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Everything posted by OneMoreFarang

  1. That's a reason to avoid it. Who wants to be in a place full of "must visit destination"-tourists?
  2. Ok, fair enough. My gf is a very good cook and I want that she is comfortable in the kitchen actually cooking. ????
  3. Children - 17?, 15?, 11?, 7? what children? When are children children? According to Wikipedia: "Biologically, a child (plural children) is a human being between the stages of birth and puberty, or between the developmental period of infancy and puberty. The legal definition of child generally refers to a minor, otherwise known as a person younger than the age of majority." And this: "most jurisdictions set the age of consent in the range 14 to 18". Obviously nobody should try to persuade children to do anything they don't want. But IMHO there is a huge difference if someone does this with pre puberty children who don't know what this is all about or with late teenagers who have anyhow sex with other teenagers and maybe others.
  4. Would the wife be somehow better if the Ferrari guys did it?
  5. I guess when the bars open again they are a couple of years older and they have to send their little sisters.
  6. You have a tall wife - at least compared to my one.
  7. What is your experience with the kitchen working surface height in Thailand? As we all know there are many couples with a tall farang and a short Thai girl. For me standard height kitchen surfaces are fine. My gf would like to have them lower. And she is the one who does most of the cooking. How did you solve this problem? I think for a new kitchen to maybe have normal height on one side and "Thai girl height" on the other side. Is that realistic and a good idea? What are the options? What did you do?
  8. Wait a few years. When I arrived in Thailand I guess the average girl had at least 5kg less than now.
  9. Let me guess, you follow her because of the mango smoothies ????
  10. Thanks for all your information. One important part of my plan (which is just a plan in the moment) is to install a dropped ceiling in my apartment. Some are available which look a lot better than the boring office look. With a dropped ceiling wiring becomes something which can easily be changed in the hindsight. Planning is good but it will never be perfect or future proved. With such a ceiling It will be easy to add and change things (wires, lights, sensors, etc.) later. Some devices can use WLAN or LAN (wired). I will make up my mind if maybe I use LAN in some places so that I don't have to rely on WLAN. I will for sure separate my home automation WLAN from the Internet WLAN. This is just a sample picture.
  11. I think mostly I can. I learned something about problem solving a long time ago. I am sure there is a name for this procedure: - What is the problem? - Is it important? - Can it be solved? If not, then there is nothing to think about. - If it can be solved: What can I do? - Do it! I think the most distracting thoughts are about things where we see a problem somewhere and we have not really defined the problem. What is the problem? Like: It's cold and dark outside. No that is likely not the problem. The problem might be that I feel uncomfortable because it is cold and dark. It's important to really define that problem. And if we know the problem and there is no solution then we should accept that we could think about that for weeks or month but there is no solution. If we accept that then we can still see that there is a problem, but we can leave it alone. And coming back to your question: We can separate things a lot better if we know what to separate and if we know if there is a way to make it better.
  12. Since I saw the movie I want one of those tents. I think if we go camping then we should do it with style.
  13. When I find a girl attractive and ask her where she comes from the answer is almost always: Buriram. Small and brown and cute. ???? Luckily they have a lot of those girls for all of us.
  14. I love the red cycle. Otherwise I would have missed the star of the show...
  15. Any partner can end the relation with any partner if they have different ideas about kids. IMHO too many people have kids because "everybody" has kids and "everybody" is asking about kids. It seems lots of Thais just have kids without any planning or any thoughts. Like: Where did they came from. We had no idea...
  16. If the relationship is doomed only because they don't have a kid then the relationship is anyhow doomed. Too many couples have kids because they think that will save their relationship or make it somehow better. Don't rely on that. Because what will you do if it doesn't get better? Kids deserve better than that.
  17. I hear all the time parents complaining about the high cost. And that includes poor parent when they have to buy new uniforms and books and also "rich" parents when they pay for good schools, a new computer, new phones, etc. Personally I decided that I only would want to have kids if I have enough money and I am willing to spend that money for a good school and university. Just any school, especially in Thailand, is IMHO not good enough. And the better the school the more extra costs. Like a new expensive notebook, a school trip to the USA, etc. I know enough people who spend over a million THB per year per child. Thanks but no thanks.
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