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Everything posted by OneMoreFarang

  1. Tells us one of the crypto fan boys... Gold and Bitcoin are about as different as it gets. The big problem with crypto is that is will crash if they don't find many new buyers. And some people, not only in this forum, try desperately to convince people to put their money into crypto - someone has to put money into it or the old investors will never get their money back.
  2. Yesterday I saw an interview with a guy who recently watched the movie Idiocracy (from 2006). He said it was one of the funniest movies he ever watched. I never heard of that movie before but I thought: Let's try. So I downloaded it and watched it. Wow, great movie! And I am happy I missed it 16 years ago. I am sure watching it now is so much better and inspiring. Have a look and enjoy! Are there any movies which you didn't know existed and then you saw them years later and you really enjoyed them? Tell us about them!
  3. I am pretty sure the short answer is that financially it does not make any sense at all. What is your reason to consider this? Do you love that bike so much that you always want to keep it and maybe remember your good times with it? Or do you think selling it here and buying a new one over there would cost more?
  4. I don't know about Thailand, but from watching many YouTube videos about woodworking it seems that there are different grades of lumber and basically all of them are never 100% according to "specifications". When you buy 2x4 most likely you won't get 2x4 and the same with all other sizes. It seems all this is supposed to be raw material which has to be worked on before it can be used with precision. Please correct me if I am wrong - that's what I learned.
  5. Would that be bad news? For me it seems a little regulation of that sector wouldn't hurt.
  6. I ride motorcycle and experience grab riders all the time. For whatever reason they seem to be the worst of the crowd. If they are somehow reduced then that is only good news.
  7. I know they have a lot of things to sell at that market ... ????
  8. Do you remember that cute girl from Good Morning Vietnam. She is Thai. Nuff said
  9. Somehow I would be surprised if insurances pay for this - but maybe I am wrong.
  10. Where does all that pollution come from? We have to hire some experts to find out...
  11. This and many similar articles are about Indian tourists. That brings up the questions: Do Indian tourists read or watch news? And do they use their brain to act according to those news?
  12. What's the point of your post? In case you don't realized it, this forum is full of people who live here including many who live here forever. Do you want to warn "us locals"? Do you want that we remember what we did wrong when we arrived a long time ago? You talk to the wrong people.
  13. That is from somewhere in Thailand. Unfortunately I don't have the address. Please let me know when you find it. ????
  14. Better let a professional check your business model. Don't ask me why I write this, a long time ago I was proud owner of two ponds and a fish farm...
  15. I have a motorcycle. I am sure there will be somewhere food in Thailand.
  16. Why would anybody listen to someone who calls himself such a stupid name? It must be really hard for the fugitive to accept that he is someone from the past. It's time to retire and grow roses in the desert.
  17. I am not so sure if we can rely on that test for our chance of survival in Thailand.
  18. Funny enough, I just made the test before I read your comment. I am right handed but for whatever reason my unconsciousness made me stay on my left foot. After I read your comment I also tried the other foot and same result: I will live longer than 7 years more.
  19. I wonder if he will think for a minute: what did I do wrong?
  20. How long did it take them to realize this bad situation? Two guys? Three? Maybe five? And then, why didn't they stop? Did they think if they only stay long enough that somehow all will be wonderful? This is not supposed to be a justification of what some guys do. But isn't it obvious that they only get away with that behavior because so many girls let it happen?
  21. There is one little detail which you don't mention: What's the alternative? For many girls the alternative is to get f@$#54 by their Thai bf who is possibly drunk and just comes from another girl. If the girls have the alternative of a drunk Thai guy who wants money or drunk farangs who pay money then the decision is not so difficult. And yes, I know there are also nice Thai guys who take care of their girls - at least in theory they should exist.
  22. What is better value elsewhere? Looking at sexy girls dancing? Personally I think gogo bars are the best place to see what you get. How do they move? Are they interested to make customers happy or do they look more in the mirror and at their phone? And how is their mood today and now?
  23. Thanks for the expert information. We all would have difficulties to survive without such knowledgeable people like you. You should consider a YouTube channel to spread your wisdom.
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