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Everything posted by OneMoreFarang

  1. A little update. Finally end of last year I ordered above speakers which were supposed to be in stock in Thailand. And now finally they arrived. Let's say it like this: I asked for Half decent 2.1 Computer Speakers and these are Half decent 2.1 Computer Speakers. Better than something simple but far away from what I would call decent speakers. The low frequencies are a lot better than with ordinary speakers and that makes them already sound better. They are also loud enough. I guess in the near future I will play around with an equalizer and let's look how that will work out.
  2. Some look ugly even with mask. I guess they will love Covid because they have a reason to cover their faces. ????
  3. Ok, you asked me personally so let me answer you. Obviously my answer is my personal opinion and I am not a representative of dirty old men. ???? I agree with you that some behavior is not suitable for everywhere. What you described sounded to me like a situation maybe in a beer bar in Pattaya. As far as I am concerned that is about the same thing as sitting somewhere inside a dark bar in other places. And then it's still up to those people involved. If both want to do what they do then let them do it. We don't have to watch what they are doing. Thailand is not a good place to visit for people who don't want to see what they will call immoral behavior. I don't have a stereotype image of women. I know a couple of successful women and sometimes I do business with them. Often I like to talk to them in the same way like I like to talk to intelligent educated men. And many of those women talk to me and hire me again. So I can't really be so bad. But at the same time I have no interest to meet those women outside of work and certainly I have no interest to go out with them. Because if I go out with a girl then I want to have fun and I don't want to talk about rocket science. I know some guys are turned on by smart women, I am not one of those guys. And about thinking: I am pretty sure I mentioned this story in this forum already: Once I had a gf who behaved erratically. I thought long and hard why she would behave in the way she did. Finally I asked her what the logic behind her behavior is. She looked at me with her beautiful eyes and asked me something like: "Why do you think there is any logic and why do you think I think about what I am doing?" That was an eye opener for me. Since then I don't expect logical behavior or thinking from people, and especially girls, anymore. It made my life a lot easier not to expect logic behavior or logic thinking. And about the safety net for women (I know you didn't accuse me): I think it is fair when men have to support their children. But IMHO support should be necessary support and not more than that. I met a couple of guys who were married and then divorced and they lost a lot and then they still had to pay huge amounts of ex-wife and child support. A lot more support then if the woman would have worked in a simple job. That is IMHO wrong. Support, yes. Financing a good life for the ex: No! And now let's concentrate on the beauty of the Thai girls!
  4. That is funny and you know why? That was a loooong time ago. I was maybe 35 at that time with normal weight. And let's not forget, I asked her sometime in the late evening if she wants to spend the night with me and we drove together to the hotel maybe 2am. So she had about 4 hours to change her mind. She didn't. As far as I am concerned it's entirely up to each individual girl what they want or don't want. If that beauty would have told me to leave her alone I would have done that. I am sure it would have been no problem for her to find another sponsor - maybe a 20 years old guy who could make her happy all night long.
  5. Thanks I understand what you are writing and yes, I guess it makes a difference what kind of noise, and not just how loud. I asked for numbers because that is relative easy to measure. I.e. I measure in my apartment in one room x dB and then I go to another room behind a closed door or maybe I measure outside my apartment door how much the sound level is reduced. And yes, the reduction will be different for different frequencies. After reading lots of comments here I guess my solution will be to install some basic not too expensive sound isolation and probably some kind of sound isolated apartment door. And then let's look and see. Probably I will play my music or soundtrack mostly with a volume which is no problem at all. And just in case I want to play it louder then I can do that i.e. one afternoon and then I ask the neighbors if they heard anything annoying. As long as the neighbors know that it is not my intention to annoy them and that I am happy if they tell me it's too loud then I guess that is good enough.
  6. Imagine our white knight going over to the old guy and the young girl and telling him he should take his hands off her. And then the girl probably reacts like: No, let him do that. It makes him happy and I make a lot of money.
  7. In principle I agree. But then it seems there are lots of people who like to be influenced by others. I just checked, she has 189,000 subscribers on YouTube. Amazing!
