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Everything posted by OneMoreFarang

  1. Do they ask and say please? Or do they demand it?
  2. And did they want to leave the common market and the custom union? Did they even know what that is and did they have an idea of the consequences? Exactly which part/institution/laws from the EU did they want to leave? Or Boris style: They wanted to keep all the good things but they didn't understand that it's a package. You can't just pick the cherries.
  3. I am not from the UK but as far as I know Brexit was never an important issue for most people in the country until maybe 2015. It only became an issue because Cameron wanted to keep a couple of people in his party happy and he gambled and lost. And then the lies came out and too few people bothered to look at details. Like: we think our life could be better. There is a politician who wants to change something and he promises us life will get better. Any details? No. Any realistic ideas? No. Let's vote for that, somehow it will get better. Yeah, or maybe not.
  4. Boris behavior should not be a surprise for anybody. He always behaved like that. He was fired several times for lying. He was an incompetent politician before he was elected to be PM. Why do people vote for a liar like him? Why do people vote for a party with those incompetent people and that PM? Part of it is obviously the crazy UK press. But anybody with a brain does not listen to that crazy press. In a country with informed and educated people Boris wouldn't have a chance to get any important job.
  5. One look is certainly enough.
  6. I wonder why this is still in the news. Everybody outside of America knows that Americans are crazy. They could have changed their gun laws hundreds of times. And they had enough shocking mass killings as reminders that they should do something. But they don't. And inside America it seems most politicians are scared to implement harsh gun laws. Because if they would do that then lots of nutters wouldn't vote for them anymore. Summary: There will be many more of these killings and basically nothing will change. That is America - a country with too many crazy people.
  7. At least in Bangkok the BiB charges a lot to let those legal "restaurants" have girls dancing on stage. Without those donations the gogo bars would still be "restaurants".
  8. I think in reality no hot girl will stay beautiful for very long. I think best case we can say: she looks good for her age. At least IMHO. With our gf/wife I think we don't really see how she currently looks. My gf was super hot when I met her and got together with her many years ago. She has now a lot of kg more. But her face is still very similar to how I met her. I can look at old pictures and I see in front of me still the same eyes and the same smile. And then I think what happens, after years of being together, is that we see a mixture of reality and of what we remember. And if there is enough good to remember then we see her positive and are happy with her. Looks is not so important anymore in a long time relationship.
  9. MedPark Hospital is a short distance from there with a taxi or MRTA They have professional drive through tests and you get the result within 24h (my information is about 1/2 year old) https://www.google.com/maps/place/MedPark+Hospital/@13.7364442,100.5616142,14.27z/data=!4m5!3m4!1s0x30e29f12aaa363f1:0xcefcbb1eecaef925!8m2!3d13.7217821!4d100.5562616
  10. And do you expect to get an answer to that here? 555
  11. Nobody ever complained about my 150B Sukhumvit T-Shirts. Just don't buy that expensive useless designer stuff.
  12. Who cares what it is? Eat what you like to eat and what tastes best. We are all going to die, it's just a question of when. Do you really want to use "Fat Spread" to live a week longer?
  13. If they build something like that in Bangkok that would make sense. But who needs artificial waves and an artificial beach in Phuket? What next? Artificial sun?
  14. I knew an old (and well educated and rich) guy who visited a street with bars in Bangkok until he dropped. He was there mostly in the afternoon for a couple of hours checking out the newest girls. At the end his heath was so bad that he needed oxygen. He continued to visit the bars and one of his girls of the day was carrying the oxygen beside him. I think that is the perfect way to go. For many old guys there are at least these two options: a) Lots of greedy family members who pretend they love you and tell you they hope you live forever but basically they want that you drop ASAP so that they get their hands on your money. b) The best girls money can buy to make you happy until the end. It's your choice. I know which one I prefer.
  15. 555 Please provide a link to the manual about the proper use of fb. And what happens to anybody who decides not to use it properly?
  16. Facebook is great. Get the fb name of one girl in a bar and look at all her friends - the other girls in that and other bars. This gives a wonderful overview about the girls and their boyfriends, children, and and and. Most of the time what they publish has little resemblance with what they tell us if we ask them... Personally I would never publish anything on fb. Why should I? Does really everybody I know need to know what I had for breakfast or lunch today? And do I want to show my colleagues where and how I party? No!
  17. In other news: After Patong entertainment businesses are legally open, the police will earn at last 100k less per night.
  18. Most women all over the world want to marry guys who are richer than they are. That is a fact. Some of those women are poor and they really need someone with income to be able to live even a modest life. Other women have a good job and make money but they still want a guy who earns more than then do. Men want pretty young girls. That is nature, because those young healthy girls are the best for spreading the genes. And some men pretend that they prefer their own old wives - at least when those wives are listening. So women have this desire and men have this desire. Sometimes it's money for a young body. And sometimes it's the promise to take care of her for a long time. And often it is called love. That's life. And then there are the rest of the people who are not so young and pretty and not so rich and somehow they find each other. But the principle is the same. Get the best what you can get - anywhere in the world. Now what is the problem with this? Obviously those old and/or ugly women back home complain that men don't want them. That's really sad for those women.
  19. I live in lower Sukhumvit permanently since >25 years. How about you?
  20. Interesting. A thread with the title "Avoid trap of losing money to women" and then posters who find reasons why they want to give money to some ladies.
  21. Mama = Mother is the important part of that word. In other words: A women who worked for many years as a bargirl and when she was too old to go with customers she trained the new girls. I am sure she is happy she found a place to sleep for free.
  22. You must have an interesting definition of "dead". And are we maybe a little racist calling an area "Arab Klong"? I prefer little Arab, with some good restaurants. And about the "upper class": What do you expect in a area with high price land and buildings? Places for cheap Charlies? "O Nut onwards better:)" Great, you found a place for yourself.
  23. What's next? A turbo charger? It's a Honda Click!

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