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Everything posted by OneMoreFarang

  1. First you write "evidence is everywhere" And then you write: "The argument that something doesn't exist due to a lack of evidence is fallacious logic." So what? Is there evidence or not? If there is evidence then show it! Why do we know that dog whistles work? Because we can measure all frequencies. And this is a LOT more than we can hear. And nobody ever discovered a god frequency or anything remotely like that. Maybe two augments form "my" side: Why should we believe in anything if there is no evidence at all it might exist? It's like believing there are fluffy pink clouds in the sky even if nobody ever saw them or measured them or any other evidence they might exist. Conclusion: They don't exist. Similar to god. And my favorite question is: If there would be something like an all powerful god who created everything, sees everything, controls everything, where does he come from? A big bang and suddenly god was there? Or was there a bigger god who created "our" god? It just doesn't add up and makes no sense at all.
  2. Three years and 14,195 comments later and lots of people still don't believe in "god". It seems there is no evidence. Just accept that it doesn't exist.
  3. No, the kids will not starve. In Thailand are lots of monks and lots of monks get lots of food donations from many people. Anybody who is hungry can go to a temple and ask for food. Is that perfect? No. Is that better than getting (deeper) into a downward spiral with the loan sharks? Absolutely.
  4. In case you don't know it: It is almost 100% sure that you have to pay a commission - to whoever. I bought a condominium unit in the condominium where I live. I know about the unit which I bought because I asked the management from my building. And because the people work in the building I had this idea that this is part of their job. 555 The previous owner of the unit which I bough paid commission to the manager of "my" building so that they tell people this unit exists and is for sale. And they demand the usual 3% commission for their service - about 5min work. I know about another unit in the same building which is for sale and the management never mentioned it. It seems the owner was not willing to pay the management of the building any commission. So for them that unit does not exist for sale. They just ignore it. This seems to be absolutely normal and unavoidable. And if the laundry lady of the building would have told someone then she would want the commission, ... For me, with my limited experience, it seems like you will always pay the commission. Maybe to a professional agent who really does a lot of work or maybe to the laundry lady for 5min work. Good luck! You need it.
  5. Like I mentioned earlier, there are very crazy people on the right and on the left. We shouldn't ignore them as long as they are so loud and influence other people. For me it seems there are many crazy and/or stupid people on the right, i.e. all those people who still "think" Trump won the vote. But one reason that they stay on the right is that they see all those true information about "the left". Often fox news reports the truth. Or to be precise they report about maybe the 1% radical left. And they call it "the left". In reality most of the left is not as bad as the radical left. But do the people on the right side notice that difference? And personally I think the biggest mistake of the center left is that they don't clearly say that the radical left is crazy. The "normal" left should do all they can to make sure everybody knows that they are not as crazy as the radical left. But that is not happening. Somehow many center left people don't say anything about the radical left. And the result is that the right can rightfully say: Look at those people on the left. Look how crazy they are and/or what crazy people they support. And I consider myself center left.
  6. This is also not bad:
  7. Yes, I agree. And everybody knows this. So why do some people still borrow money from loan sharks? Do they rely on their hope that they will the lottery next time and they it won't be a problem to pay the money back? Maybe they should also think about the small possibility that maybe they won't win the lottery ...
  8. I am not sure if I read it recently or saw it in a video. Apparently some males decided to declare they are women. And then they joined a dating app for lesbians. So than these women with male genitalia, calling themselves women, tried to meet women for mating purpose. Not surprisingly some of the existing female lesbian members complained and they said they don't want to meet "lesbians" who are not real females. And the consequence? These female lesbians were banned from the app because they were apparently transphobic and not inclusive. I don't know if that really happened. But I wouldn't be surprised if it actually happened.
  9. That's harmless. Walk across the road at night and look at the creatures between Soi 3 and 5...
  10. No problem, just follow the advice of Trudeau
  11. Some time ago I read the original Ian Fleming James Bond books. In those books the word gay is used exactly as you describe. Different times...
  12. That is obviously the most important violation which must be punished.
  13. There are also, at least in Bangkok, lots of 2nd hand notebook shop i.e. in Fortune. If you are lucky one of them has the correct keyboard, 2nd hand, in stock.
