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Everything posted by OneMoreFarang

  1. I leave the boy and transgender and whatever to others. Believe it or not, some girls are happy with guys who are significantly older then they are. Maybe it's the fact that the older guys don't want to or aren't able to f@$& 3 times a day. Or maybe the fact that many of those older guys are happy to have one girlfriend at home and they don't go out drinking and f@$#ing around like some younger guys. There are many possible reasons and not just money. Money might be a reason but reality tells us there are lots of other reasons why couples stay together.
  2. I guess the problem is that many foreigners are used to the fact that many people in Thailand ignore many laws. I.e. on the Sukhumvit Asoke junction every few minutes at least 20 motorcycle riders ignore the red light. But at the same time basically everybody is wearing a mask - including the riders who ignore the red light. Many Thais are scared of Covid and they take it serious. It seems many of them are not aware that a lot more people die because of traffic accidents especially with motorcycle riders. TiT!
  3. I live in lower Sukhumvit. We didn't have tourists for a long time. Now we have more and more of them. It's obvious that they are tourists, and many of them don't wear masks, or maybe they have them on their arm or neck. Personally I don't blame all of them for importing Covid, but I am sure with that attitude they help spreading Covid. I can't really blame Thais for thinking farangs are the bad guys when at least here most of the people who don't wear masks are the farang tourist.
  4. All this is obviously important. But I have to admit my concern was that it is comfortable for her to work in the kitchen. Currently in my rented apartment the counter tops are 90cm and she would like them lower. How much lower is the question. And another question is how I will like that in case I cook a little.
  5. That was a long time ago and I don't remember too many details. But as far as I remember she was already occupied with another guy. And on my next visits to the bar she was gone. Most innocent cute girls don't last long in those places...
  6. That reminds me of a very cute and innocent girl in a restaurant. I didn't dare to ask her out. Next time I saw her a month later or so she smiled at me from a gogo-stage...
  7. I saw at least one video from a guy who bought a bike from a rental shop in Pattaya. And I think I remember an entry in this forum from a guy who did the same in Bangkok. I am sure that are shops which were used to many tourists but without tourist they have too many bikes and maybe sell them. It's just an idea. If the OP likes it he can spend an afternoon look at bikes for rent and maybe ask if he can buy one - if he likes any of them. And worst case it was one afternoon wasted.
  8. Why? With lots of small bikes like the PCX anybody rides them anyhow always full throttle - private or rental bike does not matter. And like I mentioned above: If you like a bike rent it and ride it for 20km or whatever. And if you like ask an expert to check the bike. With private bikes for sale you won't be able to do that very often. But up to you.
  9. I never tried it myself but you might be able to buy a bike from a shop which has bikes for rent. It has the advantage that you can test it thoroughly before you buy.
  10. No! That is exactly the point. What happens with a relationship in the future can't be controlled. And in the west, or at least in many countries over there, you don't even have to be married to be treated legally as if you are married. Lots of guys pay a lot of money for their ex and they have no chance to just walk away from that. I understand that if people were married for some time and the woman has to take care of small kids that she and the kids need support. But what in many western countries happens is just ridiculous.
  11. I like cute nice girls who are feminine and best case never heard of feminism. And I like the traditional role model that I earn the money and she takes care of the house and cooks and makes me happy. If some guys prefer that they do half the housewife work that is obviously up to them - just not what I like. In Thailand there are many girls who like to be at home and take care of their man. In western countries not so much.
  12. And what kind of attitude do they have in general? In my limited experience many of them are at least feminist inspired, if not worse.
  13. Get vaccinated! I understand that this is your choice and obviously you don't have to get vaccinated - if you stay at home. But when I read posts like yours I always think: Why do you want to go through all this hassle, maybe for years, if you can just have two injections (likely for free) and all is done. Wouldn't that make (travel) life so much easier? And in case that you have a medical reason why you can't get vaccinated then that is a different story. I don't know the exceptions but I am pretty sure there are some exceptions.
  14. I bought The Audiophile’s Guide – PS Audio to learn about speaker placement, subs, etc. Paul is an expert and I can highly recommend this book.
  15. I understand what you are saying. But I am sure different people will have different ideas about "too loud". This is why I asked if anybody knows about acceptable/allowed SPL level numbers. Because they are relative easy to measure.
  16. Thanks for your reply. Normally I like your very knowable replies. But in this case I am a little confused. Noise, talking, screaming, music, maybe using some tools, are not only low frequencies. I understand that it is difficult (and maybe very difficult to impossible) to soundproof low frequencies which are often created by subwoofers. But medium and high frequencies can be soundproofed. I am sure you know all this. So maybe what you are saying, or not saying is: Don't worry about the medium and high frequencies because they are not a big problem. The big problem are the low frequencies and you can't remove them easily. Is that what you think? I am learning and I appreciate your advice.
  17. This should be very flexible: https://www.aliexpress.com/item/1005003662838473.html 3 AWG(25mm²) Cores: 510 shares Each copper wire diameter: 0.25mm Outer diameter: 10.2±0.15mm
  18. Check her recent pictures and you will be happy to be in Thailand.
  19. That reminds me of my last visit to Phnom Penh. Lots of slim petite girls over there - like Thailand 20 or so years ago.
  20. Thanks About the cost: It depends. I.e. a well sealed door will make a bigger difference than a thicker wall. The 53 in the picture above is just a sample screenshot.
  21. I like to know which noise levels are acceptable in condominiums in Thailand (Bangkok). I ask because I consider if and how much noise isolation is a good idea when I renovate a unit. I.e. I could try to use a door which is well sealed and/or add noise reduction material to the walls. Don't get me wrong, I don't want to play music with disco level output. But I want to know what is considered normal and acceptable and what is considered too loud. It would be great to know numbers - SPL levels. I have a calibrated microphone and (free) software which can show exact details. REW - Room EQ Wizard Room Acoustics Software Acoustic Measurement Tools: UMIK-1 (minidsp.com) Do you know any numbers of allowed/recommended SPL levels in Bangkok condominiums? Or is that maybe up to the rules of the building? This is just a sample of the SPL meter in above software.
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