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Everything posted by OneMoreFarang

  1. I don't find the number, my bike was transported by such a service when I had a problem with the engine. At that time I called my KTM dealer and asked them if they can pick up my bike and bring it to their garage. They told me they don't do that, but they have a number of a guy who offers such a service. I called that guy and he did a very professional job for a reasonable price. So maybe just call one of the big bike shops for a guy who can pick up and transport your bike. I am pretty sure you will get a number.
  2. Just ask any of the taxi-no-meter drivers on the street. One of them will have a buddy with a pickup who can do that. Another option is to ask one of the motorcycle taxi guys to ride the bike to Pattaya (if they bike works). Problem solved.
  3. Yeah, they are good at aggression and following orders from their criminal boss. It's sad enough that they are small minded like that. It's even worse that some farangs "think" they should support those thugs.
  4. I am happy inside Bangkok. All the cute Buriram girls come to Bangkok, why should I ever travel north? And please keep all those red villages and red-shirt in the north (obviously seen from Bangkok). We won't miss them in the city.
  5. It seems that guy will sort out all those problems sometime soon, and permanently. Problem solved.
  6. I think the easiest solution is to tell them to slow down because you are scared. Obviously they laugh about that scared farang but in my experience then they do slow down. And if not tell them to stop so that you can get out. That should focus their mind.
  7. That noise saves lives. You hear them coming. Recently there are some electric cars in the car park from my condominium. Sometime I walk to get my bike and when I turn around a big car is just rolling behind me without any noise. That should be forbidden. It is dangerous!
  8. After all those ladies told me I am handsome I believe it. ????
  9. I like to have 300B for every person who I see who tries to drive while they play with their so called smart phone. I am sure I could make a comfortable living with that money. When will the police enforce that law?
  10. Yes. And he was very corrupt all the time. Some people think that is acceptable because he also did some good things. Personally I think Thaksin was very rich when he started in politics and he told people he doesn't have to be corrupt because he doesn't need more money. And then about the first thing he did was hide his assets in the name of his employees. He called it an honest mistake. What a bad joke! How many of us have to hide our wealth in the name of other people and then pretend it wasn't important. He was corrupt from the start to the end. What do people expect from another Shinawatra? I am sure we can expect more of the same. No thank you, he divided the people for too long.
  11. Thanks, you are welcome. Now if the unwashed masses and the up-country farangs who support them would listen, that would be even better.
  12. Good that you are the expert who knows everything better - or at least that is what you think. And just in case someone asks you: There is a huge difference between peaceful protest and what the red-shirts did. Never forget!
  13. In other words: Most educated Bangkok residents don't want that uneducated and simple minded farmers vote again and again for the highest (corrupt) bidder. And let's not forget that most (all?) farmers don't pay income tax. When tax is wasted, i.e. for rice scams, then for them it's other peoples' money that is wasted. Many people in Bangkok pay taxes and they hate the idea that populist politicians buy votes with the tax payers' money.
  14. No, that was not the only thing. The coups removed Thaksin and his little sister from power. And since the last coup there are no red shirts in the streets anymore. Those are already big improvements. And lets repeat it one more time: If Thaksin would have been an honest PM then he could probably still be in charge now - without any coup. He was so greedy and corrupt that many people hated him and wanted to get rid of him. That is what the army did. He and he alone is responsible for his greedy corrupt behavior.
  15. Thaksin is obviously not the only bad and corrupt politician. But he is a prime example how he undermined everything in Thailand. The police was on his side, the prosecutors worked for him (and not against him), the judges didn't dare to convict him (i.e. hiding money in the name of his maids, drivers, etc.). If there would be independent police and independent courts then politicians could be held accountable. But that is not the case in Thailand. As far as I see the only way to remove Thaksin was with a coup. Because the prosecutors didn't dare it and the judges would likely not have convicted him (even with lots of evidence). There is a huge difference between learning to do a good job trying hard to do your best and on the other side being corrupt. I don't think there is any corrupt politician in Thailand who doesn't know he is corrupt. Even a untalented politician who learns to do the job does not have to be corrupt. Accepting corruption with the reasoning that politicians have to learn is just bs. If they want to be corrupt then they don't belong in that kind of position. And people should never vote for corrupt politicians. It's just plain stupid to vote for corrupt people and to expect an honest government.
  16. Yes, sure. But sometimes it is not so easy to find out how reputable a company or person is. And sometimes reputable companies want a lot of money for seemingly small jobs so I understand when people think: My neighbor Somchai can do that for 1/4 of that money. And maybe Somchai can do that. But just in case he can't it's good to make a contract (with Somchai and any reputable builder).
  17. When did they part with that money? Before the work started? Did they have a contract with details of what has to be done? Did they have an agreement that they only pay if the pool is properly installed and the installation is inspected? Obviously people should do good work when they get paid a lot of money. But it seems too many people are ready to pay too early for bad work. And it seems too many people hire others to do work without any meaningful contract. It should be obvious to everybody that that is a bad idea.
  18. I was here all the time when Thaksin and his family and his Chronis were in power. I also remember enough of the news from those years that he was all the time in the news with his corrupt schemes. And I remember when people gave flowers to the soldiers after the two coups. If Thaksin would have been a honest politician then Thailand could be at least 10 years ahead and without coups and military government. They only took over to free Thailand and the Thai people from this criminal.
  19. And then there is the question if this is a nobody or maybe someone with some influence, or someone who has no problem using violence. Because if you make a Thai person look bad because you want your money back then it might happen that they get aggressive towards you. Maybe you get shot, maybe your life in Thailand will get difficult because of problems from immigration, etc. I know it's not fair, but think twice what you want to do and possible consequences. And getting none of your money back is not the worst possible consequence.
  20. I didn't know they use those little processors in bikes. ????
  21. Lucky you! I have the Premier card (no idea how far up the ladder that one is) with a dedicated 24-hour premier service line. When I call that number the computer asks a couple of questions and then it seems they put my call in the queue of the normal support line. 20 minutes and counting... With any service of K-Bank I guess mostly I talk to a person within a minute. Much better.
  22. That almost sounds as if some people think Thaksin is not part of the HiSo elite. 555
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