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Everything posted by OneMoreFarang

  1. Are all of them looking like that over there? Or only very few?
  2. That "problem" happens much earlier. When I arrived in Thailand I was in my 30th and I had a gf in her late teens. No tattoos, no silicone, just a pretty young girl. And lots of people were looking when we walked along the street. It didn't take long before I ignored all those people. And sometimes I gave them what they wanted. When I walked past them with my gf and they were staring at us I waited a few seconds after they passed us and when I was sure they were looking at us from behind then I gave my pretty young gf a pat on her beautiful mini skirt covered backside. It must have been the horror for all those good people. 555 That was a long time ago and since then I couldn't care less about whatever some people think.
  3. I think the beaches look a lot better without too many tourist. ????
  4. Let's start with the fact that I am not yet 60, so I guess in the moment you let me get away with desiring girls who are 20. I think a lot in this world happens because of conditioning. Many people do what they do because that is the way to do things. Old man with young girl: Oh no! Really? Why? I know in some countries, probably many countries, old guy and young girl relations don't happen very often. But it seems when the guy is rich and famous, and maybe a rock star, then he might get away with this. Luckily in Thailand the situation is different. Here are a lot more not so young guys with young girls. And lots of people accept this. Sometimes I try to understand but in general I don't know what's going on in the head of young (let's say 20 to make sure there is no misunderstanding) girls. First of all they don't all think the same. If i.e. 90% of those girls don't like old guys that doesn't mean 10% like some old guys. And there are many young girls. So if i.e. 1 out of 100 thinks she wants to spend time with me then that is fine with me. Apart from hourly sessions in the nightlife I never paid for a girl - at least not directly. But often it's not so easy to judge how much money is involved. In general it probably does not hurt if a guy has a nice apartment, maybe a nice car, when he visits fancy restaurants, etc. Now is a young girl together with such a guy because of his money? Or does she do it because she is comfortable with an experienced sophisticated successful guy? I don't try to guess which one it is and I am pretty sure often the girls don't really know. So maybe we can agree that I won't ask your daughter for a date. But if her friend likes to see me then that should be up to that girl. And it's up to her if she likes my look or my bike or my favorite coffee shop or whatever.
  5. If it would be that easy to just close a venue and save a lot of money and then just open it again then I am sure that would happen. But in reality people have to be paid, if people are fired then they have to get extra payments, etc. And when everybody is gone what happens if i.e. they want to open again in 6 or 12 months? Hire new people, train them, etc.. That takes time. And when many other venues open at about the same time then there will be a lot of competition to get the good people. Sometimes it is better to not close the business and lose money but be able to start again when the time is right.
  6. It would be interesting to know where that law comes from. I understand that there should be consequences if someone writes bad about a venue when actually it is good. But if the venue is bad quality and someone writes about that bad quality why should there be a law against that. And yes, I am aware that we are in Thailand and there does not have to be any logic involved.
  7. Important is that she goes to the airport on a few hours before her flight. Then there is enough time that she pays and then she leaves. I know about a guy who had a long overstay and he thought he should go to immigration a couple of days before his flight. He took his ticket with him. And immigration put him in a cell and escorted him to the airport a couple of days later...
  8. Certainly I would understand your reaction. And I also don't ask my work collogues or clients if they want to introduce me to their daughters. But if I go out and see a 20 year old cute girl and a 35 year old woman and maybe even older women then I would definitely try to talk with that 20 year old girl and not with those old women. And the funny thing is that in Thailand that might work.
  9. Gf since many years. I don't see any advantage of (ever) marrying. And she accepts that - not that it would make much sense to complain. And just in case if I ever change gf A to gf B: I love cute girls. I would be surprised if I even look for one who is taller than 160cm.
  10. In the moment we rent an apartment and the kitchen work surface is 90cm. I plan to buy an apartment and renovate it from scratch, including kitchen. And because I am a nice guy I asked my gf about what she wants in the new apartment. And she told me she likes a lower work surface in the kitchen. If she would work alone in the kitchen then there would be no discussion. But maybe 20% of the time I also do some cooking. So now the question is if we find a compromise which is acceptable for both of us or maybe one side one height and the other side another height. It seems putting a pot on the 90cm high stove is not the issue. But i.e. cutting vegetable on that high is uncomfortable for her.
  11. I guess over a certain age you can call me an old man. But dirty old man? Why? Let's say a 25 year young guy desires a 20 year old girl. I guess that makes him a healthy young man. If he does the same with 30 or 40 is he less healthy? And with 60 or 70 he can be called old, but why dirty? It's men's nature to desire healthy young girls (who are able to have children and take care of them). I.e. good skin and good hair is a sign of health, that's where that desire comes from. And that desire does not change with age. Obviously old women don't like the idea that men of every age prefer pretty young girls. And some guys listened to those old women for too long and repeat what those women told them. Be a man and follow your desire and don't care if those old women like it or not!
  12. I am not sure if you are joking or not. Recently I bought a new office desk and a chair which can be adjusted in many ways. I made sure the desk has the optimal height for me and I set all those settings on the chair the way they are supposed to be optimal for me. At the beginning I was not really sure if those settings are really the best for me and I experienced a little. Buy now my chair is set nearly according to recommendation but a little different - just like I like it. The problem with the kitchen is that with 99% of the kitchens the height is fixed once it's installed. It is very difficult to decide later to change the height. That's why I thought/think it's good to ask here about peoples' experience. Because on a European or American website I won't find information about the optimal height for a 150cm person.
  13. With all the speculation here how she made all that money I think this is a perfect job for a girl. If her parents ask how she makes money she tells them: I serve beer and get tips. And that will be the truth. Maybe the whole truth, maybe not. At least the parents will have this great feeling that they have such a good daughter who would never ever work in a bar. ????
  14. I think it is interesting that she shows all those bundles of money and she writes she use the money she made while she studies. When did you take these pictures? Once a month, and then she spend that money? Or did she make double the amount and the pictures are only from the leftover after doing that job and living from the money for years?
  15. There is more than one "you" like I described above. And my question is/was about other peoples' experience. And I think experience like that only comes after using a kitchen with a certain height for some time. I.e. if a user writes: "we have xx cm and after a while my small gf and I got used to it" that is interesting information. Or maybe: we need different heights. She is not comfortable with a high surface and I am not comfortable with a low surface. Experience, that is what I ask about. Thanks.
  16. The kitchen working triangle is a well known concept. It seems in general almost all the details of kitchens are researched. This is one example: https://www.ikea.com/us/en/files/pdf/23/2c/232cec10/your_new_ikea_kitchen_bg_aug-2019-n.pdf This drawing is from above:
  17. That sounds strange. I prefer my personal VS show any time of the day or night.
  18. Do you want to switch off the lights all the time? I prefer young and sexy. Just looking at her is a pleasure. And I am happy to train her. What's the point of an experienced old woman? She is still an old woman!
  19. No, I certainly don't know everything. But I talk and listen to my doctor and one of the symptoms he regularly askes about are "needles and pins". I find it often confusing when members in this forum ask other members about symptoms. Just ask a doctor, they normally know what they are talking about because they studied these things for years...
  20. It seems there is a new (?) standard called ADA Toilet, or maybe different names in different countries.
  21. If you have diabetes then you should know that this is a typical symptom.
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