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Everything posted by OneMoreFarang

  1. Contact your bank! And just to be 100% sure: Don't install any (updated) bank application if you are not 100% sure they are actually from your bank. If some application claims to be from your bank that doesn't mean that is true. And if you enter your username and password bad things might happen.
  2. Some people say all (Thai) women are bad. Some people say all (Thai) women are good. What's the point of this nonsense? People are different. And mostly there are not even good and bad people. People are complex. They have often good sides and bad sides. What matters is that each of us finds one or more individuals who are somehow similar or complement each other. There is no such thing as all Isaan girls have all these things in common. Except one: They are all from Isaan.
  3. Just take your time and keep your old phone and check every single app which you want to use. With some apps all data is transferred automatically, with others you have to do it manually. And about your new phone: Think about what you really want. Do you want a phone with is an expensive camera? Maybe yes, but maybe no. And if no, why pay for something that you don't want/need? I bought recently a Xiaomi Poco. I wanted a fast "phone" with enough RAM and memory and a good battery life. Personally I don't care about the best camera. Even in "cheap" phones the cameras are pretty good.
  4. That sound like the idea for a great party. Everybody wears headphones - and probably everybody with his own music.
  5. Maybe you should have a look at the beginning of this thread. It's about sound isolation and it's about making sure not to annoy the neighbors. If you want to listen with your headphones, fine. I also enjoy music and movies together with my gf and I am pretty sure it wouldn't be much fun without speakers and with both of us putting earbuds in our ears. And I care about my neighbors, this is why I started this thread.
  6. No, it's not so simple. Listen to music with headphones and listen to it with speakers. There is a big difference. If you don't believe me, ask Paul:
  7. Thanks. And I am reading the recommended book already. Interesting! And I have a lot to learn. And then there is of course the money issue. I am willing to pay a couple of thousand USD to have a good sound system. But when 3 or 5,000 is not enough anymore then at some stage the question comes up: How important is that for me. Am I really willing to spend huge amounts of money on that? Especially with the subs. One good sub is already expensive. Two or more of them cost a lot of money and then I can't even crank them up in my apartment. I guess one should be enough for me.
  8. Talking about nurses it's time to get back to the topic. ????
  9. Yes, that happens often enough. I find it sometimes funny when girls return to the same place many years later. Sometimes just for a visit to show all the old girls what a beautiful life she has now. And sometimes back to work...
  10. Thanks. Probably I will buy it sometime soon and then I will look at the possibilities, especially in the dropped ceiling. I suspect there are lots of gaps. I saw in a couple of videos that one big issue are gaps where the sound can get through. Let's look how that looks like and let's look how easy it is to seal it all. I am sure that will keep me occupied for some time.
  11. A little update. Finally end of last year I ordered above speakers which were supposed to be in stock in Thailand. And now finally they arrived. Let's say it like this: I asked for Half decent 2.1 Computer Speakers and these are Half decent 2.1 Computer Speakers. Better than something simple but far away from what I would call decent speakers. The low frequencies are a lot better than with ordinary speakers and that makes them already sound better. They are also loud enough. I guess in the near future I will play around with an equalizer and let's look how that will work out.