  14. In Thailand many people use motorcycles and not cars which use a lot more gasoline. And there are not so many people who use planes all the time - especially to go on holidays. I guess these things don't show up on some global lists "what have you done" but it certainly makes a difference.
  15. There are woke and there are nutters. Similar - but different.
  16. I know this not only because it is obvious. I listen to experts. One of them in Jordan Peterson, a well known professor and clinical psychologist. Obviously everything is not black and white. There are also enough children with bad mother and father. But all in all the first question should be: What is good for the (yet to be born) children? If people can't naturally have babies then they shouldn't have babies!
  17. The radical left is crazy and the radical right is crazy. And unfortunately more and more people drift to the radical sides and fewer people are in the middle. People from the center, a little left and a little right talk to each other. The radicals don't talk to each other but they are all over the internet and shout very loud.
  18. Men and women are different and children learn different things from their father and their mother. A child who grows up with only one parent has deficits and a child who grows up with two mothers or two fathers is handicapped. The problem with marriage is that a lot of things come attached to that status. I.e. a married partner can decide about his/her partner in a hospital. That is an important aspect and IMHO gays and lesbians should have those rights. But with marriage come also (often? always?) the right to adopt children. Because 100 years ago nobody thought about married men. The laws are old and it would be an enormous amount of work to change the parts which make sense and to restrict the parts which are not good. As far as I know that is why civil partnerships exist.
  19. The media is part of the problem but certainly not the only problem. If people lose their jobs because woke people don't accept their opinion that is a real life problem.
  20. Obviously it would be best if you know some details like: Which motherboard? Onboard controller or additional controller, which? Operating system? File format? RAID? It seems a lot of information about the disks is shown in a partitioning program like partition magic. When you have the information how the disk are formatted and if they are healthy then you can continue from there. For older disks you can use adapters like this one: And if a disk is damaged with bad blocks and you still want to recover most of the data, then this is often possible by cloning the whole disk with a program like Norton Ghost. It can be set to ignore bad sectors. And then you can recover most of the data from the cloned disk.
  21. They are all up country. The answer is: 0 ????
  22. That is unfortunately not so much the case anymore. Many students feel the need to censor themselves and don't argue according to what they think. Because if they argue a standpoint which is not woke then the woke will cancel them. Talking about new ideas and having arguments is fine. Not being allowed to have other ideas is a real problem, especially in western universities.
  23. Personally I didn't bully anybody for centuries or millennia. We are all not responsible for the past before we were even born. And a lot has changed to the better over the last decades. I.e. when I was young calling someone gay was about the biggest insult possible. I used that word maybe when I was 10 years old without knowing what it meant. It was like calling someone an idiot or something like that. Later, maybe when I was 20, I knew the meaning and I continued using it at an insult. That's what everybody did. And then, maybe around the time when I moved to Thailand, I learned by experience that some people are different and that is no problem. Gays, lesbians, tomboys, ladyboys, they can all be reasonable people. I see some of them in daily life and there is no problem. So I stopped using that word as an insult. The big problem with being woke, or at least this aspect of woke, is that the woke don't allow any other opinions anymore. I.e. a couple of years ago we could openly discuss if same sex couple should be able to marry. Some people had this opinion, and other people had that opinion. And maybe we talked about why it would be good or bad. And then came the woke who insisted that obviously same sex couple must be allowed to marry, and they must be allowed to adopt children, and nobody is allowed to have any other opinion. That is the problem! I.e. I oppose that same sex couples should be allowed to have children because I think that is a big disadvantage for those children. In Thailand, and with my "old" friends, I am still allowed to say this. But with the woke? Traitor, Nazi, and and and. That is very sad.
  24. Another scary video
  25. I have little personal contact to the west - or anywhere else outside of Thailand. But I watch the news, look at videos, etc. I don't know how bad the situation is in everyday life in many different countries, I guess many people won't be affected at all. But laws change and attitudes of people in charge change, i.e. in many (all?) universities in North America. And people with "the wrong" opinions are cancelled, fired from their jobs, or oppressed. I saw this video today and it is sad to see what is happening. Just in case people want to comment on the title only and don't watch it: This is not about the existence of transgender people in general. If adults make an informed decision and want to change that is fine, no problem. The problem is much earlier and deeper. Watch!
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