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Everything posted by OneMoreFarang

  1. I am getting annoyed by Lenovo. I want to order a ThinkPad and on the website is written the delivery time is 4 weeks. To be sure I really get this thing within 4 weeks I chatted with them on their Lenovo sales page. It seems depending on the mood of the person I am chatting with it might be 4 weeks or maybe 6 to 8 weeks. It is very annoying. Does anybody of you have any experience with them and how to find out how long it will take for the delivery. Can they guarantee a delivery time if they want to? I am pretty sure if I oder something now then all the parts must exist already. So they should be able to see somewhere in their IT when model x with configuration y will arrive in Thailand. Or do I see that wrong? I don't write the model number here on purpose because this comment/question is about the principle of them promising "4 weeks". The model which I want is not available in any shop. Otherwise I would have bought it already.
  2. As far as I know it is illegal to import 3d-printers into Thailand without a special license. Does anybody here have detailed information about this? And maybe a link to the law? And what is the situation about 3d-printer parts? I.e. stepper motors can be used for many things, I guess they can be imported without a license. How about nozzles? filament? ... I know that lots of parts are available in Thailand. But I wonder what my options are if I want to import some parts. I guess there must be a clear regulation about what is legal and what is illegal. Or is it Thai style: It's up to the officer and his mood on that day?
  3. I am thinking about buying a "used" condominium in Bangkok. In the moment I want to get the facts right. I don't have any specific unit in mind. I know lots of real estate agents try to sell condominiums to get a commission. And I think that is fair when they do their job. How about this situation: There is one or several agents who try to sell a condominium. And maybe they advertise the unit on their websites. But what is the situation if I ignore the agent and I contact the owner directly? Is the owner still able to sell the unit without giving a commission to any agent? Or are there (in some cases) binding contracts with the agent that the owner (and buyer?) has to pay a commission to the agent even if they talk to each other directly without any agent ever being involved. The situation happens i.e. if I know a person in the building who knows the owner of the unit which I like to buy.
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