do, i.e. LIDAR. More memory is a good idea. But normally there is something like enough memory. I.e. my current phone has 8GB RAM which seems to be enough to run all applications which I need at the same time. More RAM wouldn't make it respond faster. I am sure in a few years 8GB won't be enough anymore and then I will buy another phone. But even if I would buy now a phone with 16GB I am sure I would need a new one in a couple of years.
  13. I think photographing meals is perfectly alright, if it doesn't become an obsession. And my 8000 THB phone is good enough for those "meal" pictures. Bon Appétit!
  14. Sorry to burst your bubble. I know it must be hard for you. Modern PCs are more powerful. And one of the reasons is that those CPUs and big cooling elements don't fit into mobile phones. But the way you argue it seems you never saw a powerful desktop PC CPU so let me help you to understand:
  15. IMHO a desktop PC is for working or playing at home or in the office. Big keyboard, big screen, lots of power. A notebook is for working with a customer in their office or for a business trip, etc. No big keyboard or big screen like a desktop PC but still a reasonable size to allow working on it productively. And a phone is something to put in your pocket and use it without carrying a notebook. I.e. reading emails, checking news, taking pictures, doing bank transactions, all this works great on mobile phones. Anything which benefits from a big screen and/or lots of typing will never work on a little touch screen as well as it does on a notebook or desktop. It is somehow possible, but who want to do serious work or a lot of writing on phone size device - even on a very powerful one? In my original post I mentioned one interesting feature. LIDAR. That seems to be available on some iPhones. That is something which is not available at all on cheaper phones. DepthVision is something similar from Samsung. This is clearly a feature which is only available on expensive phones. My question was and is if there are other features which are only available on expensive phones.
  16. Hey, take it easy! Am I wrong when I mention that expensive (broken) glass outside? My current phone cost about 8000B. I bought it because it had a faster processor and more memory than my old phone. So yes, I appreciate when apps run fast and I can use a couple of them at the same time. I didn't have any speed or too-many-apps problem on that 8000B phone and even if a more expensive phone would be faster I know that I don't need that extra speed for what I am doing. I don't play 3D games on my phone. But there could be other "new" features and not just "only better" functions which I missed. This is why I asked and this is why I read all the post here. Apart from that I have a powerful desktop computer and a high quality notebook. Most of the time my notebook is unused. But when I go on a trip and I have to work then I will certainly do it on that notebook. I.e. writing long mails or working on an Excel sheet on a little phone is no fun.
  17. Like glass outside, maybe also on the back? And then it costs a fortune when it falls down and cracks?
  18. Can you elaborate? Are there features on your expensive phone which the 8k phone does not have at all? I.e. I don't mean a better camera because I am sure the 8k phone also has a camera. Or anything else with is just better. Thanks
  19. Thanks! I hate it when I search i.e. on Lazada for HG100RE-02 or cable modem and nothing comes up... Maybe you also know: Are there better alternatives i.e. from Cisco or another brand name?
  20. Obviously those expensive phones are supposed to impress all those people around us. But apart from that, what do we get more if we spend i.e. 20,000 or even 30,000 instead of max 10,000 THB for a phone? As far as I see expensive phones offer just more of the same. I.e. a camera with higher resolution, a screen with more pixels and higher DPI, maybe lots of glass and not so much plastic, etc. That's all nice but personally I am happy with the screen and camera which I have, I don't need more pixels. But maybe I am missing something. I.e. I read that some iPhones have LIDAR, which is interesting. I didn't find any Android phone with that technology. And maybe there are some other interesting/useful features on expensive phones. Do you have an expensive phone and does it have something what you always wanted on a cheaper phone? To be clear here: If people want to buy expensive phones for whatever reason then that is fine with me. But for this thread the question is: what is the real additional value?
  21. Find a bar with lots of smokers. Spend there a couple of days. After that the little smoke from below won't bother you anymore.
  22. Sometimes it's not only about the payment. It's also about someone pointing a finger: he works there without work permit...
  23. I have TRUE internet with a cable modem. It works. I want to buy another cable modem to try to reconfigure my network without messing around with the original device. I asked TRUE, they don't sell them. I also looked in an accessory shop and online but I didn't find anything. It must be possible to buy them somewhere. Any ideas? Currently TRUE provided me with the Humax HG100RE-02. I need something similar. The important part is the F-Connector (see picture) I know I can only connect one device at the same time. That is what I want. Replace A with B and be able to use A again.
  24. Just in case you think about this option...
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