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Everything posted by OneMoreFarang

  1. I guess with LGBT+/- whatever there must be lots of different crossings. Imagine is a white heterosexual male wants to cross the street and there is only a rainbow crossing. That is obviously problematic and must be adressed. ????
  2. No! There is nobody who gets it 100%. Obviously the USA is meddling around everywhere. And obviously they do what is in "their" interest and they don't really care too much about other people. But their interest is not well defined. Some action will be in the interest of the military industrial complex, some is from the left side of politics, some from the right, some from NGOs, and a lot from here and there and everywhere. Is all this coordinated with each other? No. Does the left hand always know what the right hand is doing? No. Does anybody, even someone very well informed, understand it all. No. Impossible.
  3. Most AC remote controls send a one way signal. It is send from the remote to the AC. Maybe it arrives and maybe it arrives correctly. Just the fact that X is shown on your remote doesn't mean your AC is doing X.
  4. What else? Does anybody really need another reason to stop smoking? Is cancer and the possibility to get sick and die early not enough? But then, personally I really don't care if anybody wants to smoke. As long as they don't do it in an office or my home or i.e. public transport let them smoke. Many people started smoking when they were young and it was cool. Maybe some of them could stop smoking if they really wanted. But then I could also stop looking at pretty girls if I wanted to. But I don't want that. And some people just want to continue with their habits. Let them! Looking at above argument is someone who smokes 4 packs a day a bigger enemy to our planet or someone who regularly takes planes to go on holiday? Or maybe someone who heats his house? Or someone who likes his AC cold? We all could do more for our environment and maybe we do already a lot more than others. But IMHO nobody should force us all to do only good things all the time. Let's enjoy life from time to time, even it is is not 100% healthy or environmentally positive.
  5. My father, who smoked a cigar maybe once a month, did me the favor to offer it to me to try. I tried, I definitely didn't like it, and I never did it again. Thanks for that.
  6. With all the rules and what should and shouldn't work I also would not be surprised if things are handled differently from land office to land office and maybe even depending on the officer behind the desk. I wouldn't bet that if something works in office A it will also work in office B.
  7. a) Maybe you are just a faceless farang to her. You know, they look all the same like for us some Thais look all the same. b) Don't expect too much thinking from a homeless person. If her brain would work well then probably she would do something different. c) It was explained to me by Thais that the Thai "thinking" works similar to this: The poor people and beggars give us the opportunity to do something good. We give them money and because we give them money we feel good because we did something good. So basically beggars do us a favor for giving us the opportunity to feel good. I don't know how true this is but it sounds reasonable (for Thai thinking) to me.
  8. So what should the BiB live from? Their salaries? 555
  9. Probably someone received a lot of money to paint that thing. And someone else received a big commission. And maybe because it is useless sometime soon someone will receive a lot of money to remove it. And obviously there will be another commission. TiT, all works fine the way it is designed to work.
  10. What would be the point of that? Many Thais don't have a driving license. And if the police stops people without a license then they pay maybe 100B. And no follow up to show a valid license or something like that. Thailand has lots of laws. Thailand does not have a working law enforcement. That is the main problem.
  11. That's what I thought a long time ago. You are almost certainly wrong. You, like most of us, will know people who take drugs. But you/we don't know that they take drugs.
  12. I guess not. But I know there are enough females who take drugs and party all night and prostitute themselves all night and then they return home sometime in the morning. And then in the afternoon when they wake up and while they are still sober they prepare to do the same again in the following night. I know there is a bad circle with drugs and needing money and prostitution and more drugs and all that. But I also know that people who want to get out can get out. But they must want to get out. And if they continue what they are doing then, at least IMHO, they shouldn't blame anybody else for their own bad choices.
  13. I think many of the the higher ranks abuse many of the lower ranks independent of their gender. I saw female Thai bosses treating all their employees like s$$#t - not just the females. Maybe rich Thais just knows that they are better than all the others. So obviously they can treat all those lowlifes like dirt.
  14. You are brave to put this up here for discussion. I also saw many people in this country treating their own pets badly. <deleted>ty food, not even spending a few hundred baht on a visit to the vet, and when an animal dies i.e. after a year then just get a new one. Sad. In that way I can understand that you don't want that your dog suffers like that. You obviously don't want to kill your dog, you want that you or someone else who is responsible cares for him. So if you think you might have to go away on short notice then better start to search now for a reliable person who could and would take care of your dog the way you want it. There are good people out there. Find them!
  15. I agree that it happens on all levels. But if a Thai movie start gets big money for having sex with someone is that abuse? Sure not. Lots of girls in the nightlife industry make more money in one week than their sisters in a month. Now do the nightlife girls stop working after the first week in the month because they made already enough money? Or do they do more of the same so that they can buy the newest phones, etc.? Obviously there are some girls who are poor and have few other choices. But there are certainly many many who do what they do because they want to make a lot of money. Personally I think that is perfectly ok when it is their choice. And then they should not pretend they are forced to f@$@ for an iphone.
  16. Maybe ask a lady boy to give it to you. When you scream then you understand what it is.
  17. Yes, it's bad and it shouldn't happen. But when I read sentences like above I wonder: Where the girls locked into rooms? Could they go out? And if they were not locked up could they have walked away and never come back? When one time something bad happens then the girls are victims. But if they returned again and again to make money then they are prostitutes. Obviously the pimp and the customers who want underage girls are also to blame, but the girls are not innocent if they return again and again for more abuse and more money. Probably the girls saw their older sisters and friends do the same and they though: I can also do that. And because it is so normal in this country we can't really blame the girls for not thinking twice about what they are doing. Everybody does it...
  18. Probably you won't see many of the people who live quietly at home. I think for many of us we don't behave the same all the time. I.e. when I am thinkin while working then I like it quiet When I do some easy work then a little background music is fine And when I am in a gogo bar then hopefully they have a great and loud sound system. It depends.
  19. Actually no. I looked at several websites from shops and Hafele was one of the brands where I recognized the name. Then I spoke with two Thai people who are professionally involved in renovations. And they told me they have very good experience with Hafele products and service. They also told me that i.e. they don't recommend Bosch. Not that Bosch is a bad brand. But it seems the service and availability of spare parts in Thailand is not as good as it should be. Obviously it is not a good idea to follow just the advice of two people. This is why I ask here...
  20. I will do exactly that in the next days. Because soon they will have a big clearance sale. Then I know already what I want to buy (hopefully at least). https://www.hafelethailand.com/
  21. I love it when I get friendly advice from competent well informed professionals...
  22. Thanks, I will look at stuff and handle it before I buy it. But obviously it is also a good idea to listen to the experience of others.
  23. Probably you won't use these powerful tools for DIY. But the fact that they exist, and that professionals use them, should give you a good idea how good and powerful those tools are now.
  24. Many people realize that on the streets of Thailand it's about size and power. Pedestrians, bicycles, motorcycles, small cars, big cars, trucks, big truck, etc. If you see any of those vehicles which is bigger than you then better assume they think they have the right to do whatever they want. It's not fair and not democratic and all that. But it's a good survival rule.
  25. So maybe they don't know when they arrive in Thailand. But how long do they need just looking at the traffic to understand it is a huge risk to be in the middle of that with a bicycle? And if they still think they try how long on a bicycle on a main road is necessary to get that "I don't want o risk my life in the middle of this" feeling?

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