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Everything posted by OneMoreFarang

  1. These days electronics if often all on one board. If anything, even a 1 cent component, does not work then the the whole board does not work and the manufacturer will tell you to replace the whole board. This is the easiest and fastest way to solve the problem. Just make sure that if the motherboard is not the problem then you don't have to pay for it. If a talented technician knows exactly which of the thousands of components on the board does not work then he might replace that part. But maybe troubleshooting to find out which part is broken takes hours. This is why replacing is often the cheapest solution - not just for aircons
  2. Take a thermometer and measure your room temperature. Set the aircon i.e. to 22 degrees. Then measure (not just in front of the aircon). If the room temperature is not 22 degrees then do the same procedure in front of the owner and then let the owner sort out the problem. You are entitled to a working aircon. It is not your job to analyze the problem and find a decent technician.
  3. Yeah, I know one of those victims (over 20) who was rescued in Korea. After she returned to Thailand she looked for the next opportunity to return to Korea to make more money - until she will be "rescued" again.
  4. I don't have to read that to imagine it must be bad, really bad. I am sure many girls, even the underage girls, know exactly what they are doing. I know at that age they shouldn't do that and they have a limited perception of reality and the consequences. But if a 15 year old girl is willing to sell herself to make money then I wouldn't call that human trafficking.
  5. And the price tag is possibly not even a money issue. I know a Thai woman and her farang husband. She is about 40 and her first husband walked away. She has her own business and I am sure she makes good money. But, once I had a business appointment with her in her office. She called me about an hour in advance and she told me she won't be able to make that appointment. The reason: She felt like she has to go shopping now and then. She has to! Not that she needed to buy anything urgently but she had this: Now I have to go to Emporium for shopping feeling. I am pretty sure she had enough money to do this with her own money but I imagine the headache having a wife like that.
  6. One wall will be removed without replacement. The main floor is currently parquet and the bathroom and kitchen are tiles. In the future I want tiles everywhere. I also think it is best to let the company/person who installs the new tiles remove the old tiles and maybe wood because they know in which condition they want to have to floor and walls for the new installation. A few small walls will be added or extended. I remove the 2nd bathroom and instead increase the size for the kitchen and the other bathroom.
  7. Thanks, you make some good points. I guess it should be possible to give away furniture and appliances. I guess this should be my first step. And it's also good to know about the weight and limitations of the lifts. I have to admit I didn't think about those until now. Luckily there are not too many walls to remove. I will measure them to get a better idea about the weight and I will also check the lift limitations. Thanks!
  8. Obviously it is sad when 15 year old girls do this. I think maybe we/society/politicians/... should think about why they do that. I guess they want to earn money. So what do they do with the money? How many of them do it because the mother is sick and in hospital and the little brother has nothing to eat. And how many do it i.e. to buy the newest phone or clothes or whatever teenagers do these days? Maybe it's time to educate those teenagers that having the newest phone and designer clothes is not important. But then, from whom do they learn that? Maybe from their parents or older siblings? Or on TikTok, etc.? I don't have a solution for all this but I find it strange under how much pressure kids (think) they are.
  9. Can anybody please explain when prostitution and pimping is considered to be human trafficking? At least for me human trafficking is something like smuggling humans over borders or something similar. Both crimes should be punished but as far as I see it they are different.
  10. Are they getting younger? Or is there only a higher awareness? When I arrived in Thailand in the 90th 16 year old girls were not unusual in the farang bars. And I am sure they were not unusual at all in Thai entertainment businesses.
  11. When renovating an apartment or house there is often old furniture, fridge, washing machine, etc. And maybe bricks, tiles, etc. will be removed. Where can these things properly be disposed in or near Bangkok? What does the disposal cost? I ask because I am renovating an apartment and I received my first quotation for disposal of old furniture, removing and disposure of bricks, etc. and I think they want to charge a fortune for IMHO not much work. I understand that builders/removing companies have to properly dispose these things. Where do they do that and how much does it cost (without the transport)? I want to get an idea if they have to drive i.e. for an hour and then it cost 1000B for a pickup load to dispose it or a general idea about these things. This picture is just for demonstration.
  12. As far as I understand it conventional aircons are most expensive the more they switch on and off because they can only produce "cold air". Inverters are always on but with flexible temperature (in limits). That makes them more efficient.
  13. Ok, Panasonic quality seems to be good - at least it was good > 10 years ago. But did you ever think about replacing them with new inverter units to save energy? It seems everybody who switches to inverter units pays a lot less for electricity.