  12. Some look ugly even with mask. I guess they will love Covid because they have a reason to cover their faces. ????
  13. Ok, you asked me personally so let me answer you. Obviously my answer is my personal opinion and I am not a representative of dirty old men. ???? I agree with you that some behavior is not suitable for everywhere. What you described sounded to me like a situation maybe in a beer bar in Pattaya. As far as I am concerned that is about the same thing as sitting somewhere inside a dark bar in other places. And then it's still up to those people involved. If both want to do what they do then let them do it. We don't have to watch what they are doing. Thailand is not a good place to visit for people who don't want to see what they will call immoral behavior. I don't have a stereotype image of women. I know a couple of successful women and sometimes I do business with them. Often I like to talk to them in the same way like I like to talk to intelligent educated men. And many of those women talk to me and hire me again. So I can't really be so bad. But at the same time I have no interest to meet those women outside of work and certainly I have no interest to go out with them. Because if I go out with a girl then I want to have fun and I don't want to talk about rocket science. I know some guys are turned on by smart women, I am not one of those guys. And about thinking: I am pretty sure I mentioned this story in this forum already: Once I had a gf who behaved erratically. I thought long and hard why she would behave in the way she did. Finally I asked her what the logic behind her behavior is. She looked at me with her beautiful eyes and asked me something like: "Why do you think there is any logic and why do you think I think about what I am doing?" That was an eye opener for me. Since then I don't expect logical behavior or thinking from people, and especially girls, anymore. It made my life a lot easier not to expect logic behavior or logic thinking. And about the safety net for women (I know you didn't accuse me): I think it is fair when men have to support their children. But IMHO support should be necessary support and not more than that. I met a couple of guys who were married and then divorced and they lost a lot and then they still had to pay huge amounts of ex-wife and child support. A lot more support then if the woman would have worked in a simple job. That is IMHO wrong. Support, yes. Financing a good life for the ex: No! And now let's concentrate on the beauty of the Thai girls!
  14. That is funny and you know why? That was a loooong time ago. I was maybe 35 at that time with normal weight. And let's not forget, I asked her sometime in the late evening if she wants to spend the night with me and we drove together to the hotel maybe 2am. So she had about 4 hours to change her mind. She didn't. As far as I am concerned it's entirely up to each individual girl what they want or don't want. If that beauty would have told me to leave her alone I would have done that. I am sure it would have been no problem for her to find another sponsor - maybe a 20 years old guy who could make her happy all night long.
  15. Thanks I understand what you are writing and yes, I guess it makes a difference what kind of noise, and not just how loud. I asked for numbers because that is relative easy to measure. I.e. I measure in my apartment in one room x dB and then I go to another room behind a closed door or maybe I measure outside my apartment door how much the sound level is reduced. And yes, the reduction will be different for different frequencies. After reading lots of comments here I guess my solution will be to install some basic not too expensive sound isolation and probably some kind of sound isolated apartment door. And then let's look and see. Probably I will play my music or soundtrack mostly with a volume which is no problem at all. And just in case I want to play it louder then I can do that i.e. one afternoon and then I ask the neighbors if they heard anything annoying. As long as the neighbors know that it is not my intention to annoy them and that I am happy if they tell me it's too loud then I guess that is good enough.
  16. Imagine our white knight going over to the old guy and the young girl and telling him he should take his hands off her. And then the girl probably reacts like: No, let him do that. It makes him happy and I make a lot of money.
  17. In principle I agree. But then it seems there are lots of people who like to be influenced by others. I just checked, she has 189,000 subscribers on YouTube. Amazing!
  18. What gives you the impression there are any thoughts? After all, its a female and in Thailand.
  19. She is dusky in real life. And she knows it and she knows that many guys like that look.
  20. Do you realize that he is a dirty old man in your mind? Who gave you the idea that he or many other old men think they are a gift to women? Likely they don't care what women think about them. And why should they care? Probably the guy was happy. And probably the girl was happy to make money or drink lots of alcohol or whatever she did. Remember, almost all the girls in Thailand do these jobs because they want to do them. Nobody forced them to do what they do. Many of the girls could spend time with handsome young guys. But the girls prefer to spend their time with not so handsome old guys who like to spend money on the girls. So it seems in the situation you describe the old guy and the young girl were perfectly ok with what they were doing. Only you with your restricted conservative mind didn't like what he saw. Now is that a problem from those two or your problem?
  21. Let's be realistic, who wants a boring job doing almost nothing and getting paid very little? And best case after doing that for a couple of years then they might become supervisor with a little more pay and a nicer uniform. Obviously it would be nice to have trained and honest people who take care of security. But who is going to pay them a decent salary? In my building there are a couple of security ladies. They definitely improve the situation for everybody involved.
  22. Stress? Maybe she should try to relax and don't stress herself with trying to influence others. You know, just relaxing at the pool without making 1000 pictures and all that. But then, probably she doesn't know how to relax. She is one of those VIP I am somebody. Yeah, sure.
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