  8. What gives you the impression there are any thoughts? After all, its a female and in Thailand.
  9. She is dusky in real life. And she knows it and she knows that many guys like that look.
  10. Do you realize that he is a dirty old man in your mind? Who gave you the idea that he or many other old men think they are a gift to women? Likely they don't care what women think about them. And why should they care? Probably the guy was happy. And probably the girl was happy to make money or drink lots of alcohol or whatever she did. Remember, almost all the girls in Thailand do these jobs because they want to do them. Nobody forced them to do what they do. Many of the girls could spend time with handsome young guys. But the girls prefer to spend their time with not so handsome old guys who like to spend money on the girls. So it seems in the situation you describe the old guy and the young girl were perfectly ok with what they were doing. Only you with your restricted conservative mind didn't like what he saw. Now is that a problem from those two or your problem?
  11. Let's be realistic, who wants a boring job doing almost nothing and getting paid very little? And best case after doing that for a couple of years then they might become supervisor with a little more pay and a nicer uniform. Obviously it would be nice to have trained and honest people who take care of security. But who is going to pay them a decent salary? In my building there are a couple of security ladies. They definitely improve the situation for everybody involved.
  12. Stress? Maybe she should try to relax and don't stress herself with trying to influence others. You know, just relaxing at the pool without making 1000 pictures and all that. But then, probably she doesn't know how to relax. She is one of those VIP I am somebody. Yeah, sure.
  13. And you seem to think that you have the knowledge and the right to label men like that. I could try to put a label two on you. I am sure you wouldn't like them. But then, I don't know you and I don't really care about guys who think they are somehow superior because they don't want to be seen with pretty young girls.
  14. It seems a dirty old man is labeled in the mind of some people with that term. If you see an old man with a young girl do you know how he behaves when he is alone with her? Maybe he is considerate and nice to her. Maybe he fulfills are hew wishes, who knows? And if a handsome man is together with a girl, does that mean he must be a nice guy? It seems some girls prefer older guys who are nice compared to young guys who think they can do whatever they want. Just age alone means little. When you label people that tells a lot more about you than about the people you like to judge.
  15. Different Lithium batteries have different properties. I.e. some can be charged fast and can produce lots of output current. Others are designed to produce low current output over a long period of time. Some are dangerous and some are very dangerous. And, as far as I know, there is no way to stop a Lithium fire. It seems there is only one option: wait until it is over and if possible move the burning batteries away from anything that can burn or the other way around. Here is another example from a fire from a bicycle with Lithium battery. The guy who made the video is an electronic specialist...
  16. Yes. It seems to me these are professionally made pictures. She probably still looks good on an average day. But good photographers and make up artists etc. are able to make a lot of girls look stunning. I always like to see Thai girls on Loy Krathong. On that day many normally average looking girls and women look great - after a long make-up session.
  17. I click mostly on what is easy. Maybe "accept only necessary" or something similar but also often enough on "accept all". Why? Because it's easy and in a way I don't care what companies do with my browsing activity. I.e. maybe I look on banggood at some electronic part. And for the next week I see advertisement for that and similar parts. Annoying, yes. But what's the alternative? There will be advertisement. And maybe it's advertisement for something that I might be interested in or advertisement for just anything. Personally I prefer advertisement for electronic parts instead of maybe break enhancements or a dishwasher or whatever. Even if we try that companies don't follow what we do it is almost impossible to do that perfectly. Companies and countries and whoever will log the activities of people and there is nothing we can do about it except not using the internet. I don't volunteer with any data, i.e. I don't use fb to publish details about me. But I think it's too much effort to try to avoid any tracking.
  18. I think one big problem with all those enhancements is that many women think if they only had xyz (i.e. big breasts) then they would get the guys they want or impress their friends or be beautiful or whatever they dream about. And then, after the operation, they find out that nothing really changed. And what is their solution? More of the same! More operations, and still their dream doesn't happen. And then more of the same...
  19. I am happy Thaksin was removed. I would have preferred if judges would have declared him guilty earlier and thrown him into jail. When he hid his money in the names of his maids and drivers would have been the right moment. But as we all know that didn't happen. The biggest problem that I see in Thailand is that the masses don't want honest smart guys in charge of the country. They could have voted for Abhisit. But no, they prefer a criminal or his little clone sister. Thai people regularly vote for known corrupt politicians or if those are banned then people often vote for the children of those corrupt politicians. And then they seem to be surprised that when they vote for corrupt politicians that they end up with a corrupt government. Like: Who could have predicted that one? Simple minded uneducated masses are voting - and not only in Thailand...
  20. And Move Forward is fine? Why would a Thai billionaire go into politics? History repeats itself.
  21. Please don't tell me that you play with Lithium batteries and are not aware of the fact that mixing them with water is a very bad idea.
  22. Are you sure? I like Elianeck. Lots of beautiful girls - made in virtual reality.
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