  14. In theory: yes In real life: Make sure you know what you are doing. A well configured firewall and VPN are fine. But it is not trivial to set them up correctly. I wouldn't recommend that a normal user tries this. Because it is just too easy to make mistakes and feel protected because you have a firewall and VPN. Be careful and don't overestimate yourself. And I include myself in this. I setup already a few firewalls and VPNs. But because I do that seldom, like maybe once a year, I have to review again all the details. Did I do everything correctly? Did I forget anything? Be careful!
  15. Open ports are a problem and bad operating system, firmware, software on the NAS or your computers can be a problem. From time to time I read about security holes in NAS which allow hackers to access those devices. That means they could possibly look at your files, delete your files, upload (virus infected) files to your NAS, etc. You can google: NAS security issues [your NAS name] and you will find articles like this: https://www.f-secure.com/gb-en/press/p/new-nas-vulnerabilities-are-pretty-much-as-bad-as-they-get
  16. Let me clarify what happens with malware - the rough concept: I.e. you receive an email with malware or you visit an infected website. If your anti-virus on your computer is up to date and if the malware is already a couple of days old then likely your computer will detect the malware before it is downloaded or installed on your PC. If the malware if brand new and/or your computer's anti-virus protection is not good or not up to date then your PC won't stop the malware. Then it will be installed on your computer. And the malware will save infected and infecting files on your computer and your NAS. The NAS works mostly just like an external hard disk. You access files on your PC and you access files on the NAS. And whenever you access files and you have a virus then the virus might infect/change these files. It doesn't matter where the files are saved. Some viruses also infect or encrypt all files which they can access. This means all files on your PC, all files on the NAS, all files in the cloud (which are accessible by you), etc.. The most important virus protection is the protection which checks all incoming internet traffic, all new files i.e. from USB sticks, DVDs, etc. That is or should be always active on your PC. Any anti virus on the NAS is only secondary protection.
  17. Maybe not much discount. Individual units can easily be switched on and off. And maybe the price is even better. I know i.e. about computer UPS (Uninterruptable Power Supply): Small units, which are produced in millions, are a lot cheaper than bigger units. I.e. it is a lot cheaper to give 10 individual PCs each a UPS instead of one big UPS for all of them - just as an example.
  18. There is how things should be an how they are. Who in Thailand will walk away from a 100,000 THB commission? I wrote above to describe how reality (often) is in Thailand. And it doesn't matter if I like it or not. It is what it is. Because agents are often unprofessional and/or useless lots of people go to the buildings and talk to people at the counter. That is the way it is. Is it correct? Is that the way it should be? Lots of questions with some theoretical answers which change very fast if a lot of money is involved.
  19. Amputation sounds like an alternative. At least you don't have to worry that the bones don't grow together at the correct angle. ????
  20. The aircon works without those rubber things. The Thai guys are smart, they don't spend time with unnecessary tasks. ???? It's the same with preventive maintenance. Why do anything if you don't absolutely must do it?
  21. Something does not add up with this. Rent for 15 sqm for 30 year: 360,000 THB up to 720,000 THB Buying a 15 sqm unit: 2,250,000 THB
  22. Shouldn't you add certain little details like who you are and what you are looking for? Are you young and rich? Are you old and look for a young beauty? Do you want to marry her or get entertainment for a night for free?
  23. Here is a summary of my recent experience with buying a condominium in Bangkok. I asked at the management office for possible available units according to my criteria. One of the "normal" service people was reluctant to give me any information at all. A few days later I received some info from the deputy manager. And then some more from the manager. They showed me maybe 6 available units. I spoke with several of the owners and especially with one owner who spoke perfectly English we talked about the details like who will pay the transfer fees, etc. The owner also told me he has to pay the commission. I said I talked to the condominium manager directly, there should be no commission. And he explained to me that the condominium manager, whos job it is to take care of that condominium, demanded 3% commission from him. I asked him: Why do you agree to that? And he told me if he would not agree then the manager wouldn't tell anybody that his unit is available. That was confirmed later when I heard from one of the shops in that building that there is another unit available. The management somehow "forgot" to mention that one. After talking with several people I get the idea that this is absolutely normal. Someone will get a commission. Maybe the manager or the hairdresser or the little shop attended or a proper real estate agent... Good luck!
  24. I didn't mention any kind or role play. It must be your imagination. ????
  25. That sounds interesting. Maybe I should try such a job. ????
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