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Everything posted by OneMoreFarang

  1. Sometimes I wish Darwin would take care of a couple of more idiots. There are just too many of them.
  2. I am sure he spend lots of money for a big party when he arrived. So basically he was responsible for spreading the virus so fast to so many people. And what do we learn from that? Darling, let's just have a quiet meal. No party, we don't want to spread Covid. ????
  3. Nice! And then there is this guy who uses the same technology. I can't say I am a fan of his "costumes" but he knows how to make music.
  4. On a desktop PC: Watch the video, click share below the video, copy the link, paste it here, click enter. Then, most of the time, you see the video.
  5. A couple of days ago I watched Beverly Hills Cop. Since then this song is playing constantly in my head. ????
  6. Who? There is just one Pheu Thai Party leader. He is a wanted criminal and he is scared to come back to Thailand. When will that party start to clean their own house? nuff said.
  7. I suggest you contact Banana IT. They will know. https://www.bnn.in.th/th/p/tablet-and-accessories/tablet/microsoft-surface-tablet
  8. It seems in other countries it is necessary to be an alpha male to be able to have fun with sexy girls. As many or us know that requirement does not exist in Thailand. So we all can relax and don't have to be alpha all the time.
  9. What happened to our last potty? Is anybody missing her?
  10. I just bought something for 20k from AliExpress which normally would be shipped by DHL. I contacted their sales and they will send it with "normal" registered mail. In my experience this makes it unlikely that I have to pay tax or duty. And then there are of course people who ask the seller to declare a lower price on the parcel. Obviously I would never do such things because someone told me that is illegal.
  11. Talk to your dentist! I am sure it depends on what has to be done and how much it depends on each other. I.e. I will get a transplant on one side and maybe another on the other side. They are totally independent from each other and don't have to be done together. You and your doctor should know best about your situation. And about Covid: I don't want to make things worse than they are. But I don't think anybody can predict anything. I.e. maybe in a month or two all is back to normal, and maybe for some time, and maybe even forever. But maybe some other nasty variant appears weeks or months from now and then? We can't predict what will happen and when it will happen.
  12. I am looking for 2.1 computer speakers in Thailand. They should be good enough to play games and play a little music. But I don't expect audiophile sound. I remember years ago lots of shops had lots of speakers and it was easy to get some. Yesterday I was in Fortune Town and they had few shops with speakers and only few, often very small, speakers. I want to buy something like the Logitech Z623 or Z625. They cost in the USA 114 to 140 USD. I only found the Z623 in Thailand at one shop (RS) for 9268 THB. That's a lot for a couple of small speakers. Any suggestions what to buy and where to buy it? I checked Lazada and Shopee. Lazada doesn't show these Logitech speakers at all. And Shopee shows some dubious offers from shops with no rating and two weeks delivery time.
  13. I am getting annoyed by Lenovo. I want to order a ThinkPad and on the website is written the delivery time is 4 weeks. To be sure I really get this thing within 4 weeks I chatted with them on their Lenovo sales page. It seems depending on the mood of the person I am chatting with it might be 4 weeks or maybe 6 to 8 weeks. It is very annoying. Does anybody of you have any experience with them and how to find out how long it will take for the delivery. Can they guarantee a delivery time if they want to? I am pretty sure if I oder something now then all the parts must exist already. So they should be able to see somewhere in their IT when model x with configuration y will arrive in Thailand. Or do I see that wrong? I don't write the model number here on purpose because this comment/question is about the principle of them promising "4 weeks". The model which I want is not available in any shop. Otherwise I would have bought it already.
  14. As far as I know it is illegal to import 3d-printers into Thailand without a special license. Does anybody here have detailed information about this? And maybe a link to the law? And what is the situation about 3d-printer parts? I.e. stepper motors can be used for many things, I guess they can be imported without a license. How about nozzles? filament? ... I know that lots of parts are available in Thailand. But I wonder what my options are if I want to import some parts. I guess there must be a clear regulation about what is legal and what is illegal. Or is it Thai style: It's up to the officer and his mood on that day?
  15. I am thinking about buying a "used" condominium in Bangkok. In the moment I want to get the facts right. I don't have any specific unit in mind. I know lots of real estate agents try to sell condominiums to get a commission. And I think that is fair when they do their job. How about this situation: There is one or several agents who try to sell a condominium. And maybe they advertise the unit on their websites. But what is the situation if I ignore the agent and I contact the owner directly? Is the owner still able to sell the unit without giving a commission to any agent? Or are there (in some cases) binding contracts with the agent that the owner (and buyer?) has to pay a commission to the agent even if they talk to each other directly without any agent ever being involved. The situation happens i.e. if I know a person in the building who knows the owner of the unit which I like to buy.